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USGS Topographic Maps – Dutchess to Livingston Counties

Counties: Albany to Delaware / Dutchess to Livingston / Madison to Otsego / Putnam to Suffolk / Sullivan to Yates

Browse Topographic Maps: Full State / Historical USGS Topographic Maps

Dutchess County

PDF (50-60 MB Download) Historical USGS Topo Maps State Lands (Links to DEC Website) Towns (Percent of Town’s Area)
Current Amenia GeoPDF Map
1958 Map No. 136605, 1958 Map No. 136606, 1958 Map No. 136607, 1958 Map No. 136608, 1958 Map No. 137065 Wassaic Multiple Use Area, Wassaic Creek Fishing Access Amenia (91%), Dover (2%), Stanford (3%), Washington (18%)
Current Ancram GeoPDF Map
1948 Map No. 136625, 1948 Map No. 710141, 1960 Map No. 136626, 1960 Map No. 136627, 1960 Map No. 137076, 1960 Map No. 710139 Roeliff Jansenkill Multiple Use Area, New Forge State Forest, Doodletown Wildlife Management Area Ancram (16%), Gallatin (80%), Milan (3%), Pine Plains (3%), Taghkanic (36%)
Current Clermont GeoPDF Map
1963 Map No. 137177, 1963 Map No. 137654, 1963 Map No. 137655, 1963 Map No. 137656 NA Clermont (63%), Gallatin (19%), Germantown (21%), Livingston (31%), Milan (21%), Red Hook (30%), Taghkanic (2%)
Current Copake GeoPDF Map
1953 Map No. 137709, 1953 Map No. 137710, 1953 Map No. 137711, 1953 Map No. 137712 Doodletown Wildlife Management Area Ancram (71%), Copake (46%), North East (14%), Taghkanic (3%)
Current Dover Plains GeoPDF Map
1944 Map No. 137886, 1958 Map No. 137890, 1958 Map No. 137891, 1958 Map No. 137892, 1958 Map No. 137893, 1998 Map No. 137336 Swamp River Fishing Access, Swamp River Waterway Access, West Mountain State Forest Amenia (0%), Dover (85%), Washington (1%)
Current Hopewell Junction GeoPDF Map
1957 Map No. 129768, 1957 Map No. 129769, 1957 Map No. 129770, 1981 Map No. 129767 NA Beekman (1%), East Fishkill (74%), Fishkill (14%), Kent (2%), Wappinger (27%)
Current Hyde Park GeoPDF Map
1963 Map No. 130048, 1963 Map No. 130049, 1980 Map No. 130050, 1980 Map No. 130051 Black Creek Waterway Access, Chodikee Lake Wetlands, Crum Elbow Creek Waterway Access, Black Creek State Forest, Crum Elbow Creek Fishing Access Clinton (2%), Esopus (44%), Hyde Park (79%), Lloyd (14%), Rhinebeck (0%)
Current Kingston East GeoPDF Map
1963 Map No. 130035, 1963 Map No. 130036, 1963 Map No. 130037, 1963 Map No. 137296, 1963 Map No. 137298 NA Clinton (0%), Esopus (16%), Hyde Park (1%), Kingston city (52%), Red Hook (15%), Rhinebeck (71%), Ulster (35%)
Current Millbrook GeoPDF Map
1947 Map No. 130580, 1960 Map No. 130583, 1960 Map No. 130584, 1960 Map No. 137450, 1960 Map No. 137451 Wappinger Creek Fishing Access Pleasant Valley (0%), Stanford (28%), Washington (70%)
Current Millerton GeoPDF Map
1955 Map No. 130590, 1955 Map No. 130591, 1955 Map No. 137452, 1955 Map No. 137453 NA Amenia (9%), Ancram (12%), North East (86%), Pine Plains (31%), Stanford (3%)
Current Pawling GeoPDF Map
1945 Map No. 135979, 1958 Map No. 135980, 1958 Map No. 135981, 1958 Map No. 135982, 1958 Map No. 136773, 1998 Map No. 136774 West Mountain State Forest, Great Swamp WMA, Cranberry Mountain WMA Dover (7%), Patterson (26%), Pawling (70%)
Current Pine Plains GeoPDF Map
1948 Map No. 129004, 1960 Map No. 129005, 1960 Map No. 129006, 1960 Map No. 136805, 1960 Map No. 136806 Shekomeko Creek Parking Fishing Access, Lafayetteville Multiple Use Area, Stissing Mountain Multiple Use Area Ancram (1%), Gallatin (1%), Milan (20%), North East (0%), Pine Plains (66%), Stanford (54%)
Current Pleasant Valley GeoPDF Map
1957 Map No. 129049, 1957 Map No. 129050, 1957 Map No. 129051 Taconic Hereford Multiple Use Area Beekman (2%), East Fishkill (1%), Hyde Park (3%), LaGrange (94%), Pleasant Valley (26%), Poughkeepsie (13%), Wappinger (11%)
Current Poughkeepsie GeoPDF Map
1957 Map No. 129158, 1957 Map No. 129159, 1957 Map No. 136830, 1995 Map No. 136831 NA Hyde Park (8%), LaGrange (0%), Lloyd (43%), Marlborough (39%), Poughkeepsie city (100%), Poughkeepsie (70%), Wappinger (2%)
Current Poughquag GeoPDF Map
1948 Map No. 129160, 1948 Map No. 129161, 1960 Map No. 129162, 1960 Map No. 129163, 1960 Map No. 129164, 1960 Map No. 136833 White Pond Multiple Use Area, Depot Hill Multiple Use Area, West Mountain State Forest, Big Buck Mountain Multiple Use Area, Sylvan Lake Waterway Access Beekman (72%), Dover (0%), East Fishkill (24%), Kent (10%), Patterson (5%), Pawling (30%)
Current Rock City GeoPDF Map
1963 Map No. 136098, 1963 Map No. 136099, 1963 Map No. 136866 NA Clinton (35%), Hyde Park (0%), Milan (55%), Red Hook (15%), Rhinebeck (29%), Stanford (8%)
Current Salt Point GeoPDF Map
1963 Map No. 129336, 1963 Map No. 129337, 1963 Map No. 136881 Taconic Hereford Multiple Use Area Clinton (63%), Hyde Park (10%), Pleasant Valley (73%), Stanford (4%), Washington (2%)
Current Saugerties GeoPDF Map
1963 Map No. 129404, 1963 Map No. 136889, 1963 Map No. 136890, 1963 Map No. 136891, 1963 Map No. 136892, 1997 Map No. 136893 Turkey Point State Forest, Tivoli Bays WMA Clermont (33%), Germantown (15%), Red Hook (39%), Saugerties (41%), Ulster (12%)
Current Verbank GeoPDF Map
1946 Map No. 139478, 1960 Map No. 136984, 1960 Map No. 139482, 1960 Map No. 139483 West Mountain State Forest, Taconic Hereford Multiple Use Area Beekman (25%), Dover (5%), LaGrange (6%), Pleasant Valley (1%), Union Vale (100%), Washington (9%)
Current Wappingers Falls GeoPDF Map
1956 Map No. 140039, 1956 Map No. 140040, 1956 Map No. 140041 Stonykill Environmental Education Center, Baxtertown Woods WMA Beacon city (64%), Fishkill (56%), Marlborough (24%), Newburgh city (3%), Newburgh (12%), Poughkeepsie (17%), Wappinger (60%)
Current West Point GeoPDF Map
1941 Map No. 140199, 1947 Map No. 140198, 1957 Map No. 137014, 1957 Map No. 140200, 1957 Map No. 140201, 1957 Map No. 140202 NA Beacon city (36%), Cornwall (8%), Fishkill (29%), Highlands (21%), New Windsor (0%), Newburgh city (4%), Philipstown (63%), Putnam Valley (7%)

Erie County

PDF (50-60 MB Download) Historical USGS Topo Maps State Lands (Links to DEC Website) Towns (Percent of Town’s Area)
Current Akron GeoPDF Map
1949 Map No. 136539, 1951 Map No. 136540, 1951 Map No. 710097 Onondaga Escarpment Unique Area, John White WMA, Tonawanda WMA Alabama (46%), Newstead (17%), Pembroke (24%), Royalton (6%), Tonawanda Reservation (100%), Tonawanda Reservation (100%), Tonawanda Reservation (100%)
Current Angola GeoPDF Map
1960 Map No. 136649, 1960 Map No. 136650 NA Evans (39%)
Current Arcade GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 136682, 1966 Map No. 136683 NA Arcade (57%), Freedom (12%), Holland (7%), Java (12%), Sardinia (19%), Yorkshire (14%)
Current Ashford Hollow GeoPDF Map
1964 Map No. 136700, 1964 Map No. 136701, 1964 Map No. 136702, 1964 Map No. 710169 NA Ashford (64%), Concord (9%), East Otto (36%), Ellicottville (2%)
Current Buffalo NE GeoPDF Map
1948 Map No. 123033, 1950 Map No. 123034, 1965 Map No. 123035 NA Amherst (23%), Buffalo city (52%), Cheektowaga (43%), Tonawanda (37%)
Current Buffalo NW GeoPDF Map
1950 Map No. 123036, 1950 Map No. 123038, 1965 Map No. 123039, 1965 Map No. 123040 Motor Island WMA Buffalo city (22%), Grand Island (25%), Tonawanda city (3%), Tonawanda (47%)
Current Buffalo SE GeoPDF Map
1948 Map No. 123041, 1950 Map No. 123042, 1965 Map No. 123043 NA Buffalo city (26%), Cheektowaga (2%), Hamburg (34%), Lackawanna city (100%), Orchard Park (22%), West Seneca (53%)
Current Clarence GeoPDF Map
1950 Map No. 137629, 1965 Map No. 137630 Tillman Road WMA Alden (63%), Clarence (14%), Lancaster (35%), Newstead (24%)
Current Clarence Center GeoPDF Map
1950 Map No. 137625, 1950 Map No. 137626, 1965 Map No. 137627 Great Baehre Swamp WMA Amherst (28%), Clarence (41%), Lockport (21%), Pendleton (29%)
Current Colden GeoPDF Map
1955 Map No. 137679, 1955 Map No. 137680, 1955 Map No. 137681, 1955 Map No. 137806 NA Aurora (38%), Boston (37%), Colden (49%), Orchard Park (26%)
Current Collins Center GeoPDF Map
1963 Map No. 137682, 1963 Map No. 137683, 1963 Map No. 137684 Cattaraugus Creek Waterway Access, Zoar Valley Multiple Use Area, Zoar Valley Unique Area, East Otto State Forest Collins (35%), Concord (5%), East Otto (37%), Otto (61%)
Current Corfu GeoPDF Map
1950 Map No. 137814, 1950 Map No. 137815 NA Alden (29%), Darien (53%), Newstead (11%), Pembroke (33%)
Current Cowlesville GeoPDF Map
1949 Map No. 137726, 1951 Map No. 137727 NA Alden (3%), Bennington (62%), Darien (5%), Marilla (14%), Sheldon (20%), Wales (11%)
Current East Aurora GeoPDF Map
1950 Map No. 137994, 1965 Map No. 137996, 1965 Map No. 137997 NA Alden (5%), Aurora (15%), Elma (40%), Lancaster (5%), Marilla (86%), Wales (24%)
Current Eden GeoPDF Map
1949 Map No. 138035, 1965 Map No. 138036 Eighteen Mile Creek Access Eden (43%), Evans (40%), Hamburg (31%)
Current Farnham GeoPDF Map
1960 Map No. 138142, 1960 Map No. 138143 NA Brant (61%), Cattaraugus Reservation (54%), Cattaraugus Reservation (49%), Cattaraugus Reservation (100%), Evans (13%), Hanover (20%), Perrysburg (17%)
Current Gowanda GeoPDF Map
1963 Map No. 129589, 1963 Map No. 129590 Zoar Valley Multiple Use Area, Zoar Valley Unique Area Cattaraugus Reservation (39%), Cattaraugus Reservation (8%), Collins (25%), Dayton (33%), Otto (11%), Perrysburg (30%), Persia (69%)
Current Hamburg GeoPDF Map
1948 Map No. 129666, 1965 Map No. 129667, 1965 Map No. 129668, 1965 Map No. 129669 Hampton Brook Woods WMA Boston (45%), Eden (38%), Hamburg (36%), Orchard Park (23%)
Current Holland GeoPDF Map
1955 Map No. 129880, 1955 Map No. 129881, 1979 Map No. 129879 NA Aurora (25%), Colden (30%), Holland (53%), Wales (44%)
Current Lancaster GeoPDF Map
1950 Map No. 130212, 1965 Map No. 130213 Reinstein Woods Nature Preserve And Environmental Education Center Amherst (17%), Cheektowaga (47%), Clarence (21%), Lancaster (54%)
Current Langford GeoPDF Map
1960 Map No. 130218, 1960 Map No. 130219 Clear Lake WMA Boston (10%), Collins (23%), Concord (18%), Eden (9%), North Collins (57%)
Current Niagara Falls GeoPDF Map
1949 Map No. 128711, 1965 Map No. 128712 NA Grand Island (9%), Niagara Falls city (67%), Niagara (10%)
Current North Collins GeoPDF Map
1960 Map No. 128742, 1960 Map No. 128743 NA Brant (39%), Cattaraugus Reservation (7%), Cattaraugus Reservation (41%), Collins (17%), Eden (10%), Evans (8%), North Collins (43%), Perrysburg (4%)
Current Orchard Park GeoPDF Map
1950 Map No. 128935, 1965 Map No. 128936, 1965 Map No. 128937, 1965 Map No. 137486, 1965 Map No. 137487 Cazenovia Creek Fwma Aurora (22%), Cheektowaga (7%), Elma (60%), Lancaster (7%), Orchard Park (29%), West Seneca (47%)
Current Sardinia GeoPDF Map
1957 Map No. 129402, 1957 Map No. 129403, 1957 Map No. 136888 Cattaraugus Creek Fishing Access Parking Ashford (2%), Colden (8%), Holland (15%), Sardinia (80%), Yorkshire (14%)
Current Silver Creek GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 136171, 1960 Map No. 136168, 1960 Map No. 136172 NA Brant (0%), Cattaraugus Reservation (3%), Hanover (22%), Sheridan (27%)
Current Springville GeoPDF Map
1954 Map No. 139842, 1954 Map No. 139843 NA Ashford (0%), Boston (8%), Colden (12%), Concord (68%), Sardinia (1%)
Current Strykersville GeoPDF Map
1957 Map No. 139925, 1957 Map No. 139926 NA Holland (25%), Java (45%), Sheldon (37%), Wales (20%)
Current Tonawanda East GeoPDF Map
1950 Map No. 139339, 1950 Map No. 139340, 1965 Map No. 139341, 1980 Map No. 139342 NA Amherst (31%), North Tonawanda city (64%), Pendleton (57%), Tonawanda city (41%), Tonawanda (13%), Wheatfield (39%)
Current Tonawanda West GeoPDF Map
1948 Map No. 139343, 1948 Map No. 139344, 1950 Map No. 139345, 1965 Map No. 139347 Spicer Creek WMA Grand Island (66%), Niagara Falls city (30%), Niagara (65%), North Tonawanda city (36%), Tonawanda city (57%), Tonawanda (3%), Wheatfield (51%)
Current Wolcottsville GeoPDF Map
1950 Map No. 140363, 1965 Map No. 140364 Tonawanda WMA, Tonawanda Creek Fishing Access Clarence (25%), Lockport (2%), Newstead (47%), Royalton (23%)

Essex County

PDF (50-60 MB Download) Historical USGS Topo Maps State Lands (Links to DEC Website) Towns (Percent of Town’s Area)
Current Ampersand Lake GeoPDF Map
NA Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness Harrietstown (24%), Newcomb (1%)
Current Au Sable Forks GeoPDF Map
NA Taylor Pond Wild Forest, Wilmington Wild Forest Au Sable (2%), Black Brook (17%), Chesterfield (1%), Jay (43%), Wilmington (0%)
Current Bad Luck Mountain GeoPDF Map
NA Unclassified, Hudson Gorge Wilderness, Blue Mountain Wild Forest, Jessup River Wild Forest, Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Siamese Ponds Wilderness, Essex Chain Lakes Primitive Area, Pine Lake Primitive Area Indian Lake (12%), Minerva (10%), Newcomb (3%)
Current Bloomingdale GeoPDF Map
NA Mckenzie Mountain Wilderness, Taylor Pond Wild Forest, Debar Mountain Wild Forest, Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, Buck Pond Campground Franklin (21%), St. Armand (30%)
Current Blue Ridge GeoPDF Map
NA Hammond Pond Wild Forest, Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Hoffman Notch Primitive Area, Hoffman Notch Wilderness, High Peaks Wilderness North Hudson (19%), Schroon (13%)
Current Charlotte GeoPDF Map
NA Split Rock Wild Forest Essex (35%), Westport (1%), Willsboro (11%)
Current Cheney Pond GeoPDF Map
NA Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Hoffman Notch Wilderness, High Peaks Wilderness Minerva (11%), Newcomb (2%), North Hudson (15%), Schroon (3%)
Current Clintonville GeoPDF Map
NA Taylor Pond Wild Forest, Poke-O-Moonshine Day Use Area Au Sable (26%), Chesterfield (35%), Jay (4%), Lewis (3%)
Current Colchester Point GeoPDF Map
NA Schuyler Island Primitive Area Au Sable (4%), Chesterfield (8%), Peru (0%)
Current Crown Point GeoPDF Map
1950 Map No. 137752, 1950 Map No. 137753, 1950 Map No. 137754, 1950 Map No. 137755 Putnam Creek Access, Putnam Creek Fishing Access, Sheepshead Island, Signal Buoy Island, Hammond Pond Wild Forest, Putts Creek WMA Crown Point (32%), Ticonderoga (18%)
Current Dix Mountain GeoPDF Map
NA High Peaks Wilderness Keene (12%), North Hudson (19%)
Current Dun Brook Mountain GeoPDF Map
NA Blue Mountain Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness, Essex Chain Lakes Primitive Area Indian Lake (5%), Long Lake (5%), Minerva (11%), Newcomb (1%)
Current Dutton Mountain GeoPDF Map
NA Hudson Gorge Primitive Area, Hudson Gorge Wilderness, Ok Slip Pond Primitive Area, Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Siamese Ponds Wilderness Chester (0%), Indian Lake (5%), Minerva (25%)
Current Eagle Lake GeoPDF Map
1973 Map No. 137988 Pharaoh Lake Wilderness, Hammond Pond Wild Forest Crown Point (54%), Moriah (2%), North Hudson (0%), Ticonderoga (9%)
Current Elizabethtown GeoPDF Map
NA Giant Mountain Wilderness, Taylor Pond Wild Forest, Hammond Pond Wild Forest, Pauline Murdock WMA, Lincoln Pond Campground Elizabethtown (45%), Lewis (6%), Westport (16%)
Current Franklin Falls GeoPDF Map
NA Mckenzie Mountain Wilderness, Taylor Pond Wild Forest, Wilmington Wild Forest, Whiteface Mountain Ski Center Black Brook (7%), Franklin (12%), St. Armand (25%), Wilmington (12%)
Current Gabriels GeoPDF Map
NA Debar Mountain Wild Forest, Saranac Lakes Wild Forest Brighton (37%), Franklin (4%), Harrietstown (6%), St. Armand (3%)
Current Gore Mountain GeoPDF Map
NA Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Chatiemac Lake Primitive Area, Siamese Ponds Wilderness, North Creek Parking Fishing Access, Gore Mountain Ski Center Chester (3%), Indian Lake (1%), Johnsburg (24%), Minerva (0%)
Current Graphite GeoPDF Map
1973 Map No. 129606, 1973 Map No. 129607 Bald Ledge Primitive Area, Gooseneck Pond Primitive Area, Pharaoh Lake Wilderness, Hammond Pond Wild Forest, Lake George Wild Forest, Putnam Pond Campground Hague (23%), Schroon (1%), Ticonderoga (39%)
Current Jay Mountain GeoPDF Map
NA Hurricane Mountain Primitive Area, Hurricane Mountain Wilderness, Taylor Pond Wild Forest, Wilmington Wild Forest, Jay Mountain Wilderness Chesterfield (3%), Elizabethtown (1%), Jay (39%), Keene (5%), Lewis (19%)
Current Juniper Island GeoPDF Map
NA Schuyler Island Primitive Area Chesterfield (8%), Willsboro (30%)
Current Keene GeoPDF Map
NA Hurricane Mountain Primitive Area, Hurricane Mountain Wilderness, Bartlett Primitive Area, Sentinel Range Wilderness, Mckenzie Mountain Wilderness, Hammond Pond Wild Forest, Wilmington Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness, Wilmington Notch Campground, Whiteface Mountain Ski Center Jay (12%), Keene (15%), Wilmington (33%)
Current Keene Valley GeoPDF Map
NA Giant Mountain Wilderness, Sentinel Range Wilderness, Hammond Pond Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness, Johns Brook Primitive Area Keene (34%), North Elba (0%)
Current Keeseville GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 130007, 1966 Map No. 130008 Unclassified, Valcour Island Primitive Area, Garden Island, Schuyler Island Primitive Area, Taylor Pond Wild Forest, Peru Dock Boat Launch, Ausable Marsh WMA, Wickham Marsh WMA, Ausable Point Campground Au Sable (24%), Chesterfield (12%), Peru (31%), Plattsburgh (0%)
Current Kempshall Mountain GeoPDF Map
NA Sargent Ponds Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness Harrietstown (1%), Long Lake (9%), Newcomb (4%)
Current Lake Placid GeoPDF Map
NA Sentinel Range Wilderness, Mckenzie Mountain Wilderness, Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, Wilmington Wild Forest, John Browns Farm Historic Site, Mirror Lake Boat Launch, Whiteface Mountain Ski Center Keene (1%), North Elba (22%), St. Armand (11%), Wilmington (16%)
Current Lewis GeoPDF Map
NA Taylor Pond Wild Forest, Jay Mountain Wilderness Chesterfield (2%), Lewis (60%)
Current Mckenzie Mountain GeoPDF Map
NA Unclassified, Mckenzie Mountain Wilderness, Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness, Meadowbrook Campground Harrietstown (1%), North Elba (22%), St. Armand (30%)
Current Minerva GeoPDF Map
NA Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Hoffman Notch Wilderness Chester (3%), Minerva (25%), Schroon (7%)
Current Mount Adams GeoPDF Map
NA Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness, Macintyre Primitive Area, Tahawas Primitive Area Newcomb (23%)
Current Mount Marcy GeoPDF Map
NA Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Boreas Ponds Primitive Area, High Peaks Wilderness Keene (11%), Newcomb (7%), North Hudson (11%)
Current Newcomb GeoPDF Map
NA Hudson Gorge Wilderness, Blue Mountain Wild Forest, Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Camp Santanoni Historic Area, High Peaks Wilderness, Essex Chain Lakes Primitive Area, Lake Harris Campground Minerva (1%), Newcomb (22%)
Current North Elba GeoPDF Map
NA Mount Van Hoevenberg Winter Recreation Area, Sentinel Range Wilderness, Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness Keene (5%), Newcomb (1%), North Elba (29%)
Current Paradox Lake GeoPDF Map
1973 Map No. 135965, 1973 Map No. 136771 Pharaoh Lake Wilderness, Hammond Pond Wild Forest, Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Hoffman Notch Wilderness, High Peaks Wilderness, Paradox Lake Campground Crown Point (7%), North Hudson (14%), Schroon (16%), Ticonderoga (0%)
Current Pharaoh Mountain GeoPDF Map
1973 Map No. 128968 Pharaoh Lake Wilderness, Hammond Pond Wild Forest, Lake George Wild Forest Hague (2%), Horicon (16%), Schroon (29%), Ticonderoga (1%)
Current Port Douglass GeoPDF Map
NA Unclassified, Schuyler Island Primitive Area, Taylor Pond Wild Forest, Port Douglass Boat Launch, Willsboro Bay Boat Launch Au Sable (1%), Chesterfield (32%), Lewis (0%), Willsboro (26%)
Current Port Henry GeoPDF Map
NA Crown Point Historic Area, Port Henry Boat Launch, Crown Point Campground Crown Point (7%), Moriah (34%), Westport (7%)
Current Rock Lake GeoPDF Map
NA Unclassified, Blue Ridge Wilderness, Blue Mountain Wild Forest, Jessup River Wild Forest, Essex Chain Lakes Primitive Area, Pine Lake Primitive Area Indian Lake (20%), Minerva (1%)
Current Rocky Peak Ridge GeoPDF Map
NA Giant Mountain Wilderness, Hurricane Mountain Fire Tower Historic Area, Hurricane Mountain Primitive Area, Hurricane Mountain Wilderness, Hammond Pond Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness Elizabethtown (38%), Keene (13%), Lewis (3%)
Current Santanoni Peak GeoPDF Map
NA Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Camp Santanoni Historic Area, High Peaks Wilderness Harrietstown (0%), Newcomb (23%)
Current Saranac Lake GeoPDF Map
NA Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness, Lake Flower Boat Launch, Lower Saranac Lake Boat Launch, Saranac Lake Islands Campground Harrietstown (25%), North Elba (0%), St. Armand (2%)
Current Schroon Lake GeoPDF Map
NA Pharaoh Lake Wilderness, Hammond Pond Wild Forest, Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Scaroon Manor Campground, Lake George Wild Forest, Hoffman Notch Wilderness, Eagle Point Campground Chester (6%), Horicon (4%), Minerva (1%), Schroon (31%)
Current Street Mountain GeoPDF Map
NA Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness Harrietstown (4%), Newcomb (2%), North Elba (26%)
Current Ticonderoga GeoPDF Map
1950 Map No. 136965, 1950 Map No. 140023, 1950 Map No. 140024, 1950 Map No. 140025, 1950 Map No. 140026, 1950 Map No. 140027, 1950 Map No. 140028, 1950 Map No. 140029, 1950 Map No. 140030 Pharaoh Lake Wilderness, Lake George Wild Forest, Mossy Point State Boat Launch, Lake George Islands Campground, Rogers Rock Campground Hague (9%), Putnam (52%), Ticonderoga (33%)
Current Underwood GeoPDF Map
NA Boquet River Primtive Area, Giant Mountain Wilderness, Hammond Pond Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness, Sharp Bridge Campground Elizabethtown (8%), Keene (4%), Moriah (1%), North Hudson (21%)
Current Vanderwhacker Mountain GeoPDF Map
NA Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness, Lake Harris Campground Minerva (14%), Newcomb (13%), North Hudson (0%)
Current Vergennes West GeoPDF Map
NA Split Rock Wild Forest Westport (6%)
Current Westport GeoPDF Map
NA Cole Island, Hammond Pond Wild Forest, Split Rock Wild Forest, Westport Boat Launch Essex (3%), Lewis (1%), Westport (68%)
Current Willsboro GeoPDF Map
NA Wilsboro Dam Fish Dam, Boquet River Fishing Access, Taylor Pond Wild Forest, Split Rock Wild Forest Essex (62%), Lewis (7%), Westport (0%), Willsboro (33%)
Current Wilmington GeoPDF Map
NA Taylor Pond Wild Forest, Wilmington Wild Forest, Taylor Pond Campground, Whiteface Mountain Ski Center Black Brook (20%), Jay (2%), Wilmington (39%)
Current Witherbee GeoPDF Map
NA Hammond Pond Wild Forest Crown Point (0%), Elizabethtown (9%), Moriah (63%), North Hudson (0%), Westport (2%)

Franklin County

PDF (50-60 MB Download) Historical USGS Topo Maps State Lands (Links to DEC Website) Towns (Percent of Town’s Area)
Current Alder Brook GeoPDF Map
1968 Map No. 136574 Taylor Pond Wild Forest, Chazy Highlands Wild Forest Black Brook (12%), Franklin (16%), Saranac (8%)
Current Ampersand Lake GeoPDF Map
NA Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness Harrietstown (24%), Newcomb (1%)
Current Augerhole Falls GeoPDF Map
1970 Map No. 136744 Raquette-Jordan Boreal Primitive Area Hopkinton (13%), Tupper Lake (2%), Waverly (20%)
Current Bangor GeoPDF Map
1964 Map No. 123403, 1964 Map No. 123404 Deer River State Forest, Little Salmon River Access Bangor (82%), Brandon (33%), Dickinson (4%), Moira (5%)
Current Bay Pond GeoPDF Map
NA Debar Mountain Wild Forest, Madawaska Flow – Quebec Brook Primitive Area, Saint Regis Canoe Area Santa Clara (14%), Tupper Lake (3%), Waverly (17%)
Current Bloomingdale GeoPDF Map
NA Mckenzie Mountain Wilderness, Taylor Pond Wild Forest, Debar Mountain Wild Forest, Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, Buck Pond Campground Franklin (21%), St. Armand (30%)
Current Bombay GeoPDF Map
1964 Map No. 123356, 1964 Map No. 137121 Bombay State Forest Bombay (83%), Fort Covington (33%), Moira (5%), St. Regis Mohawk Reservation (39%)
Current Brainardsville GeoPDF Map
1964 Map No. 123115, 1964 Map No. 123116 Chazy Highlands Wild Forest Bellmont (29%), Burke (0%), Chateaugay (6%), Ellenburg (1%)
Current Brushton GeoPDF Map
1964 Map No. 123031, 1964 Map No. 123032 Deer River State Forest, Bombay State Forest Brasher (0%), Dickinson (26%), Lawrence (3%), Moira (89%)
Current Burke GeoPDF Map
1964 Map No. 123057, 1993 Map No. 137137 NA Burke (89%), Chateaugay (6%), Constable (15%), Malone (2%)
Current Chasm Falls GeoPDF Map
1964 Map No. 122921, 1964 Map No. 137168 Chazy Highlands Wild Forest Bellmont (19%), Burke (11%), Malone (16%)
Current Chateaugay GeoPDF Map
1964 Map No. 122927, 1964 Map No. 122928, 1964 Map No. 137169, 1993 Map No. 137170 Valley View State Forest, Chateaugay Fish Hatchery Burke (0%), Chateaugay (88%), Clinton (10%), Ellenburg (0%)
Current Constable GeoPDF Map
1964 Map No. 137702, 1964 Map No. 137703, 1993 Map No. 137187 Salmon River Waterway Access, Trout River State Forest Bangor (0%), Constable (85%), Malone (8%), Westville (38%)
Current Debar Mountain GeoPDF Map
1968 Map No. 137199, 1968 Map No. 137200, 1968 Map No. 137941 Debar Mountain Wild Forest, Chazy Highlands Wild Forest Brighton (20%), Duane (23%), Franklin (11%)
Current Derrick GeoPDF Map
NA Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, Saint Regis Canoe Area, Fish Creek Pond Campground, Rollins Pond Campground Harrietstown (0%), Santa Clara (10%), Tupper Lake (27%)
Current Ellenburg Center GeoPDF Map
1964 Map No. 138065 Chazy Highlands Wild Forest, Chazy Highlands State Forest, Upper Chateaugay Lake Boat Launch Bellmont (0%), Dannemora (8%), Ellenburg (44%)
Current Fort Covington GeoPDF Map
1993 Map No. 137210 NA Bangor (12%), Bombay (0%), Fort Covington (67%), Moira (0%), Westville (62%)
Current Franklin Falls GeoPDF Map
NA Mckenzie Mountain Wilderness, Taylor Pond Wild Forest, Wilmington Wild Forest, Whiteface Mountain Ski Center Black Brook (7%), Franklin (12%), St. Armand (25%), Wilmington (12%)
Current Gabriels GeoPDF Map
NA Debar Mountain Wild Forest, Saranac Lakes Wild Forest Brighton (37%), Franklin (4%), Harrietstown (6%), St. Armand (3%)
Current Grampus Lake GeoPDF Map
NA Sargent Ponds Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness Harrietstown (0%), Long Lake (10%), Tupper Lake (5%)
Current Hogansburg GeoPDF Map
1964 Map No. 129877, 1964 Map No. 129878, 1964 Map No. 137253 Bombay State Forest, Brasher State Forest Bombay (17%), Brasher (32%), Massena (7%), Moira (0%), St. Regis Mohawk Reservation (61%)
Current Kempshall Mountain GeoPDF Map
NA Sargent Ponds Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness Harrietstown (1%), Long Lake (9%), Newcomb (4%)
Current Lake Ozonia GeoPDF Map
1964 Map No. 130178, 1964 Map No. 130179 Debar Mountain Wild Forest, Lake Ozonia Fishing Access Site Hopkinton (9%), Waverly (29%)
Current Lake Titus GeoPDF Map
1964 Map No. 130203, 1964 Map No. 130204 Deer River State Forest, Franklin FP Detached Parcel, Lake Titus Boat Launch, Titusville Mountain State Forest, Debar Mountain Wild Forest, Deer River Primitive Area, Chazy Highlands Wild Forest Brandon (10%), Duane (30%), Malone (18%), Santa Clara (4%)
Current Little Tupper Lake GeoPDF Map
NA Sargent Ponds Wild Forest, Horseshoe Lake Wild Forest, Round Lake Wilderness, William C. Whitney Wilderness, Winding Falls Primitive Area Long Lake (9%), Piercefield (8%), Tupper Lake (2%)
Current Loon Lake GeoPDF Map
1968 Map No. 130357, 1968 Map No. 137380 Taylor Pond Wild Forest, Debar Mountain Wild Forest, Chazy Highlands Wild Forest, Buck Pond Campground Bellmont (0%), Franklin (30%)
Current Lyon Mountain GeoPDF Map
1968 Map No. 130400 Chazy Highlands Wild Forest, Chazy Highlands WMA Bellmont (7%), Dannemora (27%), Franklin (0%), Saranac (19%)
Current Malone GeoPDF Map
1964 Map No. 130433, 1964 Map No. 130434, 1964 Map No. 137426, 1964 Map No. 137427 Deer River State Forest Bangor (6%), Brandon (5%), Malone (47%)
Current Mckenzie Mountain GeoPDF Map
NA Unclassified, Mckenzie Mountain Wilderness, Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness, Meadowbrook Campground Harrietstown (1%), North Elba (22%), St. Armand (30%)
Current Meacham Lake GeoPDF Map
1964 Map No. 130509, 1964 Map No. 130510, 1964 Map No. 130511 Debar Mountain Wild Forest, Madawaska Flow – Quebec Brook Primitive Area, Meacham Lake Campground Brighton (16%), Duane (28%), Santa Clara (9%)
Current Meno GeoPDF Map
1964 Map No. 130535, 1964 Map No. 137442 Debar Mountain Wild Forest, Madawaska Flow – Quebec Brook Primitive Area Santa Clara (18%), Waverly (14%)
Current Mount Matumbla GeoPDF Map
1968 Map No. 130710, 1968 Map No. 130711 Raquette-Jordan Boreal Primitive Area Hopkinton (3%), Piercefield (25%), Tupper Lake (16%)
Current Owls Head GeoPDF Map
1968 Map No. 135953, 1968 Map No. 135954, 1968 Map No. 136758 Titusville Mountain State Forest, Debar Mountain Wild Forest, Chazy Highlands Wild Forest Bellmont (14%), Duane (20%), Franklin (3%), Malone (8%)
Current Piercefield GeoPDF Map
NA Dead Creek Primitive Area, Horseshoe Lake Wild Forest, Raquette-Jordan Boreal Primitive Area Piercefield (35%), Tupper Lake (11%)
Current Ragged Lake GeoPDF Map
1968 Map No. 136004, 1968 Map No. 136843 Chazy Highlands Wild Forest Bellmont (29%), Franklin (2%)
Current Saint Regis Falls GeoPDF Map
NA Deer River State Forest, St. Regis River State Forest, Debar Mountain Wild Forest Dickinson (59%), Hopkinton (3%), Lawrence (7%), Waverly (15%)
Current Saint Regis Mountain GeoPDF Map
NA Debar Mountain Wild Forest, Madawaska Flow – Quebec Brook Primitive Area, Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, Saint Regis Canoe Area, Saint Regis Mountain Fire Tower Historic Area Brighton (27%), Harrietstown (2%), Santa Clara (14%)
Current Santa Clara GeoPDF Map
1964 Map No. 129356, 1964 Map No. 136882 Deer River State Forest, Unclassified, Debar Mountain Wild Forest, Deer River Primitive Area Brandon (52%), Dickinson (12%), Santa Clara (10%), Waverly (5%)
Current Saranac Lake GeoPDF Map
NA Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness, Lake Flower Boat Launch, Lower Saranac Lake Boat Launch, Saranac Lake Islands Campground Harrietstown (25%), North Elba (0%), St. Armand (2%)
Current Stony Creek Mountain GeoPDF Map
NA Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, Ampersand Primitive Area, High Peaks Wilderness, Middle Saranac Lake Boat Launch Harrietstown (25%)
Current Street Mountain GeoPDF Map
NA Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness Harrietstown (4%), Newcomb (2%), North Elba (26%)
Current Tupper Lake GeoPDF Map
NA Tupper Lake Boat Launch, Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, Horseshoe Lake Wild Forest, Raquette River Boat Launch Harrietstown (5%), Tupper Lake (34%)
Current Upper Saranac Lake GeoPDF Map
NA Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, Saint Regis Canoe Area, Fish Creek Pond Campground, Saranac Lake Boat Launch Harrietstown (7%), Santa Clara (20%)

Fulton County

PDF (50-60 MB Download) Historical USGS Topo Maps State Lands (Links to DEC Website) Towns (Percent of Town’s Area)
Current Amsterdam GeoPDF Map
1954 Map No. 136622, 1954 Map No. 136623, 1954 Map No. 136624, 1954 Map No. 137071 NA Amsterdam city (100%), Amsterdam (56%), Duanesburg (0%), Florida (47%), Perth (28%), Princetown (0%)
Current Broadalbin GeoPDF Map
1945 Map No. 123095, 1946 Map No. 123096, 1970 Map No. 123099 Wilcox Lake Wild Forest, Broadalbin Boat Launch Broadalbin (76%), Mayfield (22%), Perth (38%)
Current Canada Lake GeoPDF Map
1945 Map No. 123087, 1945 Map No. 123088, 1945 Map No. 123089, 1945 Map No. 123090, 1946 Map No. 123091, 1946 Map No. 123092, 1997 Map No. 137147 Unclassified, Silver Lake Wilderness, Shaker Mountain Wild Forest, Ferris Lake Wild Forest Arietta (1%), Caroga (37%), Stratford (39%)
Current Canajoharie GeoPDF Map
1944 Map No. 123405, 1944 Map No. 123406 NA Canajoharie (28%), Ephratah (9%), Minden (1%), Palatine (84%), Root (3%), St. Johnsville (9%)
Current Caroga Lake GeoPDF Map
1945 Map No. 122816, 1945 Map No. 122817, 1970 Map No. 122818, 1997 Map No. 137156 Silver Lake Wilderness, Shaker Mountain Wild Forest, Ferris Lake Wild Forest, Caroga Lake Campground Arietta (1%), Benson (5%), Bleecker (49%), Caroga (34%)
Current Galway GeoPDF Map
1945 Map No. 138100, 1970 Map No. 138101 Saratoga FP Detached Parcel, Wilcox Lake Wild Forest Broadalbin (15%), Galway (59%), Perth (3%), Providence (48%)
Current Gloversville GeoPDF Map
1945 Map No. 129557, 1946 Map No. 129558, 1963 Map No. 129563, 1970 Map No. 129564 Johnstown FP Detached Parcel, Shaker Mountain Wild Forest Bleecker (5%), Gloversville city (100%), Johnstown city (47%), Johnstown (31%), Mayfield (27%), Perth (16%)
Current Jackson Summit GeoPDF Map
1945 Map No. 129959, 1946 Map No. 129960, 1970 Map No. 129961, 1970 Map No. 129962 Silver Lake Wilderness, Shaker Mountain Wild Forest Benson (12%), Bleecker (39%), Mayfield (33%)
Current Lassellsville GeoPDF Map
1945 Map No. 130223, 1945 Map No. 130224, 1945 Map No. 130225, 1946 Map No. 130228 Fulton FP Detached Parcel, Shaker Mountain Wild Forest, Rockwood State Forest, Lassellsville State Forest, Ferris Lake Wild Forest, Zimmerman Creek Fishing Access Caroga (13%), Ephratah (88%), Johnstown (0%), Oppenheim (11%), Palatine (0%), St. Johnsville (3%), Stratford (8%)
Current Little Falls GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 130279, 1943 Map No. 130280 NA Danube (27%), Fairfield (6%), Little Falls city (95%), Little Falls (14%), Manheim (97%), Oppenheim (8%), Salisbury (3%), St. Johnsville (1%)
Current Morehouse Lake GeoPDF Map
NA Ferris Lake Wild Forest Arietta (6%), Morehouse (11%), Salisbury (5%), Stratford (9%)
Current Northville GeoPDF Map
1945 Map No. 128798, 1946 Map No. 128799, 1970 Map No. 128800, 1970 Map No. 128801 Shaker Mountain Wild Forest, Wilcox Lake Wild Forest, Sacandaga River State Boat Launch, Northampton Beach Campground Benson (3%), Broadalbin (9%), Edinburg (3%), Hope (0%), Mayfield (18%), Northampton (99%)
Current Oppenheim GeoPDF Map
1945 Map No. 128927, 1945 Map No. 128928 Fulton FP Detached Parcel, Lassellsville State Forest, Ferris Lake Wild Forest Danube (0%), Manheim (3%), Oppenheim (75%), Salisbury (0%), St. Johnsville (62%), Stratford (1%)
Current Pattersonville GeoPDF Map
1954 Map No. 135974, 1954 Map No. 135975 NA Amsterdam (30%), Charlton (37%), Duanesburg (0%), Florida (5%), Galway (13%), Glenville (40%), Perth (6%), Princetown (7%), Rotterdam (5%)
Current Peck Lake GeoPDF Map
1946 Map No. 135991, 1962 Map No. 135992, 1970 Map No. 135993 Shaker Mountain Wild Forest, Peck Hill State Forest, Rockwood State Forest, Caroga Lake Campground Bleecker (7%), Caroga (16%), Ephratah (2%), Gloversville city (0%), Johnstown city (17%), Johnstown (56%)
Current Randall GeoPDF Map
1944 Map No. 136007, 1944 Map No. 136008, 1944 Map No. 136009 Yatesville Falls State Forest Ephratah (1%), Glen (28%), Johnstown city (27%), Johnstown (7%), Mohawk (62%), Palatine (14%), Root (18%)
Current Stratford GeoPDF Map
1945 Map No. 139921, 1945 Map No. 139922, 1945 Map No. 139923, 1945 Map No. 139924 Herkimer FP Detached Parcel, Ferris Lake Wild Forest, North Creek Fishing Access Oppenheim (6%), Salisbury (16%), Stratford (43%)
Current Tribes Hill GeoPDF Map
1944 Map No. 139361, 1944 Map No. 139363 NA Amsterdam (13%), Florida (17%), Glen (56%), Johnstown city (8%), Johnstown (6%), Mohawk (38%), Perth (8%)

Genesee County

PDF (50-60 MB Download) Historical USGS Topo Maps State Lands (Links to DEC Website) Towns (Percent of Town’s Area)
Current Akron GeoPDF Map
1949 Map No. 136539, 1951 Map No. 136540, 1951 Map No. 710097 Onondaga Escarpment Unique Area, John White WMA, Tonawanda WMA Alabama (46%), Newstead (17%), Pembroke (24%), Royalton (6%), Tonawanda Reservation (100%), Tonawanda Reservation (100%), Tonawanda Reservation (100%)
Current Albion GeoPDF Map
1950 Map No. 136565, 1950 Map No. 136566, 1950 Map No. 137062, 1952 Map No. 136570 NA Albion (64%), Barre (64%), Elba (7%), Oakfield (1%)
Current Alexander GeoPDF Map
1949 Map No. 136585, 1949 Map No. 136586, 1951 Map No. 136587 NA Alexander (47%), Batavia (18%), Darien (40%), Pembroke (24%)
Current Attica GeoPDF Map
1949 Map No. 136721, 1949 Map No. 136725, 1951 Map No. 136724 NA Alexander (3%), Attica (49%), Bennington (38%), Darien (3%), Orangeville (18%), Sheldon (15%)
Current Batavia North GeoPDF Map
1950 Map No. 123190, 1950 Map No. 123192, 1951 Map No. 123191 NA Batavia city (45%), Batavia (33%), Elba (84%), Oakfield (21%), Stafford (4%)
Current Batavia South GeoPDF Map
1950 Map No. 123193, 1950 Map No. 123194, 1950 Map No. 710214 Groveland Secondary Trailway Alexander (47%), Batavia city (55%), Batavia (30%), Bethany (54%), Stafford (4%)
Current Brockport GeoPDF Map
1934 Map No. 123100, 1952 Map No. 123101, 1952 Map No. 123102, 1952 Map No. 123103, 1971 Map No. 123104, 1971 Map No. 123106 NA Bergen (9%), Clarendon (2%), Clarkson (38%), Murray (1%), Ogden (11%), Riga (1%), Sweden (99%)
Current Byron GeoPDF Map
1950 Map No. 123063, 1950 Map No. 123065, 1950 Map No. 123134, 1952 Map No. 123064 NA Bergen (17%), Byron (93%), Elba (7%), Le Roy (11%), Stafford (40%)
Current Churchville GeoPDF Map
1935 Map No. 122736, 1950 Map No. 122738, 1950 Map No. 122739 NA Bergen (72%), Le Roy (32%), Riga (48%), Wheatland (13%)
Current Corfu GeoPDF Map
1950 Map No. 137814, 1950 Map No. 137815 NA Alden (29%), Darien (53%), Newstead (11%), Pembroke (33%)
Current Cowlesville GeoPDF Map
1949 Map No. 137726, 1951 Map No. 137727 NA Alden (3%), Bennington (62%), Darien (5%), Marilla (14%), Sheldon (20%), Wales (11%)
Current Dale GeoPDF Map
1949 Map No. 137942, 1949 Map No. 137944, 1949 Map No. 137945, 1951 Map No. 137943 Carlton Hill Mua Alexander (3%), Attica (51%), Bethany (3%), Middlebury (56%), Orangeville (19%), Warsaw (21%)
Current Holley GeoPDF Map
1950 Map No. 129882, 1950 Map No. 129883, 1950 Map No. 137254 NA Albion (5%), Barre (5%), Bergen (2%), Byron (7%), Clarendon (98%), Elba (1%), Murray (43%)
Current Knowlesville GeoPDF Map
1950 Map No. 130142, 1950 Map No. 130143, 1950 Map No. 255469 Oak Orchard WMA Alabama (3%), Albion (26%), Barre (31%), Oakfield (6%), Ridgeway (17%), Shelby (42%)
Current Le Roy GeoPDF Map
1950 Map No. 130235, 1950 Map No. 130236, 1950 Map No. 130237, 1950 Map No. 137314 Groveland Secondary Trailway Caledonia (24%), Le Roy (40%), Pavilion (39%), Wheatland (5%), York (23%)
Current Leicester GeoPDF Map
1951 Map No. 130247, 1951 Map No. 130248, 1951 Map No. 130249 Groveland Secondary Trailway Covington (37%), Leicester (50%), Pavilion (5%), Perry (22%), York (37%)
Current Medina GeoPDF Map
1949 Map No. 130524, 1951 Map No. 130527 Tonawanda WMA Alabama (4%), Hartland (9%), Ridgeway (20%), Royalton (16%), Shelby (58%)
Current Oakfield GeoPDF Map
1950 Map No. 128850, 1952 Map No. 128851 Oak Orchard WMA, Oak Orchard WMA Alabama (47%), Batavia (19%), Oakfield (72%), Pembroke (19%)
Current Stafford GeoPDF Map
1950 Map No. 139858, 1950 Map No. 139859, 1950 Map No. 139860 Groveland Secondary Trailway Bethany (41%), Le Roy (16%), Pavilion (48%), Stafford (52%)
Current Wyoming GeoPDF Map
1951 Map No. 137048, 1951 Map No. 137049, 1951 Map No. 140389, 1951 Map No. 140390 NA Bethany (2%), Covington (63%), Middlebury (44%), Pavilion (8%), Perry (37%), Warsaw (16%)

Greene County

PDF (50-60 MB Download) Historical USGS Topo Maps State Lands (Links to DEC Website) Towns (Percent of Town’s Area)
Current Alcove GeoPDF Map
1953 Map No. 136571, 1953 Map No. 136572, 1953 Map No. 136573 Coxsackie FP Detached Parcel, Greenville FP Detached Parcel Coeymans (33%), Coxsackie (6%), Greenville (30%), New Baltimore (39%), Westerlo (12%)
Current Ashland GeoPDF Map
1945 Map No. 136704, 1945 Map No. 136705, 1945 Map No. 136707, 1946 Map No. 136706 Huntersfield State Forest, Ashland Pinnacle State Forest, South Mountain State Forest, Mount Pisgah State Forest Ashland (91%), Conesville (13%), Jewett (21%), Lexington (6%), Prattsville (7%), Windham (24%)
Current Bearsville GeoPDF Map
1945 Map No. 123225, 1945 Map No. 123226, 1945 Map No. 137092, 1946 Map No. 123228, 1997 Map No. 137094 Overlook Mountain Wild Forest, Phoenicia – Mt. Tobias Wild Forest, Indian Head Wilderness, Mink Hollow Primitive Bicycle Corridor, Kenneth L. Wilson Campground Hunter (10%), Hurley (8%), Olive (2%), Woodstock (62%)
Current Cementon GeoPDF Map
1963 Map No. 122882, 1963 Map No. 122883, 1963 Map No. 122884, 1963 Map No. 137143 Seward’s Island, Catskill FP Detatched Parcel, Great Vly WMA Athens (0%), Cairo (0%), Catskill (68%), Germantown (29%), Saugerties (12%)
Current Durham GeoPDF Map
1945 Map No. 137938, 1946 Map No. 137933, 1946 Map No. 137934, 1967 Map No. 137937 Catskill Creek Fishing Access, Mount Hayden State Forest, Mount Pisgah State Forest, Scott Patent State Forest, Rensselaerville State Forest Broome (4%), Conesville (0%), Durham (36%), Rensselaerville (57%), Windham (0%)
Current Fleischmanns GeoPDF Map
1945 Map No. 138238, 1945 Map No. 138239, 1945 Map No. 138241, 1945 Map No. 138242, 1946 Map No. 138240 Belleayre Mountain Ski Center, Greene County FP Detached Parcel, Big Indian Wilderness, Dry Brook Ridge Wild Forest Halcott (19%), Hardenburgh (0%), Middletown (36%), Roxbury (15%), Shandaken (2%)
Current Freehold GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 138174, 1943 Map No. 138175, 1945 Map No. 138177 Cairo Lockwood State Forest, Colgate Lake Wild Forest, Windham-Blackhead Range Wilderness Cairo (57%), Durham (21%), Greenville (14%), Jewett (5%), Windham (6%)
Current Greenville GeoPDF Map
1945 Map No. 129624, 1945 Map No. 129625, 1946 Map No. 129626, 1980 Map No. 129627 NA Durham (16%), Greenville (42%), Rensselaerville (11%), Westerlo (41%)
Current Hensonville GeoPDF Map
1945 Map No. 129900, 1946 Map No. 129902, 1946 Map No. 129904, 1980 Map No. 129898, 1980 Map No. 129899 Mount Hayden State Forest, Mount Pisgah State Forest, Colgate Lake Wild Forest, Elm Ridge Wild Forest, Windham-Blackhead Range Wilderness Cairo (1%), Durham (27%), Jewett (20%), Windham (69%)
Current Hudson North GeoPDF Map
1953 Map No. 129935, 1953 Map No. 129936, 1953 Map No. 129937, 1980 Map No. 129938 Brandow Point Unique Area, Charles Flood WMA At The Empire Brickyard, Middle Ground Flats Unique Area, Stockport Flats Estuarine Sanctuary, Nutten Hook State Tidal Wetland, Stockport WMA, Vosburgh Swamp WMA, Athens State Boat Launch Athens (59%), Claverack (1%), Coxsackie (56%), Greenport (17%), Hudson city (58%), Stockport (56%), Stuyvesant (15%)
Current Hudson South GeoPDF Map
1963 Map No. 129939, 1963 Map No. 129940, 1963 Map No. 129942, 1980 Map No. 129941 Brandow Point Unique Area, Livingston State Forest, Rogers Island WMA Athens (5%), Catskill (8%), Claverack (3%), Clermont (4%), Germantown (34%), Greenport (82%), Hudson city (42%), Livingston (61%), Taghkanic (0%)
Current Hunter GeoPDF Map
1945 Map No. 129946, 1945 Map No. 129947, 1946 Map No. 129949, 1980 Map No. 129950, 1997 Map No. 137269 Colgate Lake Wild Forest, Kaaterskill Wild Forest, Rusk Mountain Wild Forest, Phoenicia – Mt. Tobias Wild Forest, Hunter-West Kill Wilderness, Indian Head Wilderness, Mink Hollow Primitive Bicycle Corridor, Windham-Blackhead Range Wilderness, Devil’s Tombstone Campground Hunter (49%), Jewett (21%), Lexington (1%)
Current Kaaterskill Clove GeoPDF Map
1946 Map No. 130114, 1997 Map No. 130115 Colgate Lake Wild Forest, Kaaterskill Wild Forest, Indian Head Wilderness, Overlook Turnpike Primitive Bicycle Corridor, Dutcher Notch Primitive Bicycle Corridor, Windham-Blackhead Range Wilderness, North/South Lake Campground Cairo (7%), Catskill (16%), Hunter (32%), Jewett (9%), Saugerties (11%)
Current Leeds GeoPDF Map
1953 Map No. 130243, 1953 Map No. 130244, 1953 Map No. 130245, 1953 Map No. 137315 Athens FP Detached Parcel Athens (36%), Cairo (35%), Catskill (8%), Coxsackie (34%), Greenville (14%)
Current Lexington GeoPDF Map
1946 Map No. 130258, 1960 Map No. 130260, 1960 Map No. 130261, 1960 Map No. 130262 Rusk Mountain Wild Forest, Shandaken Wild Forest, Phoenicia – Mt. Tobias Wild Forest, Diamond Notch Primitive Bicycle Corridor, Hunter-West Kill Wilderness Hunter (2%), Jewett (24%), Lexington (50%), Shandaken (1%)
Current Phoenicia GeoPDF Map
1946 Map No. 128986, 1960 Map No. 128990, 1960 Map No. 128991, 1960 Map No. 128992, 1960 Map No. 128993, 1960 Map No. 136793, 1997 Map No. 136794 Simpson Ski Slope, Unclassified, Esopus Creek Fishing Access, Woodland Valley Stream Parking, Shandaken Wild Forest, Phoenicia – Mt. Tobias Wild Forest, Hunter-West Kill Wilderness, Slide Mountain Wilderness, Woodland Valley Campground Hunter (2%), Lexington (2%), Olive (5%), Shandaken (36%), Woodstock (8%)
Current Prattsville GeoPDF Map
1945 Map No. 129181, 1945 Map No. 129182, 1945 Map No. 129183, 1946 Map No. 129184 Huntersfield State Forest, Bearpen Mountain State Forest Ashland (9%), Conesville (5%), Gilboa (4%), Halcott (12%), Lexington (13%), Prattsville (93%), Roxbury (18%)
Current Ravena GeoPDF Map
1953 Map No. 136024, 1953 Map No. 136025, 1953 Map No. 136026 Bronck Island, Hannacroix Unique Area, Van Schaak Unique Area, New Baltimore FP Detached Parcel, Nutten Hook State Tidal Wetland, Coeymans Creek WMA Coeymans (25%), Coxsackie (3%), New Baltimore (61%), Schodack (7%), Stuyvesant (38%)
Current West Kill GeoPDF Map
1945 Map No. 140167, 1960 Map No. 137008, 1960 Map No. 140169, 1960 Map No. 140170 Belleayre Mountain Ski Center, Belleayre Mountain Day Use Area, Greene County FP Detached Parcel, Halcott Mountain Wild Forest, Bearpen Mountain State Forest, Rusk Mountain Wild Forest, Shandaken Wild Forest, Hunter-West Kill Wilderness, Vinegar Hill WMA Halcott (69%), Lexington (28%), Middletown (4%), Shandaken (11%)
Current Woodstock GeoPDF Map
1945 Map No. 140378, 1945 Map No. 140379, 1945 Map No. 140380, 1945 Map No. 140381 High Woods Multiple Use Area, Kaaterskill Wild Forest, Overlook Mountain Wild Forest, Bluestone Wild Forest, Indian Head Wilderness, Overlook Turnpike Primitive Bicycle Corridor Hunter (6%), Hurley (7%), Kingston (11%), Saugerties (36%), Ulster (11%), Woodstock (28%)

Hamilton County

PDF (50-60 MB Download) Historical USGS Topo Maps State Lands (Links to DEC Website) Towns (Percent of Town’s Area)
Current Bad Luck Mountain GeoPDF Map
NA Unclassified, Hudson Gorge Wilderness, Blue Mountain Wild Forest, Jessup River Wild Forest, Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Siamese Ponds Wilderness, Essex Chain Lakes Primitive Area, Pine Lake Primitive Area Indian Lake (12%), Minerva (10%), Newcomb (3%)
Current Blue Mountain Lake GeoPDF Map
NA Blue Ridge Wilderness, Blue Mountain Wild Forest, West Canada Lake Wilderness, Sargent Ponds Wild Forest, Jessup River Wild Forest, Lake Durant Campground Indian Lake (19%), Lake Pleasant (1%)
Current Brandreth Lake GeoPDF Map
NA Pigeon Lake Wilderness, Sargent Ponds Wild Forest, William C. Whitney Wilderness Long Lake (12%)
Current Bullhead Mountain GeoPDF Map
NA Jessup River Wild Forest, Siamese Ponds Wilderness Indian Lake (6%), Johnsburg (15%), Wells (4%)
Current Canada Lake GeoPDF Map
1945 Map No. 123087, 1945 Map No. 123088, 1945 Map No. 123089, 1945 Map No. 123090, 1946 Map No. 123091, 1946 Map No. 123092, 1997 Map No. 137147 Unclassified, Silver Lake Wilderness, Shaker Mountain Wild Forest, Ferris Lake Wild Forest Arietta (1%), Caroga (37%), Stratford (39%)
Current Caroga Lake GeoPDF Map
1945 Map No. 122816, 1945 Map No. 122817, 1970 Map No. 122818, 1997 Map No. 137156 Silver Lake Wilderness, Shaker Mountain Wild Forest, Ferris Lake Wild Forest, Caroga Lake Campground Arietta (1%), Benson (5%), Bleecker (49%), Caroga (34%)
Current Cathead Mountain GeoPDF Map
NA Cathead Mountain Primitive Area, Sacandaga Primitive Area, Silver Lake Wilderness, Shaker Mountain Wild Forest, Jessup River Wild Forest, Wilcox Lake Wild Forest, Sacandaga Campground Benson (42%), Hope (17%), Wells (7%)
Current Deerland GeoPDF Map
NA Blue Mountain Wild Forest, Sargent Ponds Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness, Lake Eaton Campground, Long Lake State Boat Launch Arietta (1%), Indian Lake (6%), Long Lake (8%)
Current Dun Brook Mountain GeoPDF Map
NA Blue Mountain Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness, Essex Chain Lakes Primitive Area Indian Lake (5%), Long Lake (5%), Minerva (11%), Newcomb (1%)
Current Dutton Mountain GeoPDF Map
NA Hudson Gorge Primitive Area, Hudson Gorge Wilderness, Ok Slip Pond Primitive Area, Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Siamese Ponds Wilderness Chester (0%), Indian Lake (5%), Minerva (25%)
Current Eagle Bay GeoPDF Map
NA Pigeon Lake Wilderness, Moose River Plains Wild Forest, Fulton Chain Wild Forest, Fourth Lake Boat Launch Inlet (13%), Long Lake (5%), Webb (5%)
Current Forked Lake GeoPDF Map
NA Sargent Ponds Wild Forest, William C. Whitney Wilderness, Forked Lake Campground Arietta (3%), Indian Lake (0%), Long Lake (10%)
Current Gore Mountain GeoPDF Map
NA Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Chatiemac Lake Primitive Area, Siamese Ponds Wilderness, North Creek Parking Fishing Access, Gore Mountain Ski Center Chester (3%), Indian Lake (1%), Johnsburg (24%), Minerva (0%)
Current Grampus Lake GeoPDF Map
NA Sargent Ponds Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness Harrietstown (0%), Long Lake (10%), Tupper Lake (5%)
Current Griffin GeoPDF Map
NA Jessup River Wild Forest, Wilcox Lake Wild Forest, Forks Mountain Primitive Area, Siamese Ponds Wilderness Stony Creek (14%), Thurman (8%), Wells (19%)
Current Hoffmeister GeoPDF Map
NA West Canada Lake Wilderness, West Canada Mountain Primitive Area, Wilmurt Club Road Primitive Area, Ferris Lake Wild Forest Arietta (1%), Morehouse (25%)
Current Honnedaga Lake GeoPDF Map
NA West Canada Lake Wilderness, West Canada Mountain Primitive Area, Moose River Plains Wild Forest, Black River Wild Forest Morehouse (8%), Ohio (13%)
Current Hope Falls GeoPDF Map
NA Silver Lake Wilderness, Shaker Mountain Wild Forest, Wilcox Lake Wild Forest Benson (3%), Day (9%), Edinburg (7%), Hope (83%), Northampton (1%), Stony Creek (0%), Wells (3%)
Current Indian Lake GeoPDF Map
NA West Canada Lake Wilderness, Jessup River Wild Forest, Siamese Ponds Wilderness Indian Lake (17%), Lake Pleasant (2%), Wells (2%)
Current Jackson Summit GeoPDF Map
1945 Map No. 129959, 1946 Map No. 129960, 1970 Map No. 129961, 1970 Map No. 129962 Silver Lake Wilderness, Shaker Mountain Wild Forest Benson (12%), Bleecker (39%), Mayfield (33%)
Current Jerseyfield Lake GeoPDF Map
NA Ferris Lake Wild Forest Morehouse (11%), Ohio (2%), Salisbury (25%)
Current Kempshall Mountain GeoPDF Map
NA Sargent Ponds Wild Forest, High Peaks Wilderness Harrietstown (1%), Long Lake (9%), Newcomb (4%)
Current Kunjamuk River GeoPDF Map
NA Jessup River Wild Forest, Dug Mountain Primitive Area, Siamese Ponds Wilderness Indian Lake (0%), Lake Pleasant (12%), Wells (17%)
Current Lake Pleasant GeoPDF Map
NA Silver Lake Wilderness, Jessup River Wild Forest, Moffitt Beach Campground Arietta (2%), Lake Pleasant (22%), Wells (2%)
Current Limekiln Lake GeoPDF Map
NA West Canada Lake Wilderness, Moose River Plains Camping Area, Moose River Plains Wild Forest, Fulton Chain Wild Forest, Alger Island Campground, Limekiln Lake Campground Inlet (27%), Morehouse (2%), Ohio (8%), Webb (2%)
Current Little Tupper Lake GeoPDF Map
NA Sargent Ponds Wild Forest, Horseshoe Lake Wild Forest, Round Lake Wilderness, William C. Whitney Wilderness, Winding Falls Primitive Area Long Lake (9%), Piercefield (8%), Tupper Lake (2%)
Current Morehouse Lake GeoPDF Map
NA Ferris Lake Wild Forest Arietta (6%), Morehouse (11%), Salisbury (5%), Stratford (9%)
Current Morehouseville GeoPDF Map
NA West Canada Lake Wilderness, West Canada Mountain Primitive Area, Ferris Lake Wild Forest, Black River Wild Forest Morehouse (13%), Ohio (10%)
Current Mount Tom GeoPDF Map
NA West Canada Lake Wilderness, Little Moose Wilderness, Moose River Plains Camping Area, Moose River Plains Wild Forest, Fulton Chain Boat Launch Arietta (5%), Inlet (39%), Long Lake (0%), Morehouse (6%)
Current Nehasane Lake GeoPDF Map
NA Pigeon Lake Wilderness, Five Ponds Wilderness, Partlow Lake Primitive Area, Independence River Wild Forest, Nehasane Primitive Area, William C. Whitney Wilderness Long Lake (8%), Webb (3%)
Current Northville GeoPDF Map
1945 Map No. 128798, 1946 Map No. 128799, 1970 Map No. 128800, 1970 Map No. 128801 Shaker Mountain Wild Forest, Wilcox Lake Wild Forest, Sacandaga River State Boat Launch, Northampton Beach Campground Benson (3%), Broadalbin (9%), Edinburg (3%), Hope (0%), Mayfield (18%), Northampton (99%)
Current Page Mountain GeoPDF Map
NA West Canada Lake Wilderness, Jessup River Wild Forest, Siamese Ponds Wilderness Arietta (0%), Lake Pleasant (27%)
Current Piseco Lake GeoPDF Map
NA Silver Lake Wilderness, West Canada Lake Wilderness, Ferris Lake Wild Forest, Jessup River Wild Forest, Little Sand Point Campground, Point Comfort Campground, Poplar Point Day Use Area Arietta (16%)
Current Raquette Lake GeoPDF Map
NA Blue Ridge Wilderness, Pigeon Lake Wilderness, Sargent Ponds Wild Forest, Moose River Plains Wild Forest, Brown Tract Pond Campground, Eighth Lake Campground, Tioga Point Campground Arietta (0%), Inlet (21%), Long Lake (9%)
Current Rock Lake GeoPDF Map
NA Unclassified, Blue Ridge Wilderness, Blue Mountain Wild Forest, Jessup River Wild Forest, Essex Chain Lakes Primitive Area, Pine Lake Primitive Area Indian Lake (20%), Minerva (1%)
Current Sabattis GeoPDF Map
NA Eastern Five Ponds Access Primitive Area, Five Ponds Wilderness, Horseshoe Lake Wild Forest, Nehasane Primitive Area, Round Lake Wilderness, William C. Whitney Wilderness Colton (5%), Long Lake (8%), Piercefield (3%)
Current Sargent Ponds GeoPDF Map
NA Blue Ridge Wilderness, Sargent Ponds Wild Forest, Moose River Plains Wild Forest, Golden Beach Campground Arietta (10%), Indian Lake (3%), Lake Pleasant (3%), Long Lake (1%)
Current Snowy Mountain GeoPDF Map
NA Blue Ridge Wilderness, West Canada Lake Wilderness, Jessup River Wild Forest, Moose River Plains Camping Area, Moose River Plains Wild Forest, Indian Lake Islands Campground, Lewey Lake Campground Indian Lake (5%), Lake Pleasant (21%)
Current South Pond Mountain GeoPDF Map
NA Wilcox Lake Wild Forest, Siamese Ponds Wilderness Johnsburg (11%), Thurman (5%), Wells (15%)
Current Spruce Lake GeoPDF Map
NA West Canada Lake Wilderness, Jessup River Wild Forest Arietta (16%), Lake Pleasant (1%)
Current Spruce Lake Mountain GeoPDF Map
NA West Canada Lake Wilderness, West Canada Mountain Primitive Area, Moose River Plains Wild Forest Arietta (3%), Morehouse (23%)
Current Tomany Mountain GeoPDF Map
NA Silver Lake Wilderness, Ferris Lake Wild Forest Arietta (16%), Stratford (1%)
Current Wakely Mountain GeoPDF Map
NA Blue Ridge Wilderness, Wakely Mountain Primitive Area, West Canada Lake Wilderness, Little Moose Wilderness, Moose River Plains Camping Area, Moose River Plains Wild Forest Arietta (14%), Lake Pleasant (4%), Long Lake (0%)
Current Wells GeoPDF Map
NA Silver Lake Wilderness, Jessup River Wild Forest, Wilcox Lake Wild Forest, Forks Mountain Primitive Area, Siamese Ponds Wilderness Lake Pleasant (7%), Wells (23%)
Current Whitehouse GeoPDF Map
NA Sacandaga Primitive Area, Silver Lake Wilderness Arietta (4%), Benson (34%), Wells (7%)
Current Wolf Mountain GeoPDF Map
1968 Map No. 140367, 1968 Map No. 140368, 1999 Map No. 137042 Eastern Five Ponds Access Primitive Area, Five Ponds Wilderness, Partlow Lake Primitive Area, Nehasane Primitive Area, William C. Whitney Wilderness Clifton (12%), Colton (1%), Long Lake (6%), Webb (1%)

Herkimer County

PDF (50-60 MB Download) Historical USGS Topo Maps State Lands (Links to DEC Website) Towns (Percent of Town’s Area)
Current Beaver River GeoPDF Map
NA Pigeon Lake Wilderness, Five Ponds Wilderness, Independence River Wild Forest Webb (11%)
Current Big Moose GeoPDF Map
NA Pigeon Lake Wilderness, Twitchell Lake Primitive Area, Independence River Wild Forest, Fulton Chain Wild Forest, Ha-De-Ron-Dah Wilderness Webb (11%)
Current Bisby Lakes GeoPDF Map
NA West Canada Lake Wilderness, Black River Wild Forest Ohio (12%), Webb (3%)
Current Black Creek Lake GeoPDF Map
NA Ferris Lake Wild Forest, Black River Wild Forest Ohio (18%)
Current Eagle Bay GeoPDF Map
NA Pigeon Lake Wilderness, Moose River Plains Wild Forest, Fulton Chain Wild Forest, Fourth Lake Boat Launch Inlet (13%), Long Lake (5%), Webb (5%)
Current East Springfield GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 138023, 1943 Map No. 138024 NA Cherry Valley (34%), Middlefield (19%), Minden (1%), Otsego (0%), Roseboom (4%), Springfield (57%), Stark (3%)
Current Five Ponds GeoPDF Map
1969 Map No. 138155, 1969 Map No. 138156, 1999 Map No. 137329 Cranberry Lake Wild Forest, Buck Pond Primitive Area, Five Ponds Wilderness, Wanakena Primitive Area Clifton (2%), Fine (14%), Webb (6%)
Current Fort Plain GeoPDF Map
1944 Map No. 138157, 1944 Map No. 138280 NA Canajoharie (9%), Danube (4%), Manheim (0%), Minden (87%), Palatine (2%), St. Johnsville (25%)
Current Herkimer GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 129905, 1943 Map No. 129906 Plantation Island WMA, West Canada Creek Fishing Access Fairfield (43%), German Flatts (17%), Herkimer (55%), Little Falls city (5%), Little Falls (55%), Newport (1%)
Current Hinckley GeoPDF Map
1946 Map No. 129856, 1946 Map No. 129857, 1946 Map No. 137252 Hinckley State Forest, Ferris Lake Wild Forest, Black River Wild Forest, Hinckley Day Use Area Norway (2%), Ohio (2%), Remsen (23%), Russia (66%), Trenton (1%)
Current Honnedaga Lake GeoPDF Map
NA West Canada Lake Wilderness, West Canada Mountain Primitive Area, Moose River Plains Wild Forest, Black River Wild Forest Morehouse (8%), Ohio (13%)
Current Ilion GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 130052, 1982 Map No. 130056 Steuben Hill State Forest Frankfort (37%), German Flatts (12%), Herkimer (43%), Litchfield (0%), Newport (0%), Schuyler (58%)
Current Jerseyfield Lake GeoPDF Map
NA Ferris Lake Wild Forest Morehouse (11%), Ohio (2%), Salisbury (25%)
Current Jordanville GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 130104, 1943 Map No. 130105 Herkimer FP Detached Parcel Columbia (13%), German Flatts (48%), Little Falls (23%), Springfield (1%), Stark (7%), Warren (67%)
Current Limekiln Lake GeoPDF Map
NA West Canada Lake Wilderness, Moose River Plains Camping Area, Moose River Plains Wild Forest, Fulton Chain Wild Forest, Alger Island Campground, Limekiln Lake Campground Inlet (27%), Morehouse (2%), Ohio (8%), Webb (2%)
Current Little Falls GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 130279, 1943 Map No. 130280 NA Danube (27%), Fairfield (6%), Little Falls city (95%), Little Falls (14%), Manheim (97%), Oppenheim (8%), Salisbury (3%), St. Johnsville (1%)
Current Mckeever GeoPDF Map
NA Black River Wild Forest Forestport (11%), Lyonsdale (1%), Ohio (6%), Webb (5%)
Current Middleville GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 130565, 1943 Map No. 130566, 1943 Map No. 130567 Former Dairy Hill Firetower Site, Black Creek State Forest, Ferris Lake Wild Forest Fairfield (47%), Newport (14%), Norway (83%), Ohio (0%), Salisbury (0%)
Current Millers Mills GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 130585, 1943 Map No. 130586 Herkimer FP Detached Parcel Columbia (86%), Frankfort (3%), German Flatts (23%), Litchfield (24%), Richfield (19%), Winfield (9%)
Current Morehouse Lake GeoPDF Map
NA Ferris Lake Wild Forest Arietta (6%), Morehouse (11%), Salisbury (5%), Stratford (9%)
Current Morehouseville GeoPDF Map
NA West Canada Lake Wilderness, West Canada Mountain Primitive Area, Ferris Lake Wild Forest, Black River Wild Forest Morehouse (13%), Ohio (10%)
Current Nehasane Lake GeoPDF Map
NA Pigeon Lake Wilderness, Five Ponds Wilderness, Partlow Lake Primitive Area, Independence River Wild Forest, Nehasane Primitive Area, William C. Whitney Wilderness Long Lake (8%), Webb (3%)
Current Newport GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 130848, 1943 Map No. 130849, 1943 Map No. 130850, 1982 Map No. 130852 West Canada Creek Fishing Access Deerfield (24%), Herkimer (2%), Newport (85%), Norway (0%), Russia (14%), Schuyler (24%)
Current North Wilmurt GeoPDF Map
1946 Map No. 128775, 1946 Map No. 128777 Forestport FP Detached Parcel, Woodhull Detached Parcel, Black River Wild Forest, Black River Fishing Access Forestport (14%), Ohio (10%), Remsen (12%), Russia (11%)
Current Number Four GeoPDF Map
NA Pepperbox Wilderness, Independence River Wild Forest Greig (7%), Watson (37%), Webb (1%)
Current Ohio GeoPDF Map
NA Black Creek State Forest, Ferris Lake Wild Forest, Black River Wild Forest Norway (14%), Ohio (16%), Salisbury (0%)
Current Old Forge GeoPDF Map
NA Fourth Lake Day Use Area, Fulton Chain Wild Forest, Black River Wild Forest, Ha-De-Ron-Dah Wilderness, Alger Island Campground, Nicks Lake Campground Ohio (4%), Webb (9%)
Current Oppenheim GeoPDF Map
1945 Map No. 128927, 1945 Map No. 128928 Fulton FP Detached Parcel, Lassellsville State Forest, Ferris Lake Wild Forest Danube (0%), Manheim (3%), Oppenheim (75%), Salisbury (0%), St. Johnsville (62%), Stratford (1%)
Current Oswegatchie SE GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 135918, 1966 Map No. 135920 Buck Pond Primitive Area, Five Ponds Wilderness, Pepperbox Wilderness, Aldrich Pond Wild Forest, Watson’s East Triangle Wild Forest Fine (17%), Webb (5%)
Current Oswegatchie SW GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 135921 Five Ponds Wilderness, Aldrich Pond Wild Forest, Watson’s East Triangle Wild Forest Croghan (8%), Diana (13%), Fine (5%), Webb (2%)
Current Remsen GeoPDF Map
1955 Map No. 136052, 1955 Map No. 136053, 1955 Map No. 136054, 1955 Map No. 136855 Cincinnati Creek Waterway Access, Penn Mountain State Forest Floyd (1%), Remsen (41%), Russia (9%), Steuben (29%), Trenton (48%)
Current Richfield Springs GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 136062, 1943 Map No. 136063 Maumee Swamp Columbia (0%), Middlefield (2%), Otsego (34%), Richfield (15%), Springfield (35%), Warren (33%)
Current Salisbury GeoPDF Map
1945 Map No. 129330, 1945 Map No. 129331, 1945 Map No. 129332 Herkimer FP Detached Parcel, Ferris Lake Wild Forest Fairfield (4%), Norway (0%), Salisbury (49%)
Current Soft Maple Reservoir GeoPDF Map
NA Alder Creek Primitive Area, Pepperbox Wilderness, Independence River Wild Forest, Watson’s East Triangle Wild Forest Croghan (11%), New Bremen (1%), Watson (19%), Webb (2%)
Current South Trenton GeoPDF Map
1955 Map No. 136206, 1955 Map No. 136207, 1983 Map No. 136208 NA Deerfield (72%), Marcy (31%), Russia (0%), Schuyler (4%), Trenton (41%), Utica city (2%)
Current Stillwater GeoPDF Map
NA Alder Creek Primitive Area, Bear Pond Primitive Area, Five Ponds Wilderness, Pepperbox Wilderness, Raven Lake Road Primitive Area, Tied Lake Primitive Area, Independence River Wild Forest, Watson’s East Triangle Wild Forest, Stillwater Boat Launch Webb (11%)
Current Stillwater Mountain GeoPDF Map
NA Independence River Wild Forest, Ha-De-Ron-Dah Wilderness Webb (11%)
Current Stratford GeoPDF Map
1945 Map No. 139921, 1945 Map No. 139922, 1945 Map No. 139923, 1945 Map No. 139924 Herkimer FP Detached Parcel, Ferris Lake Wild Forest, North Creek Fishing Access Oppenheim (6%), Salisbury (16%), Stratford (43%)
Current Thendara GeoPDF Map
NA Independence River Wild Forest, Black River Wild Forest, Ha-De-Ron-Dah Wilderness Greig (1%), Lyonsdale (2%), Webb (11%)
Current Unadilla Forks GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 139435, 1943 Map No. 139436 Plainfield State Forest, Basswood Pond State Forest Bridgewater (0%), Brookfield (1%), Burlington (18%), Edmeston (16%), Exeter (15%), Plainfield (97%), Richfield (2%), Winfield (19%)
Current Utica East GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 139462, 1955 Map No. 139464, 1955 Map No. 139465, 1983 Map No. 139466 Herkimer FP Detached Parcel, Utica Marsh WMA Deerfield (3%), Frankfort (60%), Litchfield (12%), Marcy (2%), New Hartford (24%), Paris (8%), Schuyler (15%), Utica city (74%)
Current Van Hornesville GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 139474, 1943 Map No. 139475 Otsquago State Forest, Ohisa State Forest, Van Hornesville Fish Hatchery Danube (69%), Little Falls (7%), Minden (2%), Springfield (6%), Stark (90%), Warren (0%)
Current West Winfield GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 137017, 1943 Map No. 140225, 1943 Map No. 140226 NA Bridgewater (41%), Litchfield (63%), Paris (27%), Plainfield (1%), Richfield (0%), Winfield (72%)
Current Wolf Mountain GeoPDF Map
1968 Map No. 140367, 1968 Map No. 140368, 1999 Map No. 137042 Eastern Five Ponds Access Primitive Area, Five Ponds Wilderness, Partlow Lake Primitive Area, Nehasane Primitive Area, William C. Whitney Wilderness Clifton (12%), Colton (1%), Long Lake (6%), Webb (1%)

Jefferson County

PDF (50-60 MB Download) Historical USGS Topo Maps State Lands (Links to DEC Website) Towns (Percent of Town’s Area)
Current Adams GeoPDF Map
1959 Map No. 136529, 1959 Map No. 136530, 1959 Map No. 136531 NA Adams (60%), Ellisburg (22%), Henderson (12%), Lorraine (13%)
Current Alexandria Bay GeoPDF Map
1958 Map No. 136582, 1958 Map No. 136583 Collins Landing WMA, Cranberry Creek WMA Alexandria (45%), Orleans (11%)
Current Antwerp GeoPDF Map
1949 Map No. 136656, 1949 Map No. 136662, 1951 Map No. 136661 NA Antwerp (44%), Diana (1%), Fowler (0%), Philadelphia (1%), Rossie (0%), Wilna (5%)
Current Barnes Corners GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 123178, 1959 Map No. 123183, 1959 Map No. 123184, 1959 Map No. 137090 Tug Hill State Forest, Sears Pond State Forest, Pinckney State Forest, Lookout State Forest, Granger State Forest Montague (7%), Pinckney (69%), Rodman (20%), Worth (29%)
Current Black River GeoPDF Map
1948 Map No. 123314, 1958 Map No. 123315, 1958 Map No. 123316, 1958 Map No. 123317, 1958 Map No. 137112 NA Le Ray (64%), Pamelia (9%), Philadelphia (0%), Rutland (7%)
Current Boylston Center GeoPDF Map
1959 Map No. 123366, 1959 Map No. 123367, 1959 Map No. 123368 Winona State Forest, Littlejohn WMA Boylston (67%), Lorraine (40%), Redfield (7%), Worth (13%)
Current Brownville GeoPDF Map
1958 Map No. 123028, 1958 Map No. 123029, 1958 Map No. 123030 Perch River WMA Brownville (27%), Clayton (1%), Hounsfield (0%), Orleans (11%), Pamelia (79%), Watertown (0%)
Current Cape Vincent North GeoPDF Map
NA NA Cape Vincent (30%)
Current Cape Vincent South GeoPDF Map
NA Eastern Ontario Waterway Access, Lake Ontario Waterway Access, Point Peninsula WMA Cape Vincent (34%), Lyme (13%)
Current Carthage GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 122823, 1943 Map No. 122824, 1943 Map No. 137157 Beartown State Forest, Black River Fishing Access, Black River Waterway Access Champion (2%), Croghan (10%), Denmark (51%), New Bremen (0%), Wilna (10%)
Current Chaumont GeoPDF Map
1958 Map No. 122935, 1958 Map No. 122937 Lake Ontario Waterway Access, Ashland Flats WMA, Point Peninsula WMA Brownville (3%), Cape Vincent (5%), Lyme (52%)
Current Chippewa Bay GeoPDF Map
1948 Map No. 122977, 1948 Map No. 122978, 1958 Map No. 122980, 1958 Map No. 122981, 1958 Map No. 122982 NA Alexandria (6%), Hammond (38%)
Current Clayton GeoPDF Map
1942 Map No. 137649, 1958 Map No. 137651, 1958 Map No. 137653 French Creek WMA Clayton (50%), Lyme (1%), Orleans (2%)
Current Copenhagen GeoPDF Map
1942 Map No. 137713, 1942 Map No. 137714 Pinckney State Forest Champion (72%), Denmark (38%), Harrisburg (0%), Pinckney (1%), Rutland (3%), Wilna (0%)
Current Deferiet GeoPDF Map
1949 Map No. 137971, 1949 Map No. 137973, 1950 Map No. 137972 NA Champion (24%), Le Ray (20%), Philadelphia (21%), Rutland (3%), Wilna (23%)
Current Dexter GeoPDF Map
1958 Map No. 137883, 1958 Map No. 137884, 1958 Map No. 137885 Brownville WMA, Dexter Marsh WMA, Perch River WMA Brownville (51%), Clayton (11%), Hounsfield (1%), Lyme (18%)
Current Ellisburg GeoPDF Map
1958 Map No. 137320, 1958 Map No. 138208 North Pond Sandy Creek Waterway Access, Little Sandy Creek Fishing Access, Lakeview WMA Ellisburg (23%), Sandy Creek (29%)
Current Galloo Island GeoPDF Map
1958 Map No. 138094, 1958 Map No. 138095 Lake Ontario Islands WMA Hounsfield (7%)
Current Gananoque GeoPDF Map
1958 Map No. 138103 NA Clayton (5%)
Current Henderson GeoPDF Map
1959 Map No. 129890, 1959 Map No. 129891, 1959 Map No. 129892 Ontario Lake Boat Launch, Stony Creek Fishing Access, Crystal Lake Waterway Access, Black Pond WMA, Lakeview WMA Ellisburg (24%), Henderson (59%)
Current Henderson Bay GeoPDF Map
1959 Map No. 129895, 1980 Map No. 129894 Point Peninsula WMA, Lake Ontario Islands WMA Brownville (15%), Henderson (8%), Hounsfield (2%), Lyme (3%)
Current La Fargeville GeoPDF Map
1958 Map No. 130144, 1982 Map No. 130145 Coyote Flats State Forest, Perch River WMA Alexandria (3%), Clayton (0%), Le Ray (0%), Orleans (61%), Pamelia (4%), Theresa (2%)
Current Lake Bonaparte GeoPDF Map
1951 Map No. 130158, 1951 Map No. 130159, 1951 Map No. 130160, 1951 Map No. 137301, 1951 Map No. 137302 St. Lawrence FP Detached Parcel, Sand Bay State Forest, Bonaparte’s Cave State Forest, California Road State Forest Antwerp (7%), Diana (21%), Fowler (19%), Pitcairn (6%)
Current Muskellunge Lake GeoPDF Map
1961 Map No. 130739, 1961 Map No. 130740 Lake Of The Woods Waterway Access, Moon Lake Fishing Access, South Hammond State Forest, Pulpit Rock State Forest, Indian River WMA, Grass Lake Fishing Access Antwerp (14%), Hammond (4%), Macomb (0%), Rossie (47%), Theresa (23%)
Current Natural Bridge GeoPDF Map
1951 Map No. 130767, 1951 Map No. 130768, 1951 Map No. 130769, 1951 Map No. 130770 Onjebonge State Forest, Frank E. Jadwin Memorial State Forest, Hogsback State Forest, Beartown State Forest Croghan (9%), Diana (26%), Wilna (1%)
Current Natural Dam GeoPDF Map
1951 Map No. 130771, 1961 Map No. 130772, 1961 Map No. 130773, 1961 Map No. 130774 Pleasant Lake State Forest, Yellow Lake State Forest, Oswegatchie River At Oxbow Fishing Access, Yellow Lake Waterway Access Antwerp (8%), Fowler (3%), Gouverneur (30%), Macomb (8%), Rossie (42%)
Current North Wilna GeoPDF Map
1949 Map No. 128781, 1949 Map No. 128783, 1951 Map No. 128782 Onjebonge State Forest Antwerp (0%), Croghan (1%), Diana (3%), Wilna (60%)
Current Philadelphia GeoPDF Map
1949 Map No. 128975, 1949 Map No. 128976, 1949 Map No. 128978, 1951 Map No. 128977 NA Antwerp (25%), Philadelphia (65%), Theresa (2%), Wilna (1%)
Current Point Peninsula GeoPDF Map
1958 Map No. 129059, 1958 Map No. 129060 Point Peninsula WMA Henderson (1%), Hounsfield (5%), Lyme (5%)
Current Redwood GeoPDF Map
1958 Map No. 136044, 1958 Map No. 136045, 1958 Map No. 136046 Hyde Lake Fishing Access, Millsite Lake Fishing Access, Butterfield Lake Waterway Access, Sixberry Lake Fishing Access, Indian River WMA Alexandria (43%), Hammond (2%), Theresa (21%)
Current Rodman GeoPDF Map
1959 Map No. 136100, 1959 Map No. 136101, 1959 Map No. 136868 South Sandy Creek Fishing Access, Tug Hill State Forest, Gould’s Corners State Forest, Winona State Forest, Honeyville WMA Adams (15%), Lorraine (37%), Rodman (65%), Worth (13%)
Current Rutland Center GeoPDF Map
1959 Map No. 129268, 1959 Map No. 129269 Pinckney State Forest, Black River At Huntingtonville Waterway Access Champion (2%), Denmark (0%), Le Ray (2%), Pamelia (3%), Pinckney (5%), Rodman (3%), Rutland (87%), Watertown city (5%), Watertown (20%)
Current Sackets Harbor GeoPDF Map
1959 Map No. 129277, 1959 Map No. 129278 Dexter Marsh WMA Adams (20%), Brownville (5%), Henderson (6%), Hounsfield (71%)
Current Saint Lawrence GeoPDF Map
1958 Map No. 129291, 1958 Map No. 129292 Ashland Flats WMA, French Creek WMA Cape Vincent (31%), Clayton (15%), Lyme (9%)
Current Sandy Creek GeoPDF Map
1942 Map No. 129339, 1958 Map No. 129341, 1958 Map No. 129342, 1958 Map No. 129343, 1958 Map No. 129344 Lindsey Creek Fishing Access, Little Sandy Creek Fishing Access, Winona State Forest Boylston (16%), Ellisburg (31%), Lorraine (10%), Sandy Creek (37%)
Current Stony Point GeoPDF Map
1958 Map No. 139914, 1958 Map No. 139915 Henderson Shores Unique Area Henderson (15%), Hounsfield (0%)
Current Theresa GeoPDF Map
1948 Map No. 139992, 1958 Map No. 139990, 1958 Map No. 139991 Hyde Lake Fishing Access, Coyote Flats State Forest, Indian River Fishing Access Alexandria (2%), Antwerp (0%), Le Ray (13%), Pamelia (0%), Philadelphia (14%), Theresa (52%)
Current Thousand Island Park GeoPDF Map
NA NA Clayton (18%), Orleans (15%)
Current Watertown GeoPDF Map
1959 Map No. 140051, 1959 Map No. 140052, 1959 Map No. 140053 NA Adams (5%), Brownville (0%), Hounsfield (14%), Pamelia (5%), Rodman (12%), Watertown city (95%), Watertown (80%)
Current Worth Center GeoPDF Map
1960 Map No. 137044, 1960 Map No. 137045, 1960 Map No. 140382, 1960 Map No. 140383 Tug Hill State Forest, Sears Pond State Forest, Littlejohn WMA Montague (14%), Osceola (1%), Redfield (26%), Worth (44%)

Kings County

Lewis County

PDF (50-60 MB Download) Historical USGS Topo Maps State Lands (Links to DEC Website) Towns (Percent of Town’s Area)
Current Antwerp GeoPDF Map
1949 Map No. 136656, 1949 Map No. 136662, 1951 Map No. 136661 NA Antwerp (44%), Diana (1%), Fowler (0%), Philadelphia (1%), Rossie (0%), Wilna (5%)
Current Barnes Corners GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 123178, 1959 Map No. 123183, 1959 Map No. 123184, 1959 Map No. 137090 Tug Hill State Forest, Sears Pond State Forest, Pinckney State Forest, Lookout State Forest, Granger State Forest Montague (7%), Pinckney (69%), Rodman (20%), Worth (29%)
Current Belfort GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 123234, 1966 Map No. 123235 Frank E. Jadwin Memorial State Forest, Balsam Creek State Forest Croghan (24%), New Bremen (17%), Watson (0%)
Current Brantingham GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 122985, 1966 Map No. 137124, 1966 Map No. 137125 Greig FP Detached Parcel, Lyonsdale FP Detached Parcel, Independence River Wild Forest, Otter Creek State Forest, Independence River State Forest, High Towers State Forest, Burdicks Crossing Fishing Access Greig (45%), Lyonsdale (13%), Turin (4%), Watson (1%), West Turin (0%)
Current Carthage GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 122823, 1943 Map No. 122824, 1943 Map No. 137157 Beartown State Forest, Black River Fishing Access, Black River Waterway Access Champion (2%), Croghan (10%), Denmark (51%), New Bremen (0%), Wilna (10%)
Current Constableville GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 137700, 1966 Map No. 137701 Mohawk Springs State Forest, Lesser Wilderness State Forest Lewis (0%), Leyden (39%), Turin (2%), West Turin (39%)
Current Copenhagen GeoPDF Map
1942 Map No. 137713, 1942 Map No. 137714 Pinckney State Forest Champion (72%), Denmark (38%), Harrisburg (0%), Pinckney (1%), Rutland (3%), Wilna (0%)
Current Copper Lake GeoPDF Map
NA Independence River Wild Forest, Ha-De-Ron-Dah Wilderness Greig (44%), Lyonsdale (18%), Webb (0%)
Current Croghan GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 137196, 1966 Map No. 137743 Beartown State Forest Croghan (26%), Denmark (1%), New Bremen (11%)
Current Crystal Dale GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 137756, 1966 Map No. 137757, 1966 Map No. 137758 Independence River Wild Forest, Indian Pipe State Forest, Crystal Creek Fishing Access, Independence River State Forest, Crystal Creek Fishing Access Greig (0%), New Bremen (33%), Watson (31%)
Current Florence GeoPDF Map
1955 Map No. 138243, 1955 Map No. 138244, 1955 Map No. 138245 Lewis FP Detached Parcel, Lot 127 FP Detached Parcel, Lot 134 FP Detached Parcel, Salmon River Fishing Access, Big Brook State Forest, Swancott Hill State Forest, Tri-County State Forest, Fall Brook State Forest, Furnace Creek State Forest, Mad River State Forest, West Osceola State Forest, Swancott Mill State Forest, East Osceola State Forest, Salmon River East Branch Fishing Access Annsville (10%), Camden (0%), Florence (51%), Lewis (13%), Osceola (13%)
Current Glenfield GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 129534, 1966 Map No. 129535, 1966 Map No. 129536 Gomer Hill Radio Facility, Turin FP Detached Parcel, Lesser Wilderness State Forest, Black River At Glenfield Fishing Access, Black River Fishing Access Greig (3%), Martinsburg (25%), Turin (94%), Watson (1%), West Turin (2%)
Current Harrisville GeoPDF Map
1951 Map No. 129808, 1951 Map No. 129809, 1951 Map No. 129810, 1951 Map No. 137245 Diana FP Detached Parcel, Pitcairn FP Detached Parcel, St. Lawrence FP Detached Parcel, Cold Spring Brook State Forest, Toothaker Creek State Forest, Aldrich Pond Wild Forest, Frank E. Jadwin Memorial State Forest, Bonaparte’s Cave State Forest, California Road State Forest Diana (10%), Edwards (6%), Fine (0%), Fowler (4%), Pitcairn (56%)
Current High Market GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 129921, 1943 Map No. 129922, 1943 Map No. 137249 Lewis FP Detached Parcel, East Br Fish/Big Alder Creek Fishing Access, East Branch Fish Creek Fishing Access, Lesser Wilderness State Forest, East Branch Fish Creek State Forest Lewis (22%), Osceola (6%), West Turin (34%)
Current Lake Bonaparte GeoPDF Map
1951 Map No. 130158, 1951 Map No. 130159, 1951 Map No. 130160, 1951 Map No. 137301, 1951 Map No. 137302 St. Lawrence FP Detached Parcel, Sand Bay State Forest, Bonaparte’s Cave State Forest, California Road State Forest Antwerp (7%), Diana (21%), Fowler (19%), Pitcairn (6%)
Current Lowville GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 130369, 1966 Map No. 137381 Lowville Office, Indian Pipe State Forest, Lowville Demonstration Area, Black River At Beeches Bridge Fishing Access, Black River At Lowville Fishing Access Denmark (1%), Lowville (30%), Martinsburg (10%), New Bremen (38%), Watson (11%)
Current Mckeever GeoPDF Map
NA Black River Wild Forest Forestport (11%), Lyonsdale (1%), Ohio (6%), Webb (5%)
Current Natural Bridge GeoPDF Map
1951 Map No. 130767, 1951 Map No. 130768, 1951 Map No. 130769, 1951 Map No. 130770 Onjebonge State Forest, Frank E. Jadwin Memorial State Forest, Hogsback State Forest, Beartown State Forest Croghan (9%), Diana (26%), Wilna (1%)
Current New Boston GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 130798, 1943 Map No. 130799, 1943 Map No. 137406 Sears Pond State Forest, Pinckney State Forest, Lookout State Forest, Grant Powell State Forest, Cobb Creek State Forest Denmark (1%), Harrisburg (70%), Martinsburg (3%), Montague (20%), Pinckney (26%)
Current North Osceola GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 128758, 1943 Map No. 128759, 1943 Map No. 128760 Lewis FP Detached Parcel, Lot 38 FP Detached Parcel, Lot 50 FP Detached Parcel, Lot 69 FP Detached Parcel, Lot 74 FP Detached Parcel, Lot 98 FP Detached Parcel, West Osceola State Forest, Line Brook State Forest, East Osceola State Forest Lewis (2%), Osceola (61%), West Turin (0%)
Current North Wilna GeoPDF Map
1949 Map No. 128781, 1949 Map No. 128783, 1951 Map No. 128782 Onjebonge State Forest Antwerp (0%), Croghan (1%), Diana (3%), Wilna (60%)
Current Number Four GeoPDF Map
NA Pepperbox Wilderness, Independence River Wild Forest Greig (7%), Watson (37%), Webb (1%)
Current Oswegatchie SW GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 135921 Five Ponds Wilderness, Aldrich Pond Wild Forest, Watson’s East Triangle Wild Forest Croghan (8%), Diana (13%), Fine (5%), Webb (2%)
Current Page GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 135958, 1943 Map No. 136768 West Martinsburg Radio Facility, Lesser Wilderness State Forest, Grant Powell State Forest, East Branch Fish Creek State Forest Martinsburg (43%), Turin (1%), West Turin (21%)
Current Point Rock GeoPDF Map
1955 Map No. 129062, 1955 Map No. 129063, 1955 Map No. 136814, 1955 Map No. 136815 Lewis FP Detached Parcel, East Branch Fish Creek Fishing Access, Fish Creek Fishing Access, Fall Brook State Forest, Point Rock State Forest, Raywood Unique Area, Swancott Mill State Forest, East Branch Fish Creek State Forest, Cottrell State Forest, Kotary Road Fishing Access Annsville (23%), Ava (21%), Lee (4%), Lewis (47%)
Current Port Leyden GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 129118, 1966 Map No. 129119 Boonville FP Detached Parcel, Lyonsdale FP Detached Parcel, Popple Pond State Forest, Independence River Wild Forest, Black River Wild Forest, Sand Flats State Forest, Black River Fishing Access Boonville (14%), Leyden (48%), Lyonsdale (38%), West Turin (1%)
Current Redfield GeoPDF Map
1942 Map No. 136039, 1960 Map No. 136040, 1960 Map No. 136041, 1960 Map No. 136042, 1960 Map No. 136854 Stave Mill State Forest, Salmon River North Branch Fishing Access, Salmon River Fishing Access, Battle Hill State Forest, Hall Island State Forest, O’hara State Forest, Salmon River State Forest, West Osceola State Forest, Line Brook State Forest, Mill Stream Fishing Access, Mill Stream Fishing Access Osceola (6%), Redfield (52%)
Current Remington Corners GeoPDF Map
1951 Map No. 136047, 1951 Map No. 136048, 1951 Map No. 136049, 1951 Map No. 136051 Aldrich Pond Wild Forest, Frank E. Jadwin Memorial State Forest Croghan (10%), Diana (25%)
Current Rutland Center GeoPDF Map
1959 Map No. 129268, 1959 Map No. 129269 Pinckney State Forest, Black River At Huntingtonville Waterway Access Champion (2%), Denmark (0%), Le Ray (2%), Pamelia (3%), Pinckney (5%), Rodman (3%), Rutland (87%), Watertown city (5%), Watertown (20%)
Current Sears Pond GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 136127, 1943 Map No. 136128, 1943 Map No. 136129, 1943 Map No. 136906 Sears Pond State Forest, Grant Powell State Forest, Tug Hill WMA Martinsburg (4%), Montague (60%), Osceola (12%), West Turin (1%)
Current Soft Maple Reservoir GeoPDF Map
NA Alder Creek Primitive Area, Pepperbox Wilderness, Independence River Wild Forest, Watson’s East Triangle Wild Forest Croghan (11%), New Bremen (1%), Watson (19%), Webb (2%)
Current Thendara GeoPDF Map
NA Independence River Wild Forest, Black River Wild Forest, Ha-De-Ron-Dah Wilderness Greig (1%), Lyonsdale (2%), Webb (11%)
Current West Leyden GeoPDF Map
1955 Map No. 137009, 1955 Map No. 140171 Buck Hill State Forest, Webster Hill State Forest, Point Rock State Forest, Jackson Hill State Forest, Mohawk Springs State Forest Ava (77%), Boonville (4%), Lee (3%), Lewis (16%), Leyden (13%), West Turin (0%), Western (10%)
Current West Lowville GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 137010, 1943 Map No. 140178 Grant Powell State Forest Denmark (7%), Harrisburg (30%), Lowville (70%), Martinsburg (15%)
Current Westdale GeoPDF Map
1946 Map No. 140228, 1959 Map No. 137018, 1959 Map No. 140230, 1959 Map No. 140231 West Branch Fish Creek Fishing Access, Florence Hill State Forest, Tri-County State Forest, Mad River State Forest, O’hara State Forest, Orton Hollow State Forest, West Osceola State Forest Amboy (5%), Camden (12%), Florence (46%), Osceola (1%), Redfield (7%), Williamstown (33%)
Current Woodgate GeoPDF Map
NA Boonville FP Detached Parcel, Hogsback State Forest, Popple Pond State Forest, Black River Wild Forest, Sand Flats State Forest Boonville (8%), Forestport (36%), Lyonsdale (28%)
Current Worth Center GeoPDF Map
1960 Map No. 137044, 1960 Map No. 137045, 1960 Map No. 140382, 1960 Map No. 140383 Tug Hill State Forest, Sears Pond State Forest, Littlejohn WMA Montague (14%), Osceola (1%), Redfield (26%), Worth (44%)

Livingston County

PDF (50-60 MB Download) Historical USGS Topo Maps State Lands (Links to DEC Website) Towns (Percent of Town’s Area)
Current Arkport GeoPDF Map
1965 Map No. 136691, 1965 Map No. 136692, 1965 Map No. 136693 NA Almond (4%), Burns (22%), Dansville (62%), Fremont (24%), Hornell city (10%), Hornellsville (14%), Ossian (7%)
Current Bristol Springs GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 123020, 1943 Map No. 123021, 1943 Map No. 123022, 1943 Map No. 123023 Honeoye Inlet WMA, High Tor WMA, Stid Hill Mua Canadice (2%), Naples (44%), Richmond (13%), South Bristol (69%), Springwater (3%)
Current Caledonia GeoPDF Map
1950 Map No. 123137, 1950 Map No. 123138, 1950 Map No. 123139, 1950 Map No. 123142 Caledonia Fish Hatchery Avon (22%), Caledonia (68%), Rush (0%), Wheatland (17%), York (21%)
Current Canaseraga GeoPDF Map
1964 Map No. 122771 Ossian State Forest, Canaseraga State Forest, Hiltonville State Forest, Klipnocky State Forest, Gas Springs State Forest, Slader Creek State Forest, Rattlesnake Hill WMA, Keeney Swamp WMA Almond (21%), Birdsall (21%), Burns (78%), Grove (24%), Ossian (22%)
Current Conesus GeoPDF Map
1957 Map No. 137692, 1964 Map No. 137693 Hemlock-Canadice State Forest, Conesus Inlet WMA Conesus (70%), Groveland (26%), Sparta (52%), Springwater (9%), West Sparta (0%)
Current Dansville GeoPDF Map
1942 Map No. 137198, 1942 Map No. 137957, 1942 Map No. 137958, 1942 Map No. 137961 NA Dansville (20%), North Dansville (100%), Ossian (17%), Sparta (44%), Springwater (8%), Wayland (20%), West Sparta (13%)
Current Geneseo GeoPDF Map
1950 Map No. 129485, 1950 Map No. 129486, 1950 Map No. 129487, 1950 Map No. 129488 NA Avon (14%), Geneseo (73%), Groveland (2%), Leicester (19%), Mount Morris (0%), York (19%)
Current Honeoye GeoPDF Map
1951 Map No. 129741, 1951 Map No. 129742, 1951 Map No. 129743 Hemlock-Canadice State Forest, Honeoye Creek WMA Canadice (14%), Conesus (2%), Lima (17%), Livonia (29%), Richmond (65%), West Bloomfield (15%)
Current Honeoye Falls GeoPDF Map
1934 Map No. 129754, 1951 Map No. 129752, 1951 Map No. 129753, 1971 Map No. 129750, 1971 Map No. 129751, 1971 Map No. 137256 NA Lima (49%), Mendon (58%), Rush (4%), West Bloomfield (57%)
Current Le Roy GeoPDF Map
1950 Map No. 130235, 1950 Map No. 130236, 1950 Map No. 130237, 1950 Map No. 137314 Groveland Secondary Trailway Caledonia (24%), Le Roy (40%), Pavilion (39%), Wheatland (5%), York (23%)
Current Leicester GeoPDF Map
1951 Map No. 130247, 1951 Map No. 130248, 1951 Map No. 130249 Groveland Secondary Trailway Covington (37%), Leicester (50%), Pavilion (5%), Perry (22%), York (37%)
Current Livonia GeoPDF Map
1951 Map No. 130303, 1951 Map No. 130304, 1951 Map No. 130305, 1951 Map No. 137366 Hemlock-Canadice State Forest, Conesus Lake Waterway Access Avon (11%), Conesus (12%), Geneseo (27%), Groveland (1%), Lima (12%), Livonia (71%)
Current Mount Morris GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 130712, 1943 Map No. 130713, 1972 Map No. 130716, 1972 Map No. 130717 NA Castile (28%), Leicester (29%), Mount Morris (57%), Perry (16%)
Current Naples GeoPDF Map
1942 Map No. 130756, 1942 Map No. 130761, 1942 Map No. 137395 High Tor WMA Cohocton (47%), Naples (49%), Prattsburgh (15%), Springwater (3%)
Current Nunda GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 128828, 1972 Map No. 128834, 1972 Map No. 137474 Rattlesnake Hill WMA Castile (1%), Granger (9%), Grove (15%), Mount Morris (12%), Nunda (70%), Portage (54%)
Current Ossian GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 135910, 1972 Map No. 135911 Ossian State Forest, Canaseraga State Forest, Rattlesnake Hill WMA Grove (6%), Mount Morris (3%), Nunda (30%), Ossian (54%), West Sparta (55%)
Current Portageville GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 129125, 1972 Map No. 129128, 1972 Map No. 129129, 1972 Map No. 129131 East Koy Creek Fishing Access, Wiscoy Creek Fishing Access, Genesee Valley WMA Castile (11%), Gainesville (8%), Genesee Falls (100%), Granger (10%), Hume (15%), Mount Morris (0%), Pike (36%), Portage (46%)
Current Rush GeoPDF Map
1931 Map No. 148375, 1934 Map No. 129251, 1934 Map No. 129252, 1951 Map No. 129253, 1951 Map No. 129254, 1971 Map No. 129255, 1971 Map No. 129256, 1971 Map No. 136877 Avon Regional Office, Genesee River Waterway Access, Twin Cedars Environmental Area, Rush Oak Openings Unique Area Avon (52%), Caledonia (8%), Lima (22%), Mendon (1%), Rush (70%), Wheatland (3%)
Current Sonyea GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 136191, 1972 Map No. 136192, 1972 Map No. 136925 Sonyea State Forest Groveland (72%), Leicester (3%), Mount Morris (27%), Sparta (4%), West Sparta (32%)
Current Springwater GeoPDF Map
1942 Map No. 136931, 1942 Map No. 139848, 1942 Map No. 139849, 1942 Map No. 139850 Hemlock-Canadice State Forest, Honeoye Inlet WMA Canadice (84%), Conesus (16%), Richmond (3%), Springwater (38%)
Current Wayland GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 140081, 1953 Map No. 140079 Mill Creek Fishing Access Cohocton (20%), Dansville (1%), Springwater (38%), Wayland (59%)

USGS Topographic Maps – Sullivan to Yates County

Counties: Albany to Delaware / Dutchess to Livingston / Madison to Otsego / Putnam to Suffolk / Sullivan to Yates

Browse Topographic Maps: Full State / Historical USGS Topographic Maps

Sullivan County

PDF (50-60 MB Download) Historical USGS Topo Maps State Lands (Links to DEC Website) Towns (Percent of Town’s Area)
Current Callicoon GeoPDF Map
1965 Map No. 123143, 1965 Map No. 123144, 1965 Map No. 123145, 1992 Map No. 137140 Callicoon Creek North Branch Fishing Access, Crystal Lake Wild Forest, Delaware River Waterway Access Callicoon (3%), Delaware (39%), Fremont (55%), Hancock (1%)
Current Claryville GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 137174, 1966 Map No. 137635, 1966 Map No. 137636 Sundown Wild Forest, Willowemoc Wild Forest, Slide Mountain Wilderness, Big Indian Wilderness Denning (31%), Hardenburgh (1%), Neversink (25%)
Current Damascus GeoPDF Map
NA NA Cochecton (43%), Delaware (12%), Tusten (7%)
Current Eldred GeoPDF Map
1967 Map No. 138051, 1967 Map No. 138052 Sullivan FP Detached Parcel, Hickok Brook Multiple Use Area Bethel (3%), Cochecton (2%), Highland (43%), Tusten (61%)
Current Ellenville GeoPDF Map
1942 Map No. 138073, 1942 Map No. 138074, 1969 Map No. 137354, 1969 Map No. 137355, 1969 Map No. 138078 Ulster FP Detached Parcel, Sandburg Creek Fishing Access, Shawangunk Ridge State Forest, Roosa Gap State Forest, Painter Hill Multiple Use Area, Oak Ridge Multiple Use Area, West Branch Beerkill Fishing Access Fallsburg (0%), Mamakating (18%), Shawangunk (3%), Wawarsing (27%)
Current Grahamsville GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 129597, 1982 Map No. 129598 Sullivan FP Detached Parcel, Neversink River Fishing Access, Sundown Wild Forest Fallsburg (22%), Neversink (33%), Wawarsing (7%)
Current Hartwood GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 129830, 1966 Map No. 129831 Neversink River Unique Area Forestburgh (74%), Thompson (16%)
Current Highland Lake GeoPDF Map
1967 Map No. 129920, 1967 Map No. 137250 Sullivan FP Detached Parcel, Hickok Brook Multiple Use Area, Mongaup Valley WMA Bethel (6%), Forestburgh (15%), Highland (39%), Lumberland (38%), Thompson (3%)
Current Horton GeoPDF Map
1965 Map No. 129786, 1965 Map No. 129787, 1982 Map No. 129785 Hancock FP Detached Parcel, Crystal Lake Wild Forest Colchester (5%), Fremont (14%), Hancock (26%)
Current Jeffersonville GeoPDF Map
1965 Map No. 129990, 1965 Map No. 129991 Callicoon Creek North Branch Fishing Access Bethel (4%), Callicoon (74%), Delaware (25%), Fremont (12%), Liberty (1%)
Current Lake Huntington GeoPDF Map
1967 Map No. 130046, 1967 Map No. 137308 Lake Huntington Waterway Access Bethel (29%), Cochecton (55%), Delaware (23%), Tusten (2%)
Current Lewbeach GeoPDF Map
1965 Map No. 130250, 1965 Map No. 130251, 1965 Map No. 130253, 1965 Map No. 137316 Andes FP Detached Parcel, Murphy Hill State Forest, Delaware Wild Forest, Dry Brook Ridge Wild Forest, Little Pond Campground Andes (34%), Colchester (9%), Hardenburgh (2%), Middletown (0%), Rockland (2%)
Current Liberty East GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 130264, 1966 Map No. 130265 NA Fallsburg (22%), Liberty (30%), Neversink (16%)
Current Liberty West GeoPDF Map
1965 Map No. 130266, 1965 Map No. 137357, 1965 Map No. 137358 Little Beaverkill Fishing Access Bethel (3%), Callicoon (8%), Liberty (61%), Rockland (0%)
Current Livingston Manor GeoPDF Map
1965 Map No. 130296, 1965 Map No. 130297, 1965 Map No. 137365 Little Beaverkill Fishing Access, Willowemoc Creek Fishing Access, Willowemoc Creek Waterway Access, Delaware Wild Forest, Willowemoc Wild Forest, Beaverkill Campground Callicoon (3%), Colchester (2%), Liberty (3%), Rockland (51%)
Current Monticello GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 130634, 1966 Map No. 130635, 1966 Map No. 130636 NA Bethel (1%), Fallsburg (13%), Liberty (3%), Thompson (49%)
Current Narrowsburg GeoPDF Map
1968 Map No. 130762, 1994 Map No. 137396, 1997 Map No. 137398, 1997 Map No. 137400 NA Tusten (30%)
Current Peekamoose Mountain GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 128939, 1943 Map No. 128941 Sundown Wild Forest, Slide Mountain Wilderness, Big Indian Wilderness Denning (47%), Neversink (2%), Rochester (1%), Shandaken (2%), Wawarsing (0%)
Current Pond Eddy GeoPDF Map
1965 Map No. 129064, 1965 Map No. 129065, 1965 Map No. 129066, 1965 Map No. 129067, 1965 Map No. 136816, 1992 Map No. 136817, 1997 Map No. 136818 Hickok Brook Multiple Use Area, Mongaup Valley WMA Deerpark (2%), Forestburgh (0%), Highland (1%), Lumberland (56%)
Current Port Jervis North GeoPDF Map
NA Cherry Island WMA, Huckleberry Ridge State Forest, Mongaup Valley WMA Deerpark (70%), Forestburgh (3%), Greenville (3%), Port Jervis city (68%)
Current Rondout Reservoir GeoPDF Map
1969 Map No. 129207, 1969 Map No. 463445 Vernooy Kill State Forest, Sundown Wild Forest Denning (1%), Neversink (5%), Rochester (7%), Wawarsing (33%)
Current Roscoe GeoPDF Map
1965 Map No. 129208, 1965 Map No. 129209, 1965 Map No. 136874 Delaware County Scenic Resource, Colchester FP Detached Parcel, Delaware FP Detached Parcel, Beaverkill Fishing Access, Willowemoc Creek Fishing Access, Delaware Wild Forest, Willowemoc Wild Forest Callicoon (12%), Colchester (17%), Fremont (19%), Hancock (0%), Rockland (17%)
Current Shohola GeoPDF Map
NA Hickok Brook Multiple Use Area Highland (18%), Lumberland (5%)
Current White Lake GeoPDF Map
1967 Map No. 140257, 1967 Map No. 140258 NA Bethel (54%), Liberty (1%), Thompson (8%)
Current Willowemoc GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 137033, 1966 Map No. 140307, 1966 Map No. 140308, 1997 Map No. 137034 Willowemoc Wild Forest, Big Indian Wilderness, Mongaup Pond Campground Denning (5%), Hardenburgh (6%), Liberty (2%), Neversink (18%), Rockland (30%)
Current Woodridge GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 140376, 1966 Map No. 140377 Neversink River Fishing Access Fallsburg (43%), Mamakating (5%), Thompson (11%), Wawarsing (5%)
Current Wurtsboro GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 140385, 1943 Map No. 140386, 1969 Map No. 137046, 1969 Map No. 137047, 1969 Map No. 140387 Wurtsboro Ridge State Forest, Roosa Gap State Forest, Bashakill WMA Crawford (10%), Mamakating (36%), Mount Hope (3%), Shawangunk (1%), Wallkill (25%)
Current Yankee Lake GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 137050, 1966 Map No. 140391, 1966 Map No. 140392 Sullivan FP Detached Parcel, Neversink River Unique Area, Wolf Brook Multiple Use Area, Bashakill WMA Deerpark (0%), Forestburgh (7%), Mamakating (41%), Mount Hope (1%), Thompson (13%)

Tioga County

PDF (50-60 MB Download) Historical USGS Topo Maps State Lands (Links to DEC Website) Towns (Percent of Town’s Area)
Current Apalachin GeoPDF Map
1956 Map No. 136670, 1956 Map No. 136671, 1969 Map No. 136672, 1969 Map No. 136673 NA Owego (53%)
Current Barton GeoPDF Map
1953 Map No. 123188, 1969 Map No. 123189, 1969 Map No. 137091 Susquehanna River Waterway Access Barton (41%), Nichols (32%), Tioga (35%)
Current Candor GeoPDF Map
1956 Map No. 122778, 1969 Map No. 122779 NA Candor (44%), Newark Valley (0%), Owego (2%), Tioga (18%)
Current Dryden GeoPDF Map
1949 Map No. 137901, 1951 Map No. 137902, 1951 Map No. 137903, 1969 Map No. 137339, 1969 Map No. 137904, 1969 Map No. 137905 Dryden Lake Multiple Use Area, Robinson Hollow State Forest, Yellow Barn State Forest, Hammond Hill State Forest, West Branch Owego Creek Caroline (23%), Dryden (38%), Harford (6%), Richford (13%), Virgil (1%)
Current Endicott GeoPDF Map
1956 Map No. 138228, 1956 Map No. 138229, 1969 Map No. 137326, 1969 Map No. 138234, 1969 Map No. 138235 Tracy Creek State Forest Owego (7%), Union (37%), Vestal (67%)
Current Harford GeoPDF Map
1949 Map No. 129714, 1951 Map No. 129715, 1976 Map No. 129716, 1976 Map No. 129717 Beaver Dam State Forest, Griggs Gulf State Forest, Michigan Hill State Forest, Robinson Hollow State Forest, Turkey Hill State Forest, James Kennedy State Forest Harford (94%), Lapeer (34%), Lisle (0%), Richford (39%), Virgil (18%)
Current Lisle GeoPDF Map
1949 Map No. 130273, 1949 Map No. 130275, 1951 Map No. 130274 Ketchumville State Forest, Nanticoke Lake Multiple Use Area Berkshire (13%), Lisle (56%), Maine (5%), Nanticoke (73%), Newark Valley (7%), Richford (4%)
Current Maine GeoPDF Map
1956 Map No. 130418, 1956 Map No. 130419, 1969 Map No. 130420, 1969 Map No. 130421, 1969 Map No. 137425 Ketchumville State Forest, Nanticoke Creek Fishing Access Maine (69%), Nanticoke (2%), Newark Valley (18%), Owego (2%), Union (33%)
Current Newark Valley GeoPDF Map
1956 Map No. 130818, 1969 Map No. 130819, 1969 Map No. 130820, 1969 Map No. 137407 Ketchumville State Forest, Oakley Corners State Forest Candor (3%), Newark Valley (53%), Owego (24%)
Current Owego GeoPDF Map
1956 Map No. 135949, 1969 Map No. 135950, 1969 Map No. 135951, 1969 Map No. 135952 NA Nichols (68%), Owego (11%), Tioga (36%)
Current Richford GeoPDF Map
1950 Map No. 136064, 1950 Map No. 136065, 1950 Map No. 136066, 1950 Map No. 136856 East Branch Owego Creek Parking, Beaver Dam State Forest, Andersen Hill State Forest, Ketchumville State Forest, Turkey Hill State Forest, Potato Hill State Forest, Jenksville State Forest Berkshire (87%), Candor (1%), Caroline (2%), Newark Valley (22%), Richford (43%)
Current Speedsville GeoPDF Map
1949 Map No. 139827, 1951 Map No. 139828, 1969 Map No. 136930, 1969 Map No. 139829 Fairfield State Forest, Potato Hill State Forest, Shindagin Hollow State Forest Berkshire (0%), Candor (26%), Caroline (54%), Richford (1%)
Current Spencer GeoPDF Map
1956 Map No. 139830, 1969 Map No. 139831, 1969 Map No. 139832, 1969 Map No. 139833 NA Barton (10%), Candor (15%), Spencer (56%), Tioga (12%)
Current Van Etten GeoPDF Map
1954 Map No. 139471, 1969 Map No. 139472, 1969 Map No. 139473 NA Baldwin (5%), Barton (11%), Cayuta (0%), Erin (9%), Spencer (25%), Van Etten (75%)
Current Waverly GeoPDF Map
1954 Map No. 140068, 1954 Map No. 140069, 1969 Map No. 136995, 1969 Map No. 140070, 1969 Map No. 140071 Maple Hill State Forest Baldwin (13%), Barton (38%), Chemung (58%)
Current West Danby GeoPDF Map
1950 Map No. 140144, 1950 Map No. 140145, 1969 Map No. 140146, 1969 Map No. 140147 Danby State Forest Cayuta (3%), Danby (23%), Newfield (48%), Spencer (8%), Van Etten (23%)
Current Willseyville GeoPDF Map
1949 Map No. 140329, 1949 Map No. 140330, 1951 Map No. 140331, 1969 Map No. 137038, 1969 Map No. 137039, 1969 Map No. 140332, 1969 Map No. 140333 Danby State Forest Candor (10%), Caroline (13%), Danby (61%), Spencer (11%)

Tompkins County

PDF (50-60 MB Download) Historical USGS Topo Maps State Lands (Links to DEC Website) Towns (Percent of Town’s Area)
Current Alpine GeoPDF Map
1950 Map No. 136593, 1950 Map No. 136594, 1969 Map No. 136595, 1969 Map No. 136596, 1969 Map No. 137064 Newfield State Forest, Cliffside State Forest, Connecticut Hill WMA Catharine (45%), Cayuta (82%), Newfield (36%), Veteran (7%)
Current Dryden GeoPDF Map
1949 Map No. 137901, 1951 Map No. 137902, 1951 Map No. 137903, 1969 Map No. 137339, 1969 Map No. 137904, 1969 Map No. 137905 Dryden Lake Multiple Use Area, Robinson Hollow State Forest, Yellow Barn State Forest, Hammond Hill State Forest, West Branch Owego Creek Caroline (23%), Dryden (38%), Harford (6%), Richford (13%), Virgil (1%)
Current Groton GeoPDF Map
1942 Map No. 129649, 1942 Map No. 129650, 1970 Map No. 129654, 1970 Map No. 137236 NA Cortlandville (7%), Dryden (21%), Groton (58%), Locke (1%), Summerhill (4%), Virgil (4%)
Current Ithaca East GeoPDF Map
1949 Map No. 130071, 1949 Map No. 130072, 1951 Map No. 130073, 1969 Map No. 130074, 1969 Map No. 130075, 1969 Map No. 137276 Reynolds Game Farm Caroline (8%), Danby (11%), Dryden (28%), Ithaca city (38%), Ithaca (42%), Lansing (5%)
Current Ithaca West GeoPDF Map
1949 Map No. 130077, 1949 Map No. 130078, 1949 Map No. 130079, 1949 Map No. 130080, 1949 Map No. 130081, 1969 Map No. 130082, 1969 Map No. 137277, 1978 Map No. 130083 NA Danby (5%), Enfield (46%), Ithaca city (62%), Ithaca (58%), Lansing (3%), Newfield (10%), Ulysses (18%)
Current Ludlowville GeoPDF Map
1942 Map No. 130370, 1942 Map No. 130371, 1942 Map No. 130372, 1971 Map No. 130374, 1971 Map No. 137423 Myers Point Boat Launch Covert (4%), Genoa (1%), Lansing (57%), Ulysses (36%)
Current Mecklenburg GeoPDF Map
1950 Map No. 130516, 1950 Map No. 130517, 1950 Map No. 130518, 1969 Map No. 130519, 1969 Map No. 130520, 1969 Map No. 137441 Cayuta Lake Boat Launch, Connecticut Hill WMA Catharine (10%), Enfield (54%), Hector (21%), Newfield (6%), Ulysses (14%)
Current Richford GeoPDF Map
1950 Map No. 136064, 1950 Map No. 136065, 1950 Map No. 136066, 1950 Map No. 136856 East Branch Owego Creek Parking, Beaver Dam State Forest, Andersen Hill State Forest, Ketchumville State Forest, Turkey Hill State Forest, Potato Hill State Forest, Jenksville State Forest Berkshire (87%), Candor (1%), Caroline (2%), Newark Valley (22%), Richford (43%)
Current Speedsville GeoPDF Map
1949 Map No. 139827, 1951 Map No. 139828, 1969 Map No. 136930, 1969 Map No. 139829 Fairfield State Forest, Potato Hill State Forest, Shindagin Hollow State Forest Berkshire (0%), Candor (26%), Caroline (54%), Richford (1%)
Current Trumansburg GeoPDF Map
1942 Map No. 139388, 1970 Map No. 136969, 1970 Map No. 139391 NA Covert (79%), Genoa (0%), Hector (8%), Lansing (6%), Ulysses (32%)
Current West Danby GeoPDF Map
1950 Map No. 140144, 1950 Map No. 140145, 1969 Map No. 140146, 1969 Map No. 140147 Danby State Forest Cayuta (3%), Danby (23%), Newfield (48%), Spencer (8%), Van Etten (23%)
Current West Groton GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 140160, 1943 Map No. 140161, 1970 Map No. 140162, 1970 Map No. 140163 NA Dryden (14%), Groton (42%), Lansing (28%), Locke (6%)
Current Willseyville GeoPDF Map
1949 Map No. 140329, 1949 Map No. 140330, 1951 Map No. 140331, 1969 Map No. 137038, 1969 Map No. 137039, 1969 Map No. 140332, 1969 Map No. 140333 Danby State Forest Candor (10%), Caroline (13%), Danby (61%), Spencer (11%)

Ulster County

PDF (50-60 MB Download) Historical USGS Topo Maps State Lands (Links to DEC Website) Towns (Percent of Town’s Area)
Current Arena GeoPDF Map
1945 Map No. 136684, 1945 Map No. 136685, 1945 Map No. 136686, 1945 Map No. 136690, 1946 Map No. 136687, 1946 Map No. 136689 Delaware Wild Forest, Willowemoc Wild Forest, Big Indian Wilderness, Balsam Lake Mountain Wild Forest, Dry Brook Ridge Wild Forest, Little Pond Campground Andes (9%), Hardenburgh (33%), Middletown (19%), Rockland (0%)
Current Ashokan GeoPDF Map
1942 Map No. 136708, 1942 Map No. 136711, 1964 Map No. 136712, 1964 Map No. 136713, 1964 Map No. 137080 Ulster FP Detached Parcel, Bluestone Wild Forest, Phoenicia – Mt. Tobias Wild Forest Hurley (32%), Marbletown (38%), Olive (36%)
Current Bearsville GeoPDF Map
1945 Map No. 123225, 1945 Map No. 123226, 1945 Map No. 137092, 1946 Map No. 123228, 1997 Map No. 137094 Overlook Mountain Wild Forest, Phoenicia – Mt. Tobias Wild Forest, Indian Head Wilderness, Mink Hollow Primitive Bicycle Corridor, Kenneth L. Wilson Campground Hunter (10%), Hurley (8%), Olive (2%), Woodstock (62%)
Current Cementon GeoPDF Map
1963 Map No. 122882, 1963 Map No. 122883, 1963 Map No. 122884, 1963 Map No. 137143 Seward’s Island, Catskill FP Detatched Parcel, Great Vly WMA Athens (0%), Cairo (0%), Catskill (68%), Germantown (29%), Saugerties (12%)
Current Claryville GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 137174, 1966 Map No. 137635, 1966 Map No. 137636 Sundown Wild Forest, Willowemoc Wild Forest, Slide Mountain Wilderness, Big Indian Wilderness Denning (31%), Hardenburgh (1%), Neversink (25%)
Current Clintondale GeoPDF Map
1957 Map No. 137765, 1957 Map No. 137766, 1957 Map No. 137767 New Paltz Office, Ulster FP Detached Parcel, Hemlock Ridge Multiple Use Area Gardiner (8%), Lloyd (33%), Marlborough (20%), New Paltz (32%), Plattekill (71%), Shawangunk (0%)
Current Ellenville GeoPDF Map
1942 Map No. 138073, 1942 Map No. 138074, 1969 Map No. 137354, 1969 Map No. 137355, 1969 Map No. 138078 Ulster FP Detached Parcel, Sandburg Creek Fishing Access, Shawangunk Ridge State Forest, Roosa Gap State Forest, Painter Hill Multiple Use Area, Oak Ridge Multiple Use Area, West Branch Beerkill Fishing Access Fallsburg (0%), Mamakating (18%), Shawangunk (3%), Wawarsing (27%)
Current Fleischmanns GeoPDF Map
1945 Map No. 138238, 1945 Map No. 138239, 1945 Map No. 138241, 1945 Map No. 138242, 1946 Map No. 138240 Belleayre Mountain Ski Center, Greene County FP Detached Parcel, Big Indian Wilderness, Dry Brook Ridge Wild Forest Halcott (19%), Hardenburgh (0%), Middletown (36%), Roxbury (15%), Shandaken (2%)
Current Gardiner GeoPDF Map
1957 Map No. 138111, 1957 Map No. 138112, 1957 Map No. 138113 NA Gardiner (80%), New Paltz (6%), Plattekill (4%), Rochester (6%), Shawangunk (21%)
Current Grahamsville GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 129597, 1982 Map No. 129598 Sullivan FP Detached Parcel, Neversink River Fishing Access, Sundown Wild Forest Fallsburg (22%), Neversink (33%), Wawarsing (7%)
Current Hyde Park GeoPDF Map
1963 Map No. 130048, 1963 Map No. 130049, 1980 Map No. 130050, 1980 Map No. 130051 Black Creek Waterway Access, Chodikee Lake Wetlands, Crum Elbow Creek Waterway Access, Black Creek State Forest, Crum Elbow Creek Fishing Access Clinton (2%), Esopus (44%), Hyde Park (79%), Lloyd (14%), Rhinebeck (0%)
Current Kaaterskill Clove GeoPDF Map
1946 Map No. 130114, 1997 Map No. 130115 Colgate Lake Wild Forest, Kaaterskill Wild Forest, Indian Head Wilderness, Overlook Turnpike Primitive Bicycle Corridor, Dutcher Notch Primitive Bicycle Corridor, Windham-Blackhead Range Wilderness, North/South Lake Campground Cairo (7%), Catskill (16%), Hunter (32%), Jewett (9%), Saugerties (11%)
Current Kerhonkson GeoPDF Map
1942 Map No. 130021, 1969 Map No. 130024, 1969 Map No. 137293 Ulster FP Detached Parcel, Vernooy Kill State Forest, Sundown Wild Forest Marbletown (0%), Olive (1%), Rochester (45%), Wawarsing (11%)
Current Kingston East GeoPDF Map
1963 Map No. 130035, 1963 Map No. 130036, 1963 Map No. 130037, 1963 Map No. 137296, 1963 Map No. 137298 NA Clinton (0%), Esopus (16%), Hyde Park (1%), Kingston city (52%), Red Hook (15%), Rhinebeck (71%), Ulster (35%)
Current Kingston West GeoPDF Map
1942 Map No. 130038, 1964 Map No. 130131, 1964 Map No. 130132, 1964 Map No. 137299, 1964 Map No. 463444, 1980 Map No. 130133, 1997 Map No. 137300 Esopus Creek Waterway Access, Whiteport WMA, Bluestone Wild Forest, Rondout Creek Waterway Access Esopus (6%), Hurley (53%), Kingston city (48%), Kingston (89%), Marbletown (10%), Rosendale (19%), Ulster (43%), Woodstock (2%)
Current Lewbeach GeoPDF Map
1965 Map No. 130250, 1965 Map No. 130251, 1965 Map No. 130253, 1965 Map No. 137316 Andes FP Detached Parcel, Murphy Hill State Forest, Delaware Wild Forest, Dry Brook Ridge Wild Forest, Little Pond Campground Andes (34%), Colchester (9%), Hardenburgh (2%), Middletown (0%), Rockland (2%)
Current Lexington GeoPDF Map
1946 Map No. 130258, 1960 Map No. 130260, 1960 Map No. 130261, 1960 Map No. 130262 Rusk Mountain Wild Forest, Shandaken Wild Forest, Phoenicia – Mt. Tobias Wild Forest, Diamond Notch Primitive Bicycle Corridor, Hunter-West Kill Wilderness Hunter (2%), Jewett (24%), Lexington (50%), Shandaken (1%)
Current Mohonk Lake GeoPDF Map
1942 Map No. 130597, 1964 Map No. 130599, 1964 Map No. 137455, 1964 Map No. 137456 NA Gardiner (0%), Marbletown (47%), New Paltz (9%), Olive (0%), Rochester (30%), Rosendale (0%)
Current Napanoch GeoPDF Map
1956 Map No. 130743, 1956 Map No. 130744, 1956 Map No. 130745, 1956 Map No. 130746 Sams Point Ellensville Radio Facility, Ulster FP Detached Parcel, Witch’s Hole State Forest Crawford (1%), Gardiner (12%), Rochester (5%), Shawangunk (39%), Wawarsing (18%)
Current Newburgh GeoPDF Map
1957 Map No. 130832, 1957 Map No. 130833, 1957 Map No. 130834, 1957 Map No. 130835 Ulster FP Detached Parcel Marlborough (18%), Montgomery (0%), New Windsor (1%), Newburgh city (60%), Newburgh (83%), Plattekill (24%)
Current Peekamoose Mountain GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 128939, 1943 Map No. 128941 Sundown Wild Forest, Slide Mountain Wilderness, Big Indian Wilderness Denning (47%), Neversink (2%), Rochester (1%), Shandaken (2%), Wawarsing (0%)
Current Phoenicia GeoPDF Map
1946 Map No. 128986, 1960 Map No. 128990, 1960 Map No. 128991, 1960 Map No. 128992, 1960 Map No. 128993, 1960 Map No. 136793, 1997 Map No. 136794 Simpson Ski Slope, Unclassified, Esopus Creek Fishing Access, Woodland Valley Stream Parking, Shandaken Wild Forest, Phoenicia – Mt. Tobias Wild Forest, Hunter-West Kill Wilderness, Slide Mountain Wilderness, Woodland Valley Campground Hunter (2%), Lexington (2%), Olive (5%), Shandaken (36%), Woodstock (8%)
Current Pine Bush GeoPDF Map
1956 Map No. 128999, 1956 Map No. 129000, 1956 Map No. 136802 NA Crawford (88%), Mamakating (0%), Montgomery (15%), Shawangunk (12%), Wallkill (9%)
Current Poughkeepsie GeoPDF Map
1957 Map No. 129158, 1957 Map No. 129159, 1957 Map No. 136830, 1995 Map No. 136831 NA Hyde Park (8%), LaGrange (0%), Lloyd (43%), Marlborough (39%), Poughkeepsie city (100%), Poughkeepsie (70%), Wappinger (2%)
Current Rondout Reservoir GeoPDF Map
1969 Map No. 129207, 1969 Map No. 463445 Vernooy Kill State Forest, Sundown Wild Forest Denning (1%), Neversink (5%), Rochester (7%), Wawarsing (33%)
Current Rosendale GeoPDF Map
1942 Map No. 129218, 1942 Map No. 129219, 1964 Map No. 129224, 1964 Map No. 129225, 1964 Map No. 129226 Ulster FP Detached Parcel, Black Creek State Forest Esopus (34%), Lloyd (11%), Marbletown (5%), New Paltz (53%), Rosendale (81%)
Current Saugerties GeoPDF Map
1963 Map No. 129404, 1963 Map No. 136889, 1963 Map No. 136890, 1963 Map No. 136891, 1963 Map No. 136892, 1997 Map No. 136893 Turkey Point State Forest, Tivoli Bays WMA Clermont (33%), Germantown (15%), Red Hook (39%), Saugerties (41%), Ulster (12%)
Current Seager GeoPDF Map
1945 Map No. 136121, 1945 Map No. 136122, 1945 Map No. 136124, 1945 Map No. 136125, 1945 Map No. 136126, 1946 Map No. 136123 Belleayre Mountain Ski Center, Big Indian Wilderness, Balsam Lake Mountain Wild Forest, Dry Brook Ridge Wild Forest Denning (5%), Hardenburgh (53%), Middletown (5%), Shandaken (1%)
Current Shandaken GeoPDF Map
1946 Map No. 136142, 1946 Map No. 136145, 1960 Map No. 136146, 1960 Map No. 136147, 1960 Map No. 136908, 1960 Map No. 136909, 1997 Map No. 136910 Belleayre Mountain Ski Center, Belleayre Mountain Day Use Area, Unclassified, Shandaken Wild Forest, Slide Mountain Wilderness, Big Indian Wilderness Denning (4%), Hardenburgh (5%), Shandaken (39%)
Current Walden GeoPDF Map
1942 Map No. 139517, 1957 Map No. 139519, 1957 Map No. 139520 Stewart State Forest Crawford (1%), Montgomery (75%), New Windsor (6%), Newburgh (3%), Plattekill (1%), Shawangunk (24%)
Current Wappingers Falls GeoPDF Map
1956 Map No. 140039, 1956 Map No. 140040, 1956 Map No. 140041 Stonykill Environmental Education Center, Baxtertown Woods WMA Beacon city (64%), Fishkill (56%), Marlborough (24%), Newburgh city (3%), Newburgh (12%), Poughkeepsie (17%), Wappinger (60%)
Current West Kill GeoPDF Map
1945 Map No. 140167, 1960 Map No. 137008, 1960 Map No. 140169, 1960 Map No. 140170 Belleayre Mountain Ski Center, Belleayre Mountain Day Use Area, Greene County FP Detached Parcel, Halcott Mountain Wild Forest, Bearpen Mountain State Forest, Rusk Mountain Wild Forest, Shandaken Wild Forest, Hunter-West Kill Wilderness, Vinegar Hill WMA Halcott (69%), Lexington (28%), Middletown (4%), Shandaken (11%)
Current West Shokan GeoPDF Map
1942 Map No. 140217, 1942 Map No. 140218, 1969 Map No. 140219, 1969 Map No. 140220, 1969 Map No. 140221, 1997 Map No. 137015 Sundown Wild Forest, Phoenicia – Mt. Tobias Wild Forest, Slide Mountain Wilderness Denning (5%), Olive (55%), Rochester (8%), Shandaken (6%)
Current Willowemoc GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 137033, 1966 Map No. 140307, 1966 Map No. 140308, 1997 Map No. 137034 Willowemoc Wild Forest, Big Indian Wilderness, Mongaup Pond Campground Denning (5%), Hardenburgh (6%), Liberty (2%), Neversink (18%), Rockland (30%)
Current Woodridge GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 140376, 1966 Map No. 140377 Neversink River Fishing Access Fallsburg (43%), Mamakating (5%), Thompson (11%), Wawarsing (5%)
Current Woodstock GeoPDF Map
1945 Map No. 140378, 1945 Map No. 140379, 1945 Map No. 140380, 1945 Map No. 140381 High Woods Multiple Use Area, Kaaterskill Wild Forest, Overlook Mountain Wild Forest, Bluestone Wild Forest, Indian Head Wilderness, Overlook Turnpike Primitive Bicycle Corridor Hunter (6%), Hurley (7%), Kingston (11%), Saugerties (36%), Ulster (11%), Woodstock (28%)
Current Wurtsboro GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 140385, 1943 Map No. 140386, 1969 Map No. 137046, 1969 Map No. 137047, 1969 Map No. 140387 Wurtsboro Ridge State Forest, Roosa Gap State Forest, Bashakill WMA Crawford (10%), Mamakating (36%), Mount Hope (3%), Shawangunk (1%), Wallkill (25%)

Warren County

PDF (50-60 MB Download) Historical USGS Topo Maps State Lands (Links to DEC Website) Towns (Percent of Town’s Area)
Current Bakers Mills GeoPDF Map
NA Wilcox Lake Wild Forest, Siamese Ponds Wilderness Johnsburg (20%), Thurman (14%)
Current Bolton Landing GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 123346, 1966 Map No. 123347 Lake George Wild Forest, Lake George Islands Campground Bolton (56%), Fort Ann (0%), Horicon (0%), Lake George (1%), Warrensburg (7%)
Current Brant Lake GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 122984 First Brother Primitive Area, Pharaoh Lake Wilderness, Lake George Wild Forest Bolton (10%), Chester (0%), Hague (3%), Horicon (60%), Warrensburg (0%)
Current Bullhead Mountain GeoPDF Map
NA Jessup River Wild Forest, Siamese Ponds Wilderness Indian Lake (6%), Johnsburg (15%), Wells (4%)
Current Chestertown GeoPDF Map
1968 Map No. 122965, 1968 Map No. 122966 Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Lake George Wild Forest, Eagle Point Campground, Horicon Boat Launch Chester (45%), Horicon (21%), Warrensburg (0%)
Current Corinth GeoPDF Map
1935 Map No. 137818, 1968 Map No. 137819 Hudson River Waterway Access, Saratoga FP Detached Parcel, Warren FP Detached Parcel, Daniels Road State Forest, Lincoln Mountain State Forest Corinth (37%), Greenfield (32%), Lake Luzerne (5%), Moreau (2%), Wilton (22%)
Current Glens Falls GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 129551 NA Glens Falls city (94%), Lake George (0%), Lake Luzerne (2%), Moreau (29%), Queensbury (54%)
Current Gore Mountain GeoPDF Map
NA Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Chatiemac Lake Primitive Area, Siamese Ponds Wilderness, North Creek Parking Fishing Access, Gore Mountain Ski Center Chester (3%), Indian Lake (1%), Johnsburg (24%), Minerva (0%)
Current Graphite GeoPDF Map
1973 Map No. 129606, 1973 Map No. 129607 Bald Ledge Primitive Area, Gooseneck Pond Primitive Area, Pharaoh Lake Wilderness, Hammond Pond Wild Forest, Lake George Wild Forest, Putnam Pond Campground Hague (23%), Schroon (1%), Ticonderoga (39%)
Current Griffin GeoPDF Map
NA Jessup River Wild Forest, Wilcox Lake Wild Forest, Forks Mountain Primitive Area, Siamese Ponds Wilderness Stony Creek (14%), Thurman (8%), Wells (19%)
Current Harrisburg GeoPDF Map
NA Wilcox Lake Wild Forest Day (4%), Hadley (0%), Stony Creek (44%), Thurman (17%)
Current Hudson Falls GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 129932, 1966 Map No. 129933, 1966 Map No. 129934 Hudson River Boat Launch, Washington County Grasslands Argyle (9%), Fort Edward (35%), Glens Falls city (6%), Kingsbury (69%), Moreau (14%), Queensbury (8%)
Current Johnsburg GeoPDF Map
1968 Map No. 130094, 1968 Map No. 137286, 1968 Map No. 137287 Unclassified, Mill Creek Parking Area, Wilcox Lake Wild Forest, Lake George Wild Forest Chester (1%), Johnsburg (16%), Thurman (22%)
Current Lake George GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 130043, 1966 Map No. 130044, 1966 Map No. 130045 Lake George Wild Forest, Lake George Beach Day Use Area, Lake George Battlefield Day Use Area, Prospect Mountain Parkway, Lake George Battlefield Campground, Hearthstone Point Campground, Lake George Islands Campground Bolton (7%), Fort Ann (0%), Lake George (83%), Queensbury (31%)
Current Lake Luzerne GeoPDF Map
1968 Map No. 130177, 1968 Map No. 137309, 1968 Map No. 137310 Ralph Road State Forest, Wilcox Lake Wild Forest, Hudson River Special Management Area, Lake George Wild Forest, Upper Hudson River Boat Launch, Luzerne Campground Corinth (7%), Hadley (22%), Lake George (0%), Lake Luzerne (73%), Queensbury (3%)
Current Minerva GeoPDF Map
NA Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Hoffman Notch Wilderness Chester (3%), Minerva (25%), Schroon (7%)
Current North Creek GeoPDF Map
1968 Map No. 128752, 1968 Map No. 128753 Mill Creek Fishing Access, Wilcox Lake Wild Forest, Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Lake George Wild Forest, North Creek Parking Fishing Access, Gore Mountain Ski Center Chester (29%), Johnsburg (14%)
Current Pharaoh Mountain GeoPDF Map
1973 Map No. 128968 Pharaoh Lake Wilderness, Hammond Pond Wild Forest, Lake George Wild Forest Hague (2%), Horicon (16%), Schroon (29%), Ticonderoga (1%)
Current Putnam GeoPDF Map
1950 Map No. 135995, 1950 Map No. 135996, 1950 Map No. 135997, 1950 Map No. 136841, 1950 Map No. 136842 Lake George Wild Forest, Maple Bend Island WMA, Lake George Islands Campground Dresden (35%), Hague (9%), Putnam (48%)
Current Putnam Mountain GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 135994, 1966 Map No. 136840 Lake George Wild Forest Fort Ann (42%), Kingsbury (14%), Queensbury (4%)
Current Schroon Lake GeoPDF Map
NA Pharaoh Lake Wilderness, Hammond Pond Wild Forest, Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest, Scaroon Manor Campground, Lake George Wild Forest, Hoffman Notch Wilderness, Eagle Point Campground Chester (6%), Horicon (4%), Minerva (1%), Schroon (31%)
Current Shelving Rock GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 136153, 1966 Map No. 136154, 1966 Map No. 136913 Lake George Wild Forest, Lake George Islands Campground Bolton (16%), Dresden (26%), Fort Ann (24%)
Current Silver Bay GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 136169, 1966 Map No. 136170 Pharaoh Lake Wilderness, Lake George Wild Forest, Lake George Islands Campground Bolton (12%), Dresden (3%), Hague (53%)
Current South Pond Mountain GeoPDF Map
NA Wilcox Lake Wild Forest, Siamese Ponds Wilderness Johnsburg (11%), Thurman (5%), Wells (15%)
Current Stony Creek GeoPDF Map
1968 Map No. 139902 Wilcox Lake Wild Forest, Hudson River Special Management Area, Lake George Wild Forest Day (0%), Hadley (18%), Lake Luzerne (0%), Stony Creek (41%), Thurman (13%), Warrensburg (1%)
Current The Glen GeoPDF Map
1968 Map No. 139980 Wilcox Lake Wild Forest, Lake George Wild Forest Bolton (0%), Chester (13%), Johnsburg (0%), Lake George (0%), Thurman (14%), Warrensburg (45%)
Current Ticonderoga GeoPDF Map
1950 Map No. 136965, 1950 Map No. 140023, 1950 Map No. 140024, 1950 Map No. 140025, 1950 Map No. 140026, 1950 Map No. 140027, 1950 Map No. 140028, 1950 Map No. 140029, 1950 Map No. 140030 Pharaoh Lake Wilderness, Lake George Wild Forest, Mossy Point State Boat Launch, Lake George Islands Campground, Rogers Rock Campground Hague (9%), Putnam (52%), Ticonderoga (33%)
Current Warrensburg GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 140042, 1966 Map No. 140043 Unclassified, Wilcox Lake Wild Forest, Hudson River Special Management Area, Lake George Wild Forest, Prospect Mountain Parkway Hadley (0%), Lake George (15%), Lake Luzerne (19%), Stony Creek (1%), Thurman (8%), Warrensburg (47%)

Washington County

PDF (50-60 MB Download) Historical USGS Topo Maps State Lands (Links to DEC Website) Towns (Percent of Town’s Area)
Current Cambridge GeoPDF Map
1944 Map No. 123153, 1944 Map No. 123154, 1944 Map No. 123155 Washington FP Detached Parcel Cambridge (49%), Easton (14%), Greenwich (18%), Jackson (48%), White Creek (3%)
Current Cossayuna GeoPDF Map
1944 Map No. 137722, 1944 Map No. 137848, 1944 Map No. 137849 Carters Pond WMA, Cossayuna Lake Waterway Access Argyle (42%), Greenwich (46%), Hebron (4%), Jackson (8%), Salem (8%)
Current Eagle Bridge GeoPDF Map
1944 Map No. 137939, 1944 Map No. 137940, 1944 Map No. 137987 Hoosick River Waterway Access Cambridge (46%), Easton (1%), Hoosick (25%), Pittstown (24%), Schaghticoke (2%), White Creek (10%)
Current Fort Ann GeoPDF Map
1944 Map No. 137209, 1944 Map No. 138275, 1944 Map No. 138276 Dolph Pond State Forest Fort Ann (29%), Hartford (32%), Kingsbury (3%), Whitehall (12%)
Current Fort Miller GeoPDF Map
1935 Map No. 139555 Washington County Grasslands Argyle (16%), Fort Edward (65%), Greenwich (23%), Moreau (10%), Northumberland (38%)
Current Granville GeoPDF Map
1944 Map No. 129599, 1944 Map No. 129600 Mettawee River Fishing Access Fort Ann (1%), Granville (82%), Hampton (9%), Hartford (3%), Whitehall (7%)
Current Hartford GeoPDF Map
1944 Map No. 129814, 1944 Map No. 129815, 1944 Map No. 129816 NA Argyle (32%), Hartford (56%), Hebron (10%), Kingsbury (15%)
Current Hoosick Falls GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 129760, 1943 Map No. 129761, 1943 Map No. 129762, 1943 Map No. 129763, 1995 Map No. 137261 Chestnut Woods State Forest, Mount Tom State Forest Hoosick (38%), White Creek (42%)
Current Hudson Falls GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 129932, 1966 Map No. 129933, 1966 Map No. 129934 Hudson River Boat Launch, Washington County Grasslands Argyle (9%), Fort Edward (35%), Glens Falls city (6%), Kingsbury (69%), Moreau (14%), Queensbury (8%)
Current Mechanicville GeoPDF Map
1954 Map No. 130513, 1954 Map No. 130514, 1954 Map No. 130515, 1954 Map No. 137440 NA Easton (1%), Halfmoon (27%), Malta (1%), Mechanicville city (100%), Schaghticoke (22%), Stillwater (75%)
Current Putnam GeoPDF Map
1950 Map No. 135995, 1950 Map No. 135996, 1950 Map No. 135997, 1950 Map No. 136841, 1950 Map No. 136842 Lake George Wild Forest, Maple Bend Island WMA, Lake George Islands Campground Dresden (35%), Hague (9%), Putnam (48%)
Current Putnam Mountain GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 135994, 1966 Map No. 136840 Lake George Wild Forest Fort Ann (42%), Kingsbury (14%), Queensbury (4%)
Current Salem GeoPDF Map
1944 Map No. 129326, 1944 Map No. 129327, 1995 Map No. 136880 Washington FP Detached Parcel, Battenkill River Fishing Access Hebron (18%), Jackson (4%), Salem (73%)
Current Schaghticoke GeoPDF Map
1954 Map No. 129418, 1954 Map No. 129419, 1954 Map No. 136897, 1954 Map No. 136898 NA Cambridge (5%), Easton (35%), Pittstown (15%), Schaghticoke (38%), Stillwater (3%)
Current Schuylerville GeoPDF Map
1935 Map No. 136111, 1967 Map No. 136112 Victory Mills Easton (50%), Greenwich (12%), Northumberland (6%), Saratoga (34%), Stillwater (3%)
Current Shelving Rock GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 136153, 1966 Map No. 136154, 1966 Map No. 136913 Lake George Wild Forest, Lake George Islands Campground Bolton (16%), Dresden (26%), Fort Ann (24%)
Current Shushan GeoPDF Map
1944 Map No. 136162, 1944 Map No. 136163, 1944 Map No. 136164, 1995 Map No. 136919 Chestnut Woods State Forest, Eldridge Swamp State Forest, Batten Kill State Forest, Goose Egg State Forest, Mount Tom State Forest, Battenkill River Fishing Access Jackson (40%), Salem (19%), White Creek (45%)
Current Silver Bay GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 136169, 1966 Map No. 136170 Pharaoh Lake Wilderness, Lake George Wild Forest, Lake George Islands Campground Bolton (12%), Dresden (3%), Hague (53%)
Current Thorn Hill GeoPDF Map
1946 Map No. 136960, 1946 Map No. 140017, 1948 Map No. 140016 East Bay WMA Hampton (91%), Whitehall (43%)
Current Ticonderoga GeoPDF Map
1950 Map No. 136965, 1950 Map No. 140023, 1950 Map No. 140024, 1950 Map No. 140025, 1950 Map No. 140026, 1950 Map No. 140027, 1950 Map No. 140028, 1950 Map No. 140029, 1950 Map No. 140030 Pharaoh Lake Wilderness, Lake George Wild Forest, Mossy Point State Boat Launch, Lake George Islands Campground, Rogers Rock Campground Hague (9%), Putnam (52%), Ticonderoga (33%)
Current West Pawlet GeoPDF Map
1944 Map No. 140190, 1944 Map No. 140191, 1995 Map No. 137011 NA Granville (18%), Hartford (10%), Hebron (67%)
Current Whitehall GeoPDF Map
1950 Map No. 137027, 1950 Map No. 140282, 1950 Map No. 140283, 1950 Map No. 140284 Dolph Pond State Forest, The Saddles State Forest, Lake George Wild Forest, South Bay State Boat Launch, East Bay WMA Dresden (36%), Fort Ann (4%), Whitehall (37%)

Wayne County

PDF (50-60 MB Download) Historical USGS Topo Maps State Lands (Links to DEC Website) Towns (Percent of Town’s Area)
Current Fair Haven GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 138121, 1954 Map No. 138123, 1954 Map No. 138124, 1954 Map No. 138125 Lake Shore Marshes WMA Sterling (76%), Victory (1%), Wolcott (25%)
Current Furnaceville GeoPDF Map
1952 Map No. 138088, 1952 Map No. 138089, 1952 Map No. 138090, 1952 Map No. 138091 NA Ontario (38%), Williamson (1%)
Current Lyons GeoPDF Map
1953 Map No. 130403, 1953 Map No. 130404, 1953 Map No. 130405 Galen WMA Galen (56%), Junius (18%), Lyons (38%), Phelps (3%), Rose (1%)
Current Macedon GeoPDF Map
1951 Map No. 130414, 1951 Map No. 130415, 1951 Map No. 130416, 1951 Map No. 130417 NA Farmington (37%), Macedon (98%), Marion (0%), Penfield (0%), Perinton (3%), Victor (1%), Walworth (2%)
Current Montezuma GeoPDF Map
1954 Map No. 130619, 1954 Map No. 130620, 1954 Map No. 130621 Northern Montezuma WMA Conquest (41%), Mentz (61%), Montezuma (60%), Savannah (39%), Throop (7%), Tyre (8%)
Current Newark GeoPDF Map
1952 Map No. 130822, 1952 Map No. 130823, 1952 Map No. 130824, 1952 Map No. 130825 NA Arcadia (67%), Lyons (37%), Phelps (9%)
Current North Wolcott GeoPDF Map
1953 Map No. 128785, 1953 Map No. 128786, 1953 Map No. 137468 Lake Shore Marshes WMA Huron (18%), Wolcott (44%)
Current Ontario GeoPDF Map
1952 Map No. 128924, 1952 Map No. 128925, 1952 Map No. 128926 NA Marion (2%), Ontario (62%), Penfield (0%), Walworth (98%), Williamson (1%)
Current Palmyra GeoPDF Map
1952 Map No. 135960, 1952 Map No. 135961 NA Arcadia (8%), Farmington (1%), Macedon (2%), Manchester (42%), Marion (0%), Palmyra (98%), Phelps (1%)
Current Pultneyville GeoPDF Map
1952 Map No. 129204, 1952 Map No. 129205, 1952 Map No. 129206 NA Sodus (1%), Williamson (40%)
Current Rose GeoPDF Map
1953 Map No. 129212, 1953 Map No. 129213, 1953 Map No. 129214, 1953 Map No. 129215 Lake Shore Marshes WMA Galen (0%), Huron (39%), Lyons (13%), Rose (64%), Sodus (16%)
Current Salmon Creek GeoPDF Map
1952 Map No. 129335 NA Sodus (18%)
Current Savannah GeoPDF Map
1953 Map No. 129406, 1953 Map No. 129407, 1953 Map No. 129408, 1953 Map No. 136895 Northern Montezuma WMA Galen (43%), Junius (4%), Savannah (55%), Tyre (24%)
Current Sodus GeoPDF Map
1952 Map No. 136189, 1952 Map No. 136190 NA Arcadia (22%), Lyons (13%), Sodus (55%)
Current Sodus Point GeoPDF Map
1953 Map No. 136186, 1953 Map No. 136187, 1953 Map No. 136188, 1953 Map No. 136924 Lake Shore Marshes WMA Huron (24%), Sodus (4%)
Current Victory GeoPDF Map
1954 Map No. 139502 Northern Montezuma WMA Butler (35%), Conquest (30%), Savannah (3%), Sterling (0%), Victory (75%), Wolcott (10%)
Current Williamson GeoPDF Map
1952 Map No. 140299, 1952 Map No. 140300, 1952 Map No. 140301 NA Arcadia (3%), Marion (98%), Palmyra (2%), Sodus (5%), Williamson (59%)
Current Wolcott GeoPDF Map
1953 Map No. 140359, 1953 Map No. 140360, 1953 Map No. 140361 Lake Shore Marshes WMA, Northern Montezuma WMA Butler (65%), Galen (1%), Huron (19%), Rose (35%), Savannah (3%), Wolcott (21%)

Westchester County

PDF (50-60 MB Download) Historical USGS Topo Maps State Lands (Links to DEC Website) Towns (Percent of Town’s Area)
Current Croton Falls GeoPDF Map
1944 Map No. 137748, 1960 Map No. 137197, 1960 Map No. 137749, 1960 Map No. 137750, 1960 Map No. 137751 NA Bedford (20%), Carmel (20%), Lewisboro (22%), North Salem (32%), Somers (74%), Southeast (6%)
Current Glenville GeoPDF Map
NA NA Harrison (69%), Mount Pleasant (1%), North Castle (26%), Rye (69%), White Plains city (28%)
Current Haverstraw GeoPDF Map
1938 Map No. 139675, 1955 Map No. 129836, 1955 Map No. 129837, 1967 Map No. 129835, 1979 Map No. 129834 Minisceongo Creek Err, Montrose Point State Forest Clarkstown (45%), Cortlandt (36%), Haverstraw (31%), Mount Pleasant (0%), Ossining (20%), Stony Point (15%)
Current Mamaroneck GeoPDF Map
1947 Map No. 130436, 1955 Map No. 130438, 1955 Map No. 130439, 1967 Map No. 130440, 1967 Map No. 137428 NA Glen Cove city (27%), Harrison (30%), Mamaroneck (52%), Rye city (100%), Rye (31%), Scarsdale (3%), White Plains city (9%)
Current Mohegan Lake GeoPDF Map
1956 Map No. 130593, 1956 Map No. 130594, 1956 Map No. 130595, 1956 Map No. 130596, 1956 Map No. 137454 Salt Hill State Forest Carmel (13%), Cortlandt (12%), Putnam Valley (25%), Somers (23%), Yorktown (67%)
Current Mount Kisco GeoPDF Map
1955 Map No. 130695, 1955 Map No. 130696, 1955 Map No. 130697, 1955 Map No. 130698, 1955 Map No. 137387, 1982 Map No. 463434, 1998 Map No. 137389 NA Bedford (67%), Mount Kisco (100%), Mount Pleasant (1%), New Castle (31%), North Castle (63%), Somers (1%)
Current Mount Vernon GeoPDF Map
1956 Map No. 130718, 1956 Map No. 130719, 1966 Map No. 130720, 1966 Map No. 130721, 1966 Map No. 130722, 1966 Map No. 130723, 1995 Map No. 137393 Titus Mill Pond State Tidal Wetland Bronx borough (13%), Eastchester (100%), Greenburgh (11%), Mamaroneck (48%), Mount Vernon city (100%), New Rochelle city (100%), Pelham (100%), Scarsdale (74%), White Plains city (2%), Yonkers city (60%)
Current Nyack GeoPDF Map
1937 Map No. 128835, 1940 Map No. 128836, 1957 Map No. 128843, 1957 Map No. 128844, 1967 Map No. 128833, 1967 Map No. 128845, 1967 Map No. 128846 Piermont Marsh State Tidal Wetland Clarkstown (31%), Greenburgh (13%), Mount Pleasant (10%), Orangetown (87%)
Current Ossining GeoPDF Map
1936 Map No. 135912, 1955 Map No. 135913, 1955 Map No. 135914, 1967 Map No. 135915, 1967 Map No. 135916, 1967 Map No. 135917, 1967 Map No. 137495 Salt Hill State Forest, Croton Gorge Unique Area Cortlandt (12%), Mount Kisco (0%), Mount Pleasant (26%), New Castle (69%), Ossining (78%), Somers (2%), Yorktown (33%)
Current Peach Lake GeoPDF Map
1945 Map No. 135984, 1958 Map No. 135985, 1958 Map No. 135986, 1958 Map No. 135987, 1958 Map No. 135988, 1958 Map No. 135989, 1958 Map No. 136775, 1958 Map No. 136776, 1998 Map No. 136777 NA Bedford (1%), Lewisboro (56%), North Salem (68%), Pound Ridge (7%), Southeast (10%)
Current Peekskill GeoPDF Map
1947 Map No. 128944, 1957 Map No. 128946, 1957 Map No. 128948, 1957 Map No. 128949, 1957 Map No. 136783, 1957 Map No. 136784, 1957 Map No. 136785 NA Cortlandt (40%), Highlands (20%), Peekskill city (100%), Philipstown (24%), Putnam Valley (6%), Stony Point (28%)
Current Pound Ridge GeoPDF Map
1947 Map No. 129165, 1951 Map No. 129166, 1960 Map No. 129171, 1960 Map No. 129172, 1960 Map No. 129173, 1960 Map No. 129174 NA Bedford (12%), Lewisboro (22%), North Castle (4%), Pound Ridge (93%)
Current White Plains GeoPDF Map
1932 Map No. 144024, 1947 Map No. 140271, 1957 Map No. 140270, 1957 Map No. 140272, 1967 Map No. 140273, 1967 Map No. 140274, 1967 Map No. 140275 NA Greenburgh (72%), Harrison (1%), Mount Pleasant (62%), North Castle (7%), Ossining (2%), Scarsdale (23%), White Plains city (61%)
Current Yonkers GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 140393, 1966 Map No. 140394, 1998 Map No. 137051 NA Bronx borough (14%), Greenburgh (5%), Manhattan borough (1%), Orangetown (0%), Yonkers city (40%)

Wyoming County

PDF (50-60 MB Download) Historical USGS Topo Maps State Lands (Links to DEC Website) Towns (Percent of Town’s Area)
Current Arcade GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 136682, 1966 Map No. 136683 NA Arcade (57%), Freedom (12%), Holland (7%), Java (12%), Sardinia (19%), Yorkshire (14%)
Current Attica GeoPDF Map
1949 Map No. 136721, 1949 Map No. 136725, 1951 Map No. 136724 NA Alexander (3%), Attica (49%), Bennington (38%), Darien (3%), Orangeville (18%), Sheldon (15%)
Current Bliss GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 123318, 1966 Map No. 123319 Lost Nation State Forest Arcade (43%), Centerville (13%), Eagle (50%), Freedom (12%), Java (9%), Wethersfield (10%)
Current Castile GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 122836, 1972 Map No. 122839, 1972 Map No. 137158 Silver Lake Outlet WMA Castile (60%), Gainesville (35%), Perry (26%), Warsaw (27%)
Current Cowlesville GeoPDF Map
1949 Map No. 137726, 1951 Map No. 137727 NA Alden (3%), Bennington (62%), Darien (5%), Marilla (14%), Sheldon (20%), Wales (11%)
Current Dale GeoPDF Map
1949 Map No. 137942, 1949 Map No. 137944, 1949 Map No. 137945, 1951 Map No. 137943 Carlton Hill Mua Alexander (3%), Attica (51%), Bethany (3%), Middlebury (56%), Orangeville (19%), Warsaw (21%)
Current Johnsonburg GeoPDF Map
1966 Map No. 130096 Tonawanda Creek Fishing Access Parking Java (34%), Orangeville (31%), Sheldon (27%), Wethersfield (40%)
Current Leicester GeoPDF Map
1951 Map No. 130247, 1951 Map No. 130248, 1951 Map No. 130249 Groveland Secondary Trailway Covington (37%), Leicester (50%), Pavilion (5%), Perry (22%), York (37%)
Current Mount Morris GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 130712, 1943 Map No. 130713, 1972 Map No. 130716, 1972 Map No. 130717 NA Castile (28%), Leicester (29%), Mount Morris (57%), Perry (16%)
Current Pike GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 128996, 1972 Map No. 128998, 1972 Map No. 136801 Wiscoy Creek Fishing Access, Lost Nation State Forest, Cold Creek State Forest Centerville (13%), Eagle (50%), Gainesville (10%), Hume (13%), Pike (64%), Wethersfield (9%)
Current Portageville GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 129125, 1972 Map No. 129128, 1972 Map No. 129129, 1972 Map No. 129131 East Koy Creek Fishing Access, Wiscoy Creek Fishing Access, Genesee Valley WMA Castile (11%), Gainesville (8%), Genesee Falls (100%), Granger (10%), Hume (15%), Mount Morris (0%), Pike (36%), Portage (46%)
Current Strykersville GeoPDF Map
1957 Map No. 139925, 1957 Map No. 139926 NA Holland (25%), Java (45%), Sheldon (37%), Wales (20%)
Current Warsaw GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 140044, 1972 Map No. 136990, 1972 Map No. 140045 NA Gainesville (46%), Orangeville (32%), Warsaw (35%), Wethersfield (41%)
Current Wyoming GeoPDF Map
1951 Map No. 137048, 1951 Map No. 137049, 1951 Map No. 140389, 1951 Map No. 140390 NA Bethany (2%), Covington (63%), Middlebury (44%), Pavilion (8%), Perry (37%), Warsaw (16%)

Yates County

PDF (50-60 MB Download) Historical USGS Topo Maps State Lands (Links to DEC Website) Towns (Percent of Town’s Area)
Current Canandaigua Lake GeoPDF Map
1951 Map No. 122751, 1951 Map No. 122752, 1951 Map No. 122753, 1951 Map No. 122754 Bare Hill Unique Area, Skenoh Island WMA, Canandaigua Lake Access Bristol (5%), Canandaigua city (11%), Canandaigua (58%), East Bloomfield (1%), Gorham (21%), Middlesex (8%), South Bristol (4%)
Current Dresden GeoPDF Map
1943 Map No. 137338, 1943 Map No. 137895, 1943 Map No. 137897 NA Benton (9%), Lodi (1%), Milo (5%), Ovid (10%), Romulus (28%), Torrey (90%), Varick (0%)
Current Dundee GeoPDF Map
1942 Map No. 137916, 1942 Map No. 137917, 1942 Map No. 137918 Seneca Lake Boat Launch Barrington (5%), Hector (3%), Lodi (14%), Milo (37%), Starkey (68%), Torrey (2%)
Current Geneva South GeoPDF Map
1953 Map No. 129495, 1953 Map No. 129496, 1953 Map No. 129497, 1953 Map No. 129498, 1953 Map No. 129499 NA Benton (6%), Fayette (34%), Geneva city (56%), Geneva city (100%), Geneva (36%), Romulus (0%), Varick (39%), Waterloo (1%)
Current Keuka Park GeoPDF Map
1942 Map No. 130027, 1942 Map No. 137294, 1942 Map No. 137295 NA Barrington (77%), Jerusalem (18%), Milo (32%), Wayne (1%)
Current Middlesex GeoPDF Map
1942 Map No. 130556, 1942 Map No. 130558, 1942 Map No. 130559 Bare Hill Unique Area, Italy Hill State Forest, High Tor WMA – Clark Gully, High Tor WMA – Parrish Gully, High Tor WMA, Woodville Boat Launch Italy (45%), Middlesex (80%), Naples (3%), Potter (1%), South Bristol (19%)
Current Penn Yan GeoPDF Map
1942 Map No. 128952, 1942 Map No. 128953, 1942 Map No. 136786 NA Benton (72%), Jerusalem (13%), Milo (26%), Potter (2%), Torrey (8%)
Current Potter GeoPDF Map
1942 Map No. 129147, 1942 Map No. 136829 Italy Hill State Forest Italy (2%), Jerusalem (28%), Middlesex (10%), Potter (86%)
Current Prattsburg GeoPDF Map
1942 Map No. 129177, 1942 Map No. 129178 Italy Hill State Forest, High Tor WMA – Parrish Gully, High Tor WMA Italy (50%), Naples (4%), Prattsburgh (65%)
Current Pulteney GeoPDF Map
1942 Map No. 129195, 1942 Map No. 129196 Italy Hill State Forest Italy (3%), Jerusalem (40%), Prattsburgh (4%), Pulteney (70%)
Current Reading Center GeoPDF Map
1950 Map No. 136032, 1950 Map No. 136033, 1950 Map No. 136034, 1950 Map No. 136035 Sugar Hill State Forest Barrington (1%), Dix (6%), Hector (7%), Orange (2%), Reading (100%), Starkey (32%), Tyrone (11%)
Current Rushville GeoPDF Map
1952 Map No. 129258, 1952 Map No. 129259, 1952 Map No. 129260 NA Canandaigua (1%), Gorham (78%), Hopewell (22%), Middlesex (2%), Potter (12%), Seneca (1%)
Current Stanley GeoPDF Map
1952 Map No. 139873, 1952 Map No. 139874 NA Benton (13%), Geneva city (13%), Geneva (40%), Gorham (1%), Potter (0%), Seneca (79%)
Current Wayne GeoPDF Map
1953 Map No. 140089, 1953 Map No. 140090 Sugar Hill State Forest, Waneta Lamoka WMA Barrington (16%), Bradford (4%), Jerusalem (0%), Orange (10%), Tyrone (89%), Wayne (33%)

Links to NYS DEC Webpages on State Land and Topographic Maps 🗺 🌳

Many of the state lands in New York have DEC websites. Here is an index of all of the webpages about various state lands. Some lands do not have state websites, and therefore do not have links to pages. Updated with UMP, acerage and formatting improvements from DEC data produced March 2016.

Here is an updated list of state land websites for March 2023. The topographic map links will bring you to the latest USGS Topographic Maps for the area, or you can use the listing to bulk download the maps or get the quads you need from USGS Store or your local map seller.

Facility Acres UMP USGS Topographic Map Quads (50-60 MB PDF)
Albany Pine Bush Preserve 1,918 Pine Bush Albany, Schenectady, Voorheesville
Black Creek Marsh WMA 580 Voorheesville
Catskill Creek Fishing Access 1 Durham
Coeymans Creek WMA 718 Delmar, Ravena
Cole Hill State Forest 858 Albany Westerlo
Five Rivers Environmental Education Center 445 Five Rivers Env Ed Center Clarksville
Louise E. Keir WMA 188 Louise E. Keir HMP Clarksville
Margaret Burke WMA 246 Margaret Burke HMP Altamont
Onesquethaw Creek Fishing Access 0 Delmar
Partridge Run State Forest 935 Albany Rensselaerville
Partridge Run WMA 8,231 Partridge Run HMP Rensselaerville, Westerlo
Rensselaerville State Forest 5,142 Albany Durham, Rensselaerville
Allen Lake State Forest 4,849 Allegany Angelica, Fillmore
Alma Pond 130 Allentown, Wellsville South
Bald Mountain State Forest 763 Allegany West Almond
Bully Hill State Forest 7,048 Allegany Alfred, Hornell
Cold Creek State Forest 496 Allegany Pike
Coyle Hill State Forest 4,691 Allegany Angelica, Belmont
Crab Hollow State Forest 2,301 Allegany Black Creek, Rawson
English Hill State Forest 2,789 Allegany Birdsall, Fillmore
Gas Springs State Forest 4,551 Allegany Birdsall, Canaseraga
Genesee River Wildlife Management Area 318 Wellsville South
Genesee Valley WMA 717 Portageville
Gillies Hill State Forest 4,656 Allegany Birdsall, West Almond
Hanging Bog WMA 9,120 Hanging Bog HMP Black Creek, Rawson
Hanging Bog WMA – Showy Lady Slipper 2 Black Creek
Hiltonville State Forest 3,029 Allegany Alfred, Canaseraga, West Almond
Jersey Hill State Forest 1,092 Allegany West Almond
Karr Valley Creek State Forest 3,831 Allegany Alfred, West Almond
Keeney Swamp State Forest 2,411 Allegany Birdsall
Keeney Swamp WMA 1,232 Keeney Swamp HMP Birdsall, Canaseraga
Klipnocky State Forest 5,422 Allegany Alfred, Canaseraga
Lost Nation State Forest 5,400 Allegany Bliss, Freedom, Houghton, Pike
Palmer’s Pond State Forest 5,441 Allegany Alfred, West Almond
Phillips Creek State Forest 10,916 Allegany Alfred, Andover, Wellsville North, West Almond
Plumbottom State Forest 1,680 Allegany Wellsville North
Rush Creek State Forest 1,405 Allegany Black Creek
Slader Creek State Forest 1,225 Allegany Canaseraga
Swift Hill State Forest 1,571 Allegany Houghton
Turnpike State Forest 9,522 Allegany Alfred, West Almond
Vandermark State Forest 4,850 Allegany Andover, Wellsville North
Wag Trail 148 Allegany Wellsville South, Whitesville
Bronx River Trail 1 Central Park, Flushing
Beaver Flow State Forest 2,053 Chenango Trail Belden, Brisben
Beaver Pond State Forest 2,372 Broome Afton, Gulf Summit, North Sanford
Cascade Valley State Forest 534 Broome Gulf Summit
Cat Hollow State Forest 760 Broome Deposit
Hawkins Pond State Forest 538 Broome Windsor
Kirkwood Sub-Office 10 Binghamton East
Marsh Pond State Forest 1,794 Broome Afton, Gulf Summit
Melondy Hill State Forest 1,983 Treaty Line North Sanford
Nanticoke Creek Fishing Access 1 Maine
Nanticoke Lake Multiple Use Area 339 Long Pond Lisle
Oquaga Creek Fishing Access 0 Deposit
Skyline Drive State Forest 1,066 Broome Binghamton East, Windsor
Susquehanna Waterway Access 1 Windsor
Tracy Creek State Forest 507 Broome Endicott
Triangle State Forest 1,988 Long Pond Smithville Flats, Whitney Point, Willet
West Branch Delaware River Waterway Access 3 Deposit
Whitaker Swamp State Forest 808 Broome Deposit
Bear Creek State Forest 562 Cattaraugus Franklinville
Birch Run Ponds Fwma 39 Knapp Creek
Boyce Hill State Forest 979 Cattaraugus Ashford
Bryant Hill State Forest 511 Cattaraugus Ashford
Bucktooth State Forest 2,281 Cattaraugus Little Valley
Bush Hill State Forest 11,295 Cattaraugus Delevan, Franklinville, Freedom, Rawson
Cattaraugus Creek Waterway Access 5 Collins Center
Cattaraugus State Forest 1,061 Cattaraugus Cattaraugus
Conewango Creek Waterway Access 267 New Albion
Conewango Swamp WMA 1,403 Kennedy, Randolph
Dobbins Memorial State Forest 2,206 Cattaraugus Cattaraugus, Ellicottville
East Otto State Forest 1,382 Niagara Frontier Collins Center
Elkdale State Forest 432 Cattaraugus Little Valley
Farmersville State Forest 1,148 Cattaraugus Freedom
Golden Hill State Forest 5,772 Cattaraugus Ashford, Franklinville, Humphrey
Harwood Lake Mua 602 Harwood Lake HMP Delevan, Freedom
Ischua Creek Fishing Access 1 Franklinville
Lime Lake Outlet Fishing Access 0 Delevan
Mansfield Creek Fishing Access 0 Cattaraugus
Mccarty Hill State Forest 6,399 Cattaraugus Ellicottville, Salamanca
Nine Mile Creek State Forest 6,681 Cattaraugus Humphrey, Knapp Creek
Pine Hill State Forest 1,142 Cattaraugus Steamburg
Poverty Hill WMA 1,106 Ellicottville
Raecher Hill State Forest 842 Cattaraugus Humphrey
Randolph Fish Hatchery 62 Randolph
Rock City State Forest 2,918 Cattaraugus Salamanca
South Valley State Forest 8,728 Cattaraugus Ivory, Steamburg
Windfall Creek State Forest 2,930 Cattaraugus Humphrey, Limestone, Salamanca
Zoar Valley Multiple Use Area 2,524 Zoar Valley Mua Collins Center, Gowanda
Zoar Valley Unique Area 2,992 Zoar Valley Mua Collins Center, Gowanda
Bear Swamp State Forest 5,642 Hewitt-Cayuga Highlands Sempronius, Spafford
Carpenter Falls Unique Area 37 Hewitt-Cayuga Highlands Spafford
Cross Lake Islands WMA 0 Jordan
Dutch Hollow Brook Parking Area 0 Owasco
Frozen Ocean State Forest 753 Hewitt-Cayuga Highlands Owasco
Northern Montezuma WMA 5,348 Montezuma, Victory
Owasco Flats WMA 52 Moravia
Owasco Lake Inlet Fishing Access 7 Moravia
Owasco Lake Water Access 9 Owasco
Seneca River Boat Launch 3 Weedsport
Summer Hill State Forest 8,842 Hewitt-Cayuga Highlands Moravia, Sempronius
Alder Bottom WMA 820 North Clymer
Bear Lake Boat Launch 4 Hartfield
Boutwell Hill State Forest 2,965 Chautauqua County Hamlet
Brokenstraw State Forest 1,900 Chautauqua County North Clymer, Panama
Canadaway Creek Nature Sanctuary 33 Dunkirk
Canadaway Creek WMA 8,759 Canadaway Creek HMP Cassadaga, Dunkirk, Forestville, Hamlet
Chatauqua Creek Fishing Access 6 Westfield
Chautauqua Fish Hatchery 69 Chautauqua
Chautauqua Gorge State Forest 547 Chautauqua County Sherman
Chautauqua Lake Fish And Wildlife Management Area 134 Chautauqua, Ellery Center
Clay Pond WMA 215 Jamestown
Clear Creek Fishing Access 2 Hamlet
Dunkirk Office 6 Dunkirk
Findley Lake Waterway Access 0 Clymer
Harris Hill State Forest 3,504 Chautauqua County Gerry, Hamlet, Kennedy
Hartson Swamp WMA 199 Gerry, Jamestown
Hatch Creek State Forest 2,567 Chautauqua County Gerry, Hamlet
Hill Higher State Forest 1,160 Chautauqua County Panama
Jacquins Pond WMA 31 North Clymer
Kabob WMA 37 Kabob HMP Cassadaga
Mount Pleasant State Forest 1,539 Chautauqua County Sherman
North Harmony State Forest 5,150 Chautauqua County North Clymer, Panama
Panama State Forest 2,449 Chautauqua County North Clymer, Panama
Stockton State Forest 1,968 Chautauqua County Cassadaga, Hartfield
Watts WMA 1,395 Panama
Wellman Multiple Use Area 447 Chautauqua County Lakewood
Whalen Memorial State Forest 5,387 Chautauqua County Chautauqua, North Clymer, Panama, Sherman
Big Flats WMA 241 Great Divide Seeley Creek
Catharine Creek Fishing Access 3 Montour Falls
Catlin State Forest 607 Great Divide Big Flats
Maple Hill State Forest 1,191 Great Divide Waverly, Wellsburg
Ambler State Forest 642 Between Rivers Holmesville
Balsam Swamp State Forest 5,359 Five Streams East Pharsalia, Pitcher
Basswood State Forest 935 Between Rivers Oxford
Beaver Meadow State Forest 5,816 Northern Chenango Highlands Otselic
Berry Hill Radio Facility 1 East Pharsalia
Bobell State Forest 2,159 Chenango Trail Brisben
Bucks Brook State Forest 2,178 Northern Chenango Highlands South Otselic
Bumps Creek State Forest 527 Chenango Trail West Bainbridge
Coventry State Forest 2,337 Chenango Trail Brisben, West Bainbridge
Five Streams State Forest 9,946 Five Streams Pitcher, Smithville Flats
Genegantslet Creek Fishing Access 0 Smithville Flats
Genegantslet State Forest 6,405 Mcdonough Smithville Flats, Tyner
Hunts Pond State Forest 2,748 Between Rivers Holmesville, New Berlin South
Lincklaen State Forest 5,903 Northern Chenango Highlands Pitcher, South Otselic
Long Pond State Forest 3,185 Long Pond Smithville Flats
Ludlow Creek State Forest 3,197 Mcdonough Tyner
Lyon Brook State Forest 527 Between Rivers Oxford
Mcdonough State Forest 12,700 Mcdonough East Pharsalia, Tyner
Melondy Hill State Forest 6,052 Treaty Line Afton, North Sanford
Oak Ridge State Forest 1,130 Chenango Trail Sidney, West Bainbridge
Otselic State Forest 2,082 Northern Chenango Highlands Otselic, South Otselic
Perkins Pond State Forest 7,812 Pharsalia Woods East Pharsalia, Otselic, Pitcher, South Otselic
Pharsalia WMA 9,352 Pharsalia HMP East Pharsalia, Otselic
Pharsalia Woods State Forest 17,846 Pharsalia Woods East Pharsalia, Norwich, Pitcher
Pigeon Hill State Forest 2,209 Pharsalia Woods Earlville, East Pharsalia, Otselic
Pine Ridge State Forest 275 Between Rivers Sherburne
Pitcher Springs State Forest 1,836 Pharsalia Woods Pitcher
Red Brook State Forest 602 Five Streams Smithville Flats
Rogers Environmental Education Center 575 Earlville
Sherburne Sub-Office 12 Earlville
Skinner Hill State Forest 3,335 Between Rivers Holmesville, Sherburne
South Hill State Forest 2,647 Between Rivers Guilford, Sidney
South Otselic Fish Hatchery 142 South Otselic
Susquehanna River Boat Launch 6 Afton
Unadilla River Fishing Access 1 Holmesville
Whaupaunaucau State Forest 1,187 Between Rivers Holmesville
Wiley Brook State Forest 2,481 Between Rivers Oxford, West Bainbridge
Ausable Marsh WMA 730 Keeseville
Ausable Point Campground 111 Ausable Point Camp Keeseville
Burnt Hill State Forest 3,157 Taylor Pond Dannemora, Peasleeville
Cadyville State Forest 371 Northern Clinton Dannemora
Chazy Highlands State Forest 11,081 Chazy Highlands Dannemora, Ellenburg Center, Ellenburg Mountain, Moffitsville
Chazy Highlands Wild Forest 51,403 Chazy Highlands Alder Brook, Brainardsville, Ellenburg Center, Ellenburg Mountain, Lyon Mountain, Moffitsville, Redford
Chazy Highlands WMA 1,005 Lyon Mountain
Clinton FP Detached Parcel 679 Churubusco, Ellenburg Depot, Mooers
Clinton Mooers FP Detached Parcel 664 Altona, Ellenburg Depot
Dunkin’s Reserve State Forest 4,573 Chazy Highlands Dannemora, Jericho, West Chazy
Flat Rock State Forest 3,669 Northern Clinton Altona, Jericho, Mooers, West Chazy
Garden Island 1 Lake Champlain Islands Keeseville
Great Chazy River Fishing Access 60 Altona
Great Chazy River Special Use 0 Champlain
Imperial Mills Dam 7 Plattsburgh
Kings Bay WMA 671 Champlain, Rouses Point
Lake Alice WMA 5,924 Beekmantown, Champlain, Mooers, West Chazy
Lewis Preserve WMA 1,325 Jericho
Macomb State Forest 2,800 Northern Clinton Dannemora, Morrisonville, Peasleeville, Peru
Montys Bay WMA 318 Beekmantown
Moon Pond State Forest 787 Chazy Highlands Ellenburg Mountain
Peru Dock Boat Launch 10 Lake Champlain Islands Keeseville
Plattsburg Boat Launch 0 Plattsburgh
Rouses Point 50 Rouses Point
Saranac River Access 0 Morrisonville
Spoon Island Primitive Area 2 Lake Champlain Islands Plattsburgh
Spring Brook State Forest 2,045 Chazy Highlands Altona, Ellenburg Depot, Ellenburg Mountain, Jericho
Taylor Pond Campground 147 Taylor Pond Camp Wilmington
Taylor Pond Wild Forest 5,640 Taylor Pond Keeseville, Peasleeville, Redford
Terry Mountain State Forest 4,814 Taylor Pond Peasleeville
The Gulf Unique Area 606 Northern Clinton Ellenburg Depot
Unclassified 3 Redford
Upper Chateaugay Lake Boat Launch 2 Chazy Highlands Ellenburg Center
Valcour Island Primitive Area 1,891 Lake Champlain Islands Keeseville, Plattsburgh
Wilmington Wild Forest 2,113 Wilmington Au Sable Forks, Wilmington
Beebe Hill Multiple Use Area 2,913 Taconic Highlands Chatham, State Line
Beebe Hill State Forest 548 Taconic Highlands State Line
Charles Flood WMA At The Empire Brickyard 590 Hudson North
Doodletown Wildlife Management Area 2,155 Ancram, Copake
Hand Hollow State Forest 1,139 Taconic Highlands Canaan
Harvey Mountain State Forest 2,008 Taconic Highlands State Line
Livingston State Forest 319 Taconic Highlands Hudson South
New Forge State Forest 677 Taconic Highlands Ancram
Nutten Hook State Tidal Wetland 1,174 Hudson North, Ravena
Rogers Island WMA 322 Hudson Valley Hudson South
Stockport Flats Estuarine Sanctuary 478 Hudson North
Stockport WMA 354 Stockport HMP Hudson North
Baker School House State Forest 2,527 Taylor Valley Cincinnatus, Mcgraw
Casterline Pond Waterway Access 15 Homer
Cortland Sub-Office 25 Cortland
Cuyler Hill State Forest 5,635 Cuyler Hill Cuyler
Dog Hollow State Forest 729 Cuyler Hill Cuyler
Donahue Woods State Forest 1,158 Taylor Valley Truxton
East Branch Tioughnioga River Fishing Access 1 Cuyler
Gee Brook State Forest 865 Taylor Valley Cincinnatus
Griggs Gulf State Forest 2,346 Rockefeller Harford
Grout Brook Fishing Access 20 Sempronius, Spafford
Hewitt State Forest 1,875 Hewitt-Cayuga Highlands Homer, Otisco Valley
Hoxie Gorge State Forest 3,067 Taylor Valley Marathon, Mcgraw
James Kennedy State Forest 11,071 Virgil Mountain Cortland, Harford, Marathon
Kettlebail State Forest 579 Hill And Hollow Tully
Maxon Creek State Forest 905 Cuyler Hill Cuyler
Morgan Hill State Forest 12,510 Hill And Hollow Cuyler, Deruyter, Truxton, Tully
Owasco Flats WMA 15 Moravia
Papish Pond Multiple Use Area 383 Taylor Valley Cincinnatus, Willet
Taylor Valley State Forest 18,523 Taylor Valley Cincinnatus, Cuyler, Mcgraw, Truxton
Tuller Hill State Forest 3,983 Virgil Mountain Cortland, Mcgraw
Tully Lake Fishing Access 1 Otisco Valley
Andes FP Detached Parcel 98 Lewbeach
Arctic China State Forest 4,142 Treaty Line North Sanford, Trout Creek
Barbour Brook State Forest 759 Treaty Line Trout Creek
Beals Pond State Forest 1,113 Treaty Line North Sanford
Bear Spring Mountain Campground 12 Bear Spring Mountain Camp Corbett
Bear Spring Mountain WMA 14,280 Corbett, Walton East
Beaverkill Fishing Access 2 Roscoe
Colchester FP Detached Parcel 779 Corbett, Roscoe
Columbia Lake State Forest 701 Treaty Line Deposit
Davenport FP Detached Parcel 195 West Davenport
Delaware County Scenic Resource 218 East Branch Roscoe
Delaware FP Detached Parcel 67 Roscoe
Delaware Wild Forest 112,455 Delaware Arena, Corbett, Downsville, Lewbeach, Livingston Manor, Roscoe
Dry Brook Ridge Wild Forest 30,837 Dry Brook Ridge Arena, Fleischmanns, Lewbeach, Margaretville, Seager
East Branch Delaware River Waterway Access 12 Fishs Eddy
Hancock FP Detached Parcel 1,936 Fishs Eddy, Horton, Long Eddy
John Lennox State Demonstration Forest 175 Davenport
Kerryville State Forest 703 Treaty Line Cannonsville Reservoir
Little Pond Campground 874 Little Pond Camp Arena, Lewbeach
Lower West Branch Delaware River Fishing Access 4 Deposit
Michigan Hill State Forest 2,376 Treaty Line Cannonsville Reservoir, Deposit, North Sanford, Trout Creek
Middletown FP Detached Parcel 62 Margaretville
Murphy Hill State Forest 2,530 East Branch Andes, Downsville, Hamden, Lewbeach
Pine Hill State Forest 2,182 Treaty Line Sidney, Unadilla
Plattekill State Forest 1,788 East Branch Hobart
Relay State Forest 2,554 East Branch Hobart, Roxbury
South Hill State Forest 1,044 Cherry Valley Davenport, Schenevus
Stamford FP Detached Parcel 79 Stamford
Stamford Regional Sub-Office 12 Stamford
Steam Mill State Forest 11,176 Treaty Line North Sanford, Trout Creek
Tomannex State Forest 2,028 East Branch Corbett, Readburn
Tompkins FP Detached Parcel 719 Cannonsville Reservoir, Trout Creek
Town Brook Fishing Access 0 Roxbury
Walton FP Detached Parcel 110 Walton East
West Branch Delaware River 11 Deposit
Wolf Hollow WMA 52 East Branch Andes
Baxtertown Woods WMA 248 Wappingers Falls
Crum Elbow Creek Fishing Access 1 Hyde Park
Crum Elbow Creek Waterway Access 13 Hyde Park
Depot Hill Multiple Use Area 256 East Of Hudson Poughquag
Lafayetteville Multiple Use Area 718 East Of Hudson Pine Plains
Roeliff Jansenkill Multiple Use Area 119 East Of Hudson Ancram
Shekomeko Creek Parking Fishing Access 0 Pine Plains
Stissing Mountain Multiple Use Area 590 East Of Hudson Pine Plains
Stonykill Environmental Education Center 786 Wappingers Falls
Swamp River Fishing Access 0 Dover Plains
Swamp River Waterway Access 58 Dover Plains
Sylvan Lake Waterway Access 0 Poughquag
Taconic Hereford Multiple Use Area 2,751 East Of Hudson Pleasant Valley, Salt Point, Verbank
Tivoli Bays WMA 1,679 Saugerties
Wappinger Creek Fishing Access 2 Millbrook
Wassaic Creek Fishing Access 9 Amenia
Wassaic Multiple Use Area 513 East Of Hudson Amenia
West Mountain State Forest 3,299 East Of Hudson Dover Plains, Pawling, Poughquag, Verbank
Cattaraugus Creek Fishing Access Parking 0 Sardinia
Cazenovia Creek Fwma 127 Orchard Park
Clear Lake WMA 527 Langford
Eighteen Mile Creek Access 34 Eden
Great Baehre Swamp WMA 271 Clarence Center
Hampton Brook Woods WMA 78 Hanging Bog HMP Hamburg
Motor Island WMA 19 Buffalo NW
Onondaga Escarpment Unique Area 49 Niagara Frontier Akron
Reinstein Woods Nature Preserve And Environmental Education Center 292 Reinstein Woods Nature Preserve Lancaster
Spicer Creek WMA 34 Tonawanda West
Tillman Road WMA 237 Clarence
Bald Ledge Primitive Area 511 Pharaoh Lake Graphite
Bartlett Primitive Area 7 Sentinel Range Keene
Blue Mountain Wild Forest 19,826 Blue Mountain Bad Luck Mountain, Dun Brook Mountain, Newcomb
Boquet River Fishing Access 1 Taylor Pond Willsboro
Boquet River Primtive Area 86 Giant Mountain Underwood
Boreas Ponds Primitive Area 11 High Peaks Mount Marcy
Camp Santanoni Historic Area 74 Camp Santanoni Historic Area Newcomb, Santanoni Peak
Cole Island 1 Lake Champlain Islands Westport
Crown Point Campground 70 Crown Point Camp Port Henry
Crown Point Historic Area 364 Crown Point Camp Port Henry
Essex Chain Lakes Primitive Area 27,837 Essex Chain Lakes Bad Luck Mountain, Dun Brook Mountain, Newcomb, Rock Lake
Giant Mountain Wilderness 94,671 Giant Mountain Elizabethtown, Keene Valley, Rocky Peak Ridge, Underwood
Gooseneck Pond Primitive Area 1 Pharaoh Lake Graphite
Hammond Pond Wild Forest 159,303 Hammond Pond Blue Ridge, Crown Point, Eagle Lake, Elizabethtown, Graphite, Keene Valley, Keene, Paradox Lake, Pharaoh Mountain, Rocky Peak Ridge, Schroon Lake, Underwood, Westport, Witherbee
High Peaks Wilderness 6,318,923 Boreas Ponds Tract Ampersand Lake, Blue Ridge, Cheney Pond, Deerland, Dix Mountain, Dun Brook Mountain, Grampus Lake, Keene Valley, Keene, Kempshall Mountain, Mckenzie Mountain, Mount Adams, Mount Marcy, Newcomb, North Elba, Paradox Lake, Rocky Peak Ridge, Santanoni Peak, Saranac Lake, Stony Creek Mountain, Street Mountain, Underwood, Vanderwhacker Mountain
Hoffman Notch Primitive Area 4 Hoffman Notch Blue Ridge
Hoffman Notch Wilderness 192,627 Hoffman Notch Blue Ridge, Cheney Pond, Minerva, Paradox Lake, Schroon Lake
Hudson Gorge Wilderness 73,527 Hudson Gorge Bad Luck Mountain, Dutton Mountain, Newcomb
Hurricane Mountain Fire Tower Historic Area 0 Hurricane Mountain Ftha Rocky Peak Ridge
Hurricane Mountain Primitive Area 34 Hurricane Mountain Jay Mountain, Keene, Rocky Peak Ridge
Hurricane Mountain Wilderness 42,601 Hurricane Mountain Jay Mountain, Keene, Rocky Peak Ridge
Jay Mountain Wilderness 15,728 Jay Mountain Jay Mountain, Lewis
John Browns Farm Historic Site 114 Saranac Lakes Lake Placid
Johns Brook Primitive Area 147 High Peaks Keene Valley
Lake George Wild Forest 51 Lake George Schroon Lake, Ticonderoga
Lake Harris Campground 467 Lake Harris Camp Newcomb, Vanderwhacker Mountain
Lincoln Pond Campground 134 Lincoln Pond Camp Elizabethtown
Macintyre Primitive Area 11 High Peaks Mount Adams
Mckenzie Mountain Wilderness 187,079 Mckenzie Mountain Bloomingdale, Franklin Falls, Keene, Lake Placid, Mckenzie Mountain
Meadowbrook Campground 128 Meadowbrook Camp Mckenzie Mountain
Mirror Lake Boat Launch 2 Saranac Lakes Lake Placid
Mossy Point State Boat Launch 17 Lake George Ticonderoga
Mount Van Hoevenberg Winter Recreation Area 1,186 Mount Van Hoevenberg Olympic Sports Complex North Elba
Paradox Lake Campground 283 Paradox Lake Camp Paradox Lake
Pauline Murdock WMA 73 Taylor Pond Elizabethtown
Pharaoh Lake Wilderness 369,686 Pharaoh Lake Brant Lake, Eagle Lake, Graphite, Paradox Lake, Pharaoh Mountain, Schroon Lake, Silver Bay, Ticonderoga
Pine Lake Primitive Area 5,578 Essex Chain Lakes Bad Luck Mountain, Rock Lake
Poke-O-Moonshine Day Use Area 274 Taylor Pond Clintonville
Port Douglass Boat Launch 2 Taylor Pond Port Douglass
Port Henry Boat Launch 5 Wilmington Port Henry
Putnam Creek Access 0 Wilmington Crown Point
Putnam Creek Fishing Access 0 Wilmington Crown Point
Putnam Pond Campground 851 Putnam Pond Camp Graphite
Putts Creek WMA 112 Crown Point
Saranac Lakes Wild Forest 69,082 Saranac Lakes Ampersand Lake, Bloomingdale, Gabriels, Lake Placid, Mckenzie Mountain, North Elba, Saranac Lake, Street Mountain
Schuyler Island Primitive Area 669 Lake Champlain Islands Colchester Point, Juniper Island, Keeseville, Port Douglass
Sentinel Range Wilderness 92,185 Sentinel Range Keene Valley, Keene, Lake Placid, North Elba
Sharp Bridge Campground 193 Sharp Bridge Camp Underwood
Sheepshead Island 0 Lake Champlain Islands Crown Point
Signal Buoy Island 0 Lake Champlain Islands Crown Point
Split Rock Wild Forest 14,167 Split Rock Charlotte, Vergennes West, Westport, Willsboro
Tahawas Primitive Area 2 High Peaks Mount Adams
Taylor Pond Wild Forest 13,859 Taylor Pond Au Sable Forks, Bloomingdale, Clintonville, Elizabethtown, Franklin Falls, Jay Mountain, Keeseville, Lewis, Port Douglass, Willsboro
Unclassified 1,621 Bad Luck Mountain, Keeseville, Mckenzie Mountain, Port Douglass, Rock Lake
Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest 777,644 Boreas Ponds Tract Bad Luck Mountain, Blue Ridge, Cheney Pond, Dutton Mountain, Gore Mountain, Minerva, Mount Adams, Mount Marcy, Newcomb, North Creek, Paradox Lake, Santanoni Peak, Schroon Lake, Vanderwhacker Mountain
Westport Boat Launch 3 Taylor Pond Westport
Whiteface Mountain Ski Center 12,089 Whiteface Mtn. Ski Center Franklin Falls, Keene, Lake Placid, Wilmington
Wickham Marsh WMA 716 Keeseville
Willsboro Bay Boat Launch 6 Taylor Pond Port Douglass
Wilmington Notch Campground 120 Wilmington Notch Camp Keene
Wilmington Wild Forest 57,527 Wilmington Au Sable Forks, Franklin Falls, Jay Mountain, Keene, Lake Placid, Wilmington
Wilsboro Dam Fish Dam 1 Taylor Pond Willsboro
Ampersand Primitive Area 430 High Peaks Stony Creek Mountain
Bombay State Forest 8,719 St. Lawrence Flatlands Bombay, Brushton, Hogansburg, North Lawrence
Buck Pond Campground 596 Buck Pond Camp Bloomingdale, Loon Lake
Chateaugay Fish Hatchery 14 Chateaugay
Chazy Highlands Wild Forest 52,198 Chazy Highlands Alder Brook, Brainardsville, Chasm Falls, Debar Mountain, Lake Titus, Loon Lake, Lyon Mountain, Owls Head, Ragged Lake
Debar Mountain Wild Forest 427,454 Debar Mountain Bay Pond, Bloomingdale, Debar Mountain, Gabriels, Lake Ozonia, Lake Titus, Loon Lake, Meacham Lake, Meno, Owls Head, Saint Regis Falls, Saint Regis Mountain, Santa Clara
Deer River Primitive Area 3,742 Debar Mountain Lake Titus, Santa Clara
Deer River State Forest 45,392 Northern Franklin Bangor, Brushton, Lake Titus, Malone, Saint Regis Falls, Santa Clara
Fish Creek Pond Campground 1,687 Fish Creek Pond Camp Derrick, Upper Saranac Lake
Franklin FP Detached Parcel 138 Lake Titus
High Peaks Wilderness 4 Boreas Ponds Tract Stony Creek Mountain
Horseshoe Lake Wild Forest 3,627 Bog River Complex Piercefield, Tupper Lake
Lake Flower Boat Launch 1 Saranac Lakes Saranac Lake
Lake Titus Boat Launch 2 Lake Titus
Little Salmon River Access 4 Bangor
Lower Saranac Lake Boat Launch 12 Saranac Lakes Saranac Lake
Madawaska Flow – Quebec Brook Primitive Area 17,990 Debar Mountain Bay Pond, Meacham Lake, Meno, Saint Regis Mountain
Meacham Lake Campground 358 Meacham Lake Camp Meacham Lake
Middle Saranac Lake Boat Launch 6 High Peaks Stony Creek Mountain
Raquette River Boat Launch 6 Saranac Lakes Tupper Lake
Rollins Pond Campground 519 Rollins Pond Camp Derrick
Saint Regis Canoe Area 75,859 Saint Regis Canoe Area Bay Pond, Derrick, Saint Regis Mountain, Upper Saranac Lake
Saint Regis Mountain Fire Tower Historic Area 0 Saint Regis Canoe Area Saint Regis Mountain
Salmon River Waterway Access 0 Constable
Saranac Lake Boat Launch 4 Saranac Lakes Upper Saranac Lake
Saranac Lake Islands Campground 9 Second Pond Bl Saranac Lake
Saranac Lakes Wild Forest 226,054 Saranac Lakes Ampersand Lake, Derrick, Gabriels, Saint Regis Mountain, Saranac Lake, Stony Creek Mountain, Tupper Lake, Upper Saranac Lake
St. Regis River State Forest 929 Northern Franklin Saint Regis Falls
Taylor Pond Wild Forest 153,800 Taylor Pond Alder Brook, Bloomingdale, Franklin Falls, Loon Lake, Redford, Wilmington
Titusville Mountain State Forest 14,337 Northern Franklin Lake Titus, Owls Head
Trout River State Forest 643 Northern Franklin Constable
Tupper Lake Boat Launch 2 Bog River Complex Tupper Lake
Unclassified 7 Santa Clara
Valley View State Forest 75 Northern Franklin Chateaugay
Broadalbin Boat Launch 16 Wilcox Lake Broadalbin
Caroga Lake Campground 99 Caroga Lake Camp Caroga Lake, Peck Lake
Ferris Lake Wild Forest 629 Ferris Lake Canada Lake, Oppenheim, Stratford
Fulton FP Detached Parcel 207 Sacandaga Lassellsville, Oppenheim
Johnstown FP Detached Parcel 135 Sacandaga Gloversville
Lassellsville State Forest 4,433 Sacandaga Lassellsville, Oppenheim
North Creek Fishing Access 1 Ferris Lake Stratford
Northampton Beach Campground 219 Northampton Beach Camp Northville
Peck Hill State Forest 2,744 Sacandaga Peck Lake
Rockwood State Forest 1,728 Sacandaga Lassellsville, Peck Lake
Sacandaga River State Boat Launch 20 Shaker Mountain Northville
Shaker Mountain Wild Forest 75,526 Shaker Mountain Canada Lake, Caroga Lake, Jackson Summit, Lassellsville, Northville, Peck Lake
Unclassified 19 Canada Lake
Wilcox Lake Wild Forest 483 Wilcox Lake Broadalbin, Edinburg, Galway, Northville
Zimmerman Creek Fishing Access 54 Lassellsville
Groveland Secondary Trailway 1,267 Batavia South, Le Roy, Leicester, Stafford
John White WMA 329 Akron
Oak Orchard WMA 5,090 Knowlesville, Oakfield
Tonawanda WMA 11,496 Akron, Medina, Wolcottsville
Ashland Pinnacle State Forest 955 Mt. Pisgah Ashland
Athens FP Detached Parcel 81 Leeds
Athens State Boat Launch 2 Hudson North
Bearpen Mountain State Forest 5,680 Mt. Pisgah Prattsville, Roxbury, West Kill
Brandow Point Unique Area 126 Hudson Valley Hudson North, Hudson South
Bronck Island 57 Ravena
Cairo Lockwood State Forest 49 Mt. Pisgah Freehold
Catskill FP Detatched Parcel 23 Cementon
Colgate Lake Wild Forest 5,623 Colgate Lake Freehold, Hensonville, Hunter, Kaaterskill Clove
Coxsackie FP Detached Parcel 33 Alcove
Devil’s Tombstone Campground 193 Devil’s Tombstone Camp Hunter
Diamond Notch Primitive Bicycle Corridor 31 Hunter-West Kill Lexington
Dutcher Notch Primitive Bicycle Corridor 38 Windham-Blackhead Range Kaaterskill Clove
Elm Ridge Wild Forest 2,380 Elm Ridge Hensonville
Great Vly WMA 202 Hudson Valley Cementon
Greene County FP Detached Parcel 901 Fleischmanns, West Kill
Greenville FP Detached Parcel 102 Alcove
Halcott Mountain Wild Forest 4,934 Halcott Mountain West Kill
Hannacroix Unique Area 25 Hudson Valley Ravena
Hunter-West Kill Wilderness 67,007 Hunter-West Kill Hunter, Lexington, Phoenicia, West Kill
Huntersfield State Forest 2,653 Mt. Pisgah Ashland, Prattsville
Indian Head Wilderness 64,044 Indian Head Bearsville, Hunter, Kaaterskill Clove, Woodstock
Kaaterskill Wild Forest 16,042 Kaaterskill Hunter, Kaaterskill Clove, Woodstock
Middle Ground Flats Unique Area 323 Hudson Valley Hudson North
Mink Hollow Primitive Bicycle Corridor 65 Indian Head Bearsville, Hunter
Mount Hayden State Forest 881 Mt. Pisgah Durham, Hensonville
Mount Pisgah State Forest 2,606 Mt. Pisgah Ashland, Durham, Hensonville, Livingstonville
New Baltimore FP Detached Parcel 78 Ravena
North/South Lake Campground 1,107 North/South Lake Camp Kaaterskill Clove
Overlook Turnpike Primitive Bicycle Corridor 106 Indian Head Kaaterskill Clove, Woodstock
Rusk Mountain Wild Forest 11,720 Rusk Mountain Hunter, Lexington, West Kill
Seward’s Island 72 Cementon
Shandaken Wild Forest 10,244 Shandaken Lexington, Phoenicia, Shandaken, West Kill
Van Schaak Unique Area 25 Ravena
Vinegar Hill WMA 407 Vinegar Hill HMP West Kill
Vosburgh Swamp WMA 311 Vosburgh Swamp HMP Hudson North
Windham-Blackhead Range Wilderness 68,135 Windham-Blackhead Range Freehold, Hensonville, Hunter, Kaaterskill Clove
Blue Mountain Wild Forest 140,648 Blue Mountain Bad Luck Mountain, Blue Mountain Lake, Deerland, Dun Brook Mountain, Newcomb, Rock Lake
Blue Ridge Wilderness 289,578 Blue Ridge Blue Mountain Lake, Raquette Lake, Rock Lake, Sargent Ponds, Snowy Mountain, Wakely Mountain
Brown Tract Pond Campground 273 Brown Tract Pond Camp Raquette Lake
Cathead Mountain Primitive Area 173 Silver Lake Cathead Mountain
Dug Mountain Primitive Area 50 Siamese Ponds Kunjamuk River
Eastern Five Ponds Access Primitive Area 9 Five Ponds Wolf Mountain
Eighth Lake Campground 242 Eighth Lake Camp Raquette Lake
Ferris Lake Wild Forest 2,029,916 Ferris Lake Black Creek Lake, Canada Lake, Caroga Lake, Hoffmeister, Jerseyfield Lake, Lassellsville, Middleville, Morehouse Lake, Morehouseville, Ohio, Piseco Lake, Salisbury, Stratford, Tomany Mountain
Forked Lake Campground 354 Forked Lake Camp Forked Lake
Forks Mountain Primitive Area 29 Siamese Ponds Griffin, Wells
Fourth Lake Boat Launch 1 Fulton Chain Eagle Bay
Fulton Chain Boat Launch 9 Moose River Plains Mount Tom
Golden Beach Campground 99 Golden Beach Camp Sargent Ponds
High Peaks Wilderness 4 Boreas Ponds Tract Kempshall Mountain
Hudson Gorge Primitive Area 6 Hudson Gorge Dutton Mountain
Indian Lake Islands Campground 15 Indian Lake Camp Snowy Mountain
Jessup River Wild Forest 176,062 Jessup River Bad Luck Mountain, Blue Mountain Lake, Bullhead Mountain, Cathead Mountain, Griffin, Indian Lake, Kunjamuk River, Lake Pleasant, Page Mountain, Piseco Lake, Rock Lake, Snowy Mountain, Spruce Lake, Wells
Lake Durant Campground 276 Lake Durant Camp Blue Mountain Lake
Lake Eaton Campground 152 Lake Eaton Camp Deerland
Lewey Lake Campground 141 Lewey Lake Camp Snowy Mountain
Little Moose Wilderness 24,566 Moose River Plains Complex Mount Tom, Wakely Mountain
Little Sand Point Campground 67 Little Sand Point Camp Piseco Lake
Long Lake State Boat Launch 20 Blue Mountain Deerland
Moffitt Beach Campground 396 Moffitt Beach Camp Lake Pleasant
Moose River Plains Camping Area 11,633 Moose River Plains Limekiln Lake, Mount Tom, Snowy Mountain, Wakely Mountain
Moose River Plains Wild Forest 602,967 Moose River Plains Eagle Bay, Honnedaga Lake, Limekiln Lake, Mount Tom, Raquette Lake, Sargent Ponds, Snowy Mountain, Spruce Lake Mountain, Wakely Mountain
Nehasane Primitive Area 263 William C. Whitney Nehasane Lake, Sabattis, Wolf Mountain
Ok Slip Pond Primitive Area 19 Hudson Gorge Dutton Mountain
Partlow Lake Primitive Area 78 Five Ponds Nehasane Lake, Wolf Mountain
Pigeon Lake Wilderness 305,007 Pigeon Lake Beaver River, Big Moose, Brandreth Lake, Eagle Bay, Nehasane Lake, Raquette Lake
Point Comfort Campground 83 Point Comfort Camp Piseco Lake
Poplar Point Day Use Area 35 Poplar Point Camp Piseco Lake
Round Lake Wilderness 34,218 Bog River Complex Little Tupper Lake, Long Tom Mountain, Sabattis
Sacandaga Campground 160 Sacandaga Camp Cathead Mountain
Sacandaga Primitive Area 15 Silver Lake Cathead Mountain, Whitehouse
Sargent Ponds Wild Forest 273,893 Sargent Ponds Blue Mountain Lake, Brandreth Lake, Deerland, Forked Lake, Grampus Lake, Kempshall Mountain, Little Tupper Lake, Raquette Lake, Sargent Ponds
Shaker Mountain Wild Forest 96,382 Shaker Mountain Cathead Mountain, Gloversville, Hope Falls, Jackson Summit, Northville
Silver Lake Wilderness 1,095,495 Silver Lake Canada Lake, Caroga Lake, Cathead Mountain, Hope Falls, Jackson Summit, Lake Pleasant, Piseco Lake, Tomany Mountain, Wells, Whitehouse
Tioga Point Campground 36 Tioga Point Camp Raquette Lake
Twitchell Lake Primitive Area 1 Pigeon Lake Big Moose
Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest 192 Vanderwhacker Mtn Dutton Mountain
Wakely Mountain Primitive Area 224 Blue Ridge Wakely Mountain
West Canada Lake Wilderness 2,441,375 West Canada Lake Bisby Lakes, Blue Mountain Lake, Hoffmeister, Honnedaga Lake, Indian Lake, Limekiln Lake, Morehouseville, Mount Tom, Page Mountain, Piseco Lake, Snowy Mountain, Spruce Lake Mountain, Spruce Lake, Wakely Mountain
West Canada Mountain Primitive Area 12,555 West Canada Lake Hoffmeister, Honnedaga Lake, Morehouseville, Spruce Lake Mountain
Wilcox Lake Wild Forest 40 Wilcox Lake Wells
William C. Whitney Wilderness 117,753 William C. Whitney Brandreth Lake, Forked Lake, Little Tupper Lake, Nehasane Lake, Sabattis, Wolf Mountain
Wilmurt Club Road Primitive Area 3 West Canada Lake Hoffmeister
Winding Falls Primitive Area 26 Bog River Complex Little Tupper Lake
Alder Creek Primitive Area 46 Five Ponds Soft Maple Reservoir, Stillwater
Alger Island Campground 75 Alger Island Camp Limekiln Lake, Old Forge
Bear Pond Primitive Area 17 Five Ponds Stillwater
Black Creek State Forest 2,021 Adirondack Foothills Middleville, Ohio
Black River Wild Forest 1,348,000 Black River Bisby Lakes, Black Creek Lake, Hinckley, Honnedaga Lake, Mckeever, Morehouseville, North Wilmurt, Ohio, Old Forge, Thendara, Woodgate
Ferris Lake Wild Forest 1,768 Ferris Lake Black Creek Lake, Hinckley, Ohio, Salisbury
Five Ponds Wilderness 1,548,894 Five Ponds Beaver River, Cranberry Lake, Five Ponds, Long Tom Mountain, Nehasane Lake, Newton Falls, Oswegatchie SE, Oswegatchie SW, Oswegatchie, Sabattis, Stillwater, Wolf Mountain
Former Dairy Hill Firetower Site 0 Adirondack Foothills Middleville
Fourth Lake Day Use Area 12 Alger Island Camp Old Forge
Fulton Chain Wild Forest 38,105 Fulton Chain Big Moose, Eagle Bay, Limekiln Lake, Old Forge
Ha-De-Ron-Dah Wilderness 128,161 Ha-De-Ron-Dah Big Moose, Copper Lake, Old Forge, Stillwater Mountain, Thendara
Herkimer FP Detached Parcel 1,107 Jordanville, Millers Mills, Salisbury, Stratford, Utica East
Hinckley Day Use Area 573 Ferris Lake Hinckley
Hinckley State Forest 1,594 Adirondack Foothills Hinckley
Independence River Wild Forest 1,095 Independence River Copper Lake, Stillwater, Thendara
Limekiln Lake Campground 312 Limekiln Lake Camp Limekiln Lake
Maumee Swamp 38 Richfield Springs
Moose River Plains Wild Forest 0 Moose River Plains Limekiln Lake
Nicks Lake Campground 687 Nicks Lake Camp Old Forge
Ohisa State Forest 681 Mohawk Vista Van Hornesville
Otsquago State Forest 411 Mohawk Vista Van Hornesville
Pepperbox Wilderness 97,268 Pepperbox Number Four, Oswegatchie SE, Soft Maple Reservoir, Stillwater
Plantation Island WMA 268 Plantation Island HMP Herkimer
Raven Lake Road Primitive Area 29 Pepperbox Stillwater
Steuben Hill State Forest 1,009 Mohawk Vista Ilion
Stillwater Boat Launch 4 Independence River Stillwater
Tied Lake Primitive Area 9 Pepperbox Stillwater
Van Hornesville Fish Hatchery 8 Van Hornesville
Wanakena Primitive Area 15 Five Ponds Five Ponds, Newton Falls
Watson’s East Triangle Wild Forest 47,230 Watson East Triangle Oswegatchie SE, Oswegatchie SW, Soft Maple Reservoir, Stillwater
West Canada Creek Fishing Access 29 Herkimer, Newport
Ashland Flats WMA 3,855 Ashland Flats HMP Chaumont, Saint Lawrence
Black Pond WMA 551 Henderson
Black River At Huntingtonville Waterway Access 34 Rutland Center
Brownville WMA 237 Dexter
Butterfield Lake Waterway Access 9 Redwood
Collins Landing WMA 52 Alexandria Bay
Coyote Flats State Forest 1,120 Ontario Plains La Fargeville, Theresa
Cranberry Creek WMA 13 Cranberry Creek HMP Alexandria Bay
Crystal Lake Waterway Access 1 Henderson
Dexter Marsh WMA 2,480 Dexter, Sackets Harbor
Eastern Ontario Waterway Access 18 Cape Vincent South
French Creek WMA 4,536 Clayton, Saint Lawrence
Gould’s Corners State Forest 2,065 Tug Hill North Rodman
Henderson Shores Unique Area 891 Ontario Plains Stony Point
Honeyville WMA 111 Honeyville HMP Rodman
Hyde Lake Fishing Access 12 Redwood, Theresa
Indian River Fishing Access 0 Theresa
Indian River WMA 1,278 Indian River HMP Muskellunge Lake, Redwood
Lake Of The Woods Waterway Access 2 Muskellunge Lake
Lake Ontario Waterway Access 1 Chaumont
Lake Ontario Islands WMA 75 Galloo Island, Henderson Bay
Lake Ontario Waterway Access 12 Cape Vincent South
Lakeview WMA 6,888 Lakeview HMP Ellisburg, Henderson
Lindsey Creek Fishing Access 0 Sandy Creek
Millsite Lake Fishing Access 3 Redwood
Moon Lake Fishing Access 2 Muskellunge Lake
Ontario Lake Boat Launch 18 Henderson
Oswegatchie River At Oxbow Fishing Access 4 Natural Dam
Perch River WMA 16,100 Brownville, Dexter, La Fargeville
Point Peninsula WMA 4,020 Cape Vincent South, Chaumont, Henderson Bay, Point Peninsula
Pulpit Rock State Forest 1,602 Ontario Plains Muskellunge Lake
Sixberry Lake Fishing Access 1 Redwood
South Sandy Creek Fishing Access 0 Rodman
Stony Creek Fishing Access 1 Henderson
Tug Hill State Forest 24,593 Tug Hill North Barnes Corners, Rodman, Worth Center
Aldrich Pond Wild Forest 449 Aldrich Pond Remington Corners
Balsam Creek State Forest 561 Westward Waters Belfort
Beartown State Forest 20,176 Westward Waters Carthage, Croghan, Natural Bridge
Black River At Glenfield Fishing Access 4 Westward Waters Glenfield
Black River At Beeches Bridge Fishing Access 19 Lowville
Black River At Lowville Fishing Access 2 Lowville
Black River Fishing Access 6 Carthage, Glenfield
Black River Waterway Access 2 Carthage
Black River Wild Forest 219 Black River Port Leyden, Woodgate
Bonaparte’s Cave State Forest 2,875 Westward Waters Harrisville, Lake Bonaparte
Burdicks Crossing Fishing Access 9 Brantingham
Cobb Creek State Forest 2,203 Tug Hill North New Boston
Cottrell State Forest 482 Tug Hill East Point Rock
Crystal Creek Fishing Access 7 Crystal Dale
Diana FP Detached Parcel 461 Westward Waters Harrisville
East Br Fish/Big Alder Creek Fishing Access 0 High Market
East Branch Fish Creek Fishing Access 1 High Market, Point Rock
East Branch Fish Creek State Forest 2,728 East Branch Of Fish Creek Rec High Market, Page, Point Rock
East Osceola State Forest 3,010 East Branch Of Fish Creek Rec Florence, North Osceola
Fish Creek Fishing Access 2 Point Rock
Frank E. Jadwin Memorial State Forest 36,949 Westward Waters Belfort, Harrisville, Natural Bridge, Remington Corners
Gomer Hill Radio Facility 2 Glenfield
Granger State Forest 737 Tug Hill North Barnes Corners
Grant Powell State Forest 17,195 Tug Hill North New Boston, Page, Sears Pond, West Lowville
Greig FP Detached Parcel 245 Brantingham
High Towers State Forest 730 Westward Waters Brantingham
Hogsback State Forest 629 Westward Waters Natural Bridge
Independence River State Forest 1,387 Westward Waters Brantingham, Crystal Dale
Independence River Wild Forest 844,450 Independence River Beaver River, Big Moose, Brantingham, Copper Lake, Crystal Dale, Nehasane Lake, Number Four, Port Leyden, Soft Maple Reservoir, Stillwater Mountain, Stillwater, Thendara
Indian Pipe State Forest 1,185 Westward Waters Crystal Dale, Lowville
Kotary Road Fishing Access 7 Point Rock
Lesser Wilderness State Forest 34,335 Tug Hill East Constableville, Glenfield, High Market, Page
Lewis FP Detached Parcel 1,701 East Branch Of Fish Creek Rec Florence, High Market, North Osceola, Point Rock
Line Brook State Forest 2,135 Tug Hill East North Osceola, Redfield
Lookout State Forest 7,966 Tug Hill North Barnes Corners, New Boston
Lot 127 FP Detached Parcel 272 East Branch Of Fish Creek Rec Florence
Lot 134 FP Detached Parcel 74 East Branch Of Fish Creek Rec Florence
Lot 38 FP Detached Parcel 61 North Osceola
Lot 50 FP Detached Parcel 124 North Osceola
Lot 69 FP Detached Parcel 24 East Branch Of Fish Creek Rec North Osceola
Lot 74 FP Detached Parcel 239 East Branch Of Fish Creek Rec North Osceola
Lot 98 FP Detached Parcel 188 East Branch Of Fish Creek Rec North Osceola
Lowville Demonstration Area 80 Westward Waters Lowville
Lowville Office 10 Lowville
Lyonsdale FP Detached Parcel 29 Brantingham, Port Leyden
Mill Stream Fishing Access 1 Redfield
Mohawk Springs State Forest 1,840 Tug Hill East Constableville, West Leyden
Onjebonge State Forest 3,660 Westward Waters Natural Bridge, North Wilna
Otter Creek State Forest 1,411 Westward Waters Brantingham
Pinckney State Forest 8,263 Tug Hill North Barnes Corners, Copenhagen, New Boston, Rutland Center
Raywood Unique Area 317 Tug Hill East Point Rock
Salmon River East Branch Fishing Access 0 Florence
Salmon River Fishing Access 0 Florence
Sand Bay State Forest 325 Westward Waters Lake Bonaparte
Sand Flats State Forest 5,060 Westward Waters Port Leyden, Woodgate
Sears Pond State Forest 16,497 Tug Hill North Barnes Corners, New Boston, Sears Pond, Worth Center
Swancott Mill State Forest 1,482 Tug Hill East Florence, Point Rock
Tug Hill WMA 5,081 Tug Hill HMP Sears Pond
Turin FP Detached Parcel 13 Glenfield
Watson’s East Triangle Wild Forest 3,300 Watson East Triangle Oswegatchie SW, Soft Maple Reservoir
West Martinsburg Radio Facility 5 Page
Avon Regional Office 20 Northern Finger Lakes Rush
Caledonia Fish Hatchery 38 Caledonia
Canaseraga State Forest 2,571 Livingston Canaseraga, Ossian
Conesus Inlet WMA 1,142 Livingston Conesus
Conesus Lake Waterway Access 5 Livonia
Genesee River Waterway Access 8 Rush
Hemlock-Canadice State Forest 28,241 Hemlock Canadice Conesus, Honeoye, Livonia, Springwater
Ossian State Forest 2,583 Livingston Canaseraga, Ossian
Rattlesnake Hill WMA 20,554 Livingston Birdsall, Canaseraga, Nunda, Ossian
Sonyea State Forest 926 Livingston Sonyea
Twin Cedars Environmental Area 62 Rush
Beaver Creek State Forest 6,420 Brookfield Brookfield, Cassville
Brookfield Railroad State Forest 847 Brookfield Brookfield
Charles E. Baker State Forest 33,930 Brookfield Brookfield, Hubbardsville, New Berlin North, Sherburne
Chenango River Fishing Access 0 Hamilton, Munnsville
Chittenango Creek Fishing Access 2 Cazenovia, Oran
Deruyter State Forest 1,944 Tioughnioga Deruyter, Erieville
Earlville State Forest 1,270 Northern Chenango Highlands Earlville, Hamilton
Eaton Reservoir Boat Launch 1 West Eaton
Gorton Lake State Forest 1,521 Brookfield Brookfield, Cassville, Hubbardsville
Lebanon Reservoir Fishing Access 1 Hamilton
Lebanon State Forest 2,337 Northern Chenango Highlands Earlville, Otselic, West Eaton
Leland Pond Fishing Access 2 Munnsville
Madison Reservoir Fishing Access 2 Hamilton
Mariposa State Forest 5,110 Muller Hill Cuyler, South Otselic
Morrow Mountain State Forest 2,580 Tioughnioga Erieville, West Eaton
Muller Hill State Forest 9,140 Muller Hill Erieville, Otselic, South Otselic
Nelson Swamp Unique Area 972 Nelson Swamp Cazenovia
Oneida Lake Boat Launch 7 Cleveland
Stoney Pond State Forest 2,938 Tioughnioga Cazenovia, Morrisville
Texas Hill State Forest 1,409 Northern Chenango Highlands Otselic, West Eaton
Three Springs State Forest 797 Muller Hill Erieville
Tioughnioga WMA 3,903 Tioughnioga HMP Erieville
Black Creek Waterway Access 58 West Henrietta
Braddock Bay WMA 2,865 Braddock Heights, Hilton
Cedar Springs Fish Hatchery 46 Clifton
Rush Oak Openings Unique Area 240 Northern Finger Lakes Rush
Sandy Creek Fishing Access Parking 0 Hamlin
Sandy Creek Wetlands 9 Hamlin
Slater Creek Waterway Access 7 Braddock Heights
Charleston State Forest 4,032 Charleston Esperance
Lost Valley State Forest 748 Charleston Esperance
Rural Grove State Forest 1,287 Charleston Carlisle
Yatesville Falls State Forest 1,425 Charleston Carlisle, Randall
Inwood Bay State Tidal Wetland 11 North Atlantic Lynbrook
Lido Beach State Tidal Wetland 99 Jones Inlet
Oceanside Landing Waterway Access Site 1 Lynbrook
Old Westbury Unique Area 32 North Atlantic Hicksville
Oyster Bay Western Waterfront Waterway 4 Bayville
Udall’s Cove And Ravine Natural Resource Area 0 Sea Cliff
Underhill Unique Area 25 North Atlantic Hicksville
Hartland Swamp WMA 402 Barker
Tonawanda Creek Fishing Access 1 Wolcottsville
Albert J. Woodford Memorial State Forest 2,649 Mohawk Vista Cassville
Big Brook State Forest 3,866 Forty-Six Corners Florence
Black River Fishing Access 13 Boonville, Forestport, North Wilmurt, Port Leyden
Black River Wild Forest 9,515 Black River Mckeever, Woodgate
Boonville FP Detached Parcel 647 Adirondack Foothills Port Leyden, Woodgate
Buck Hill State Forest 6,794 Oneida Hills Boonville, North Western, West Leyden, Westernville
Canada Creek State Forest 627 Oneida Hills Lee Center
Cincinnati Creek Waterway Access 5 Remsen
Clark Hill State Forest 6,557 Oneida Hills Boonville, North Western
Cobb Brook State Forest 689 Forty-Six Corners Camden East
Fall Brook State Forest 8,963 Forty-Six Corners Florence, Point Rock
Fish Creek State Forest 679 Vienna Woods Camden East
Florence Hill State Forest 1,361 Forty-Six Corners Westdale
Forestport FP Detached Parcel 811 Adirondack Foothills Forestport, North Wilmurt
Furnace Creek State Forest 2,788 Forty-Six Corners Camden East, Florence
Hogsback State Forest 3,347 Adirondack Foothills Boonville, Forestport, Woodgate
Jackson Hill State Forest 2,799 Oneida Hills Boonville, West Leyden
Mad River State Forest 5,600 Forty-Six Corners Florence, Westdale
Mohawk River Fishing Access 1 Oriskany
Mount Hunger State Forest 1,200 Mohawk Vista Brookfield, Cassville
Oneida FP Detached Parcel 852 Vienna Woods Camden East, Camden West
Oneida Lake At Jewell Fishing Access 1 Jewell
Oriskany Flats WMA 784 Oriskany Flats HMP Oriskany
Penn Mountain State Forest 14,921 Oneida Hills Boonville, Forestport, North Western, Remsen
Point Rock State Forest 3,617 Oneida Hills Lee Center, Point Rock, West Leyden
Popple Pond State Forest 4,910 Adirondack Foothills Port Leyden, Woodgate
Punkeyville State Forest 535 Adirondack Foothills Forestport
Rome Fish Hatchery 84 Westernville
Rome Sand Plains Unique Area 4,721 Rome Sand Plains Lee Center, Verona
Rome WMA 2,426 Romw HMP Rome, Verona
Sauquoit Creek Fishing Access 1 Cassville
South Hill State Forest 528 Oneida Hills North Western
Stone Barn State Forest 1,241 Vienna Woods Camden West, Jewell
Swancott Hill State Forest 2,025 Forty-Six Corners Florence
Tri-County State Forest 2,567 Forty-Six Corners Florence, Westdale
Utica Marsh WMA 194 Utica Marsh HMP Utica East
Webster Hill State Forest 1,064 Oneida Hills West Leyden
West Branch Fish Creek Fishing Access 9 Camden East, Westdale
West Branch State Forest 527 Oneida Hills Lee Center
West Canada Creek Fishing Access 0 Newport
Woodhull Creek Fishing Access 0 Forestport
Woodhull Detached Parcel 301 Adirondack Foothills North Wilmurt
Woodhull State Forest 568 Adirondack Foothills Forestport
Butternut Creek Fishing Access 0 Jamesville
Camillus Forest Unique Area 340 Onondaga Camillus
Carpenter’s Creek Fishing Access 0 Jordan
Cicero Swamp WMA 15,034 Cicero Swamp HMP Cicero, Cleveland, Manlius
Cold Brook Parking Area 0 Jordan
Cross Lake Islands WMA 26 Jordan
Cross Lake Waterway Access 16 Jordan
Fabius Brook Fishing Access 0 Deruyter
Hamlin Marsh WMA 1,668 Brewerton
Labrador Hollow Unique Area 1,491 Hill And Hollow Tully
Limestone Creek Fishing Access 1 Manlius, Oran
Limestone Creek Fishing Access Parking 0 Oran
Morgan Hill State Forest 4,330 Hill And Hollow Deruyter, Tully
Nine Mile Creek Fishing Access 30 Camillus
Onondaga Lake Access 9 Syracuse West
Otisco Lake Waterway Access 4 Marcellus
Otisco Lake Waterway Access Site 17 Spafford
Seneca River Boat Launch 2 Baldwinsville
Seneca River Waterway Access 19 Brewerton
Skaneateles Lake Boat Launch 6 Skaneateles
Split Rock Unique Area 68 Onondaga Camillus, Syracuse West
Three Rivers WMA 4,282 Three Rivers HMP Baldwinsville, Lysander
Bare Hill Unique Area 95 Northern Finger Lakes Canandaigua Lake
Canandaigua Lake Access 7 Canandaigua Lake
Canandaigua Outlet Boat Launch 12 Clifton Springs
Honeoye Creek WMA 749 Northern Finger Lakes Honeoye
Honeoye Inlet WMA 5,251 Northern Finger Lakes Bristol Springs, Springwater
Skenoh Island WMA 0 Northern Finger Lakes Canandaigua Lake
Stid Hill Mua 1,035 Northern Finger Lakes Bristol Center, Bristol Springs
Cherry Island WMA 14 Port Jervis North
Gobbler’s Knob State Forest 304 Shawangunk Ridge Otisville
Graham Mountain State Forest 163 Shawangunk Ridge Otisville
Huckleberry Ridge State Forest 3,185 Shawangunk Ridge Otisville, Port Jervis North, Port Jervis South, Unionville
Kowawese Unique Area 165 West Of Hudson Cornwall-on-Hudson
Moodna Creek Waterway Access 3 Cornwall-on-Hudson
Mount Peter Hawk Watch Trailway 5 West Of Hudson Greenwood Lake
Pochuck Mountain State Forest 1,010 West Of Hudson Pine Island, Unionville
Stewart State Forest 13,305 West Of Hudson Cornwall-on-Hudson, Maybrook, Walden
Altmar State Forest 926 Eastern Lake Ontario Richland
Battle Hill State Forest 1,730 Upper Salmon River Redfield
Chateaugay State Forest 4,047 Eastern Lake Ontario Orwell
Curtiss Gale WMA 46 Fulton
Deer Creek Marsh WMA 1,771 Pulaski
Fish Creek Fishing Access 8 Williamstown
Grindstone Creek Fishing Access 2 Mexico, Pulaski
Hall Island State Forest 4,241 Upper Salmon River Orwell, Redfield
Happy Valley WMA 17,795 Happy Valley HMP Dugway, Williamstown
Kasoag State Forest 1,052 Fish Creek Williamstown
Klondike State Forest 868 Fish Creek Panther Lake
Little Sandy Creek Fishing Access 2 Ellisburg, Sandy Creek
Littlejohn WMA 15,395 Boylston Center, Worth Center
Lower Salmon River State Forest 2,666 Orwell, Richland
Mill Stream Fishing Access 2 Redfield
North Pond Sandy Creek Waterway Access 6 Ellisburg
O’hara State Forest 2,794 Upper Salmon River Redfield, Westdale
Oneida Fish Hatchery 37 Cleveland, Mallory, Panther Lake
Oneida Lake Boat Launch 4 Cleveland
Orton Hollow State Forest 886 Fish Creek Westdale, Williamstown
Peter Scott Swamp Freshwater Wetlands 779 Baldwinsville, Pennellville
Salmon River Falls Unique Area 121 Salmon River Falls Ua Orwell
Salmon River Fish Hatchery 1,009 Lower Salmon River Orwell, Williamstown
Salmon River Fishing Access 49 Orwell, Pulaski, Redfield, Richland
Salmon River North Branch Fishing Access 1 Orwell, Redfield
Salmon River Reservoir Boat Launch 36 Orwell
Salmon River State Forest 5,161 Upper Salmon River Orwell, Redfield
Sandy Creek State Forest 538 Eastern Lake Ontario Richland
Stave Mill State Forest 6,257 Upper Salmon River Orwell, Redfield
Stone Hill State Forest 1,031 Fish Creek Williamstown
Three Mile Bay WMA 8,474 The Cuse Central Square, Cicero, Mallory
Training Academy 14 Cleveland
Trout Brook Parking Area 0 Richland
Trout Brook State Forest 1,252 Eastern Lake Ontario Orwell, Richland
Unclassifed 2 Cicero, Cleveland
West Branch Fish Creek Fishing Access 0 Williamstown
West Osceola State Forest 5,803 Upper Salmon River Florence, North Osceola, Redfield, Westdale
Winona State Forest 27,704 Winona Boylston Center, Rodman, Sandy Creek
Arnold Lake State Forest 2,506 Leatherstocking Milford, Mount Vision
Basswood Pond State Forest 2,864 Leatherstocking Edmeston, Hartwick, Schuyler Lake, Unadilla Forks
Bear Swamp State Forest 1,748 Cherry Valley South Valley
Butternut Creek Fishing Access 3 Edmeston
Calhoun Creek State Forest 723 Leatherstocking New Berlin South
Charlotte River Fishing Access 1 Oneonta
Cherry Valley State Forest 3,022 Cherry Valley South Valley, Sprout Brook
Crumhorn Mountain WMA 60 Leatherstocking Milford
Decatur State Forest 595 Cherry Valley South Valley
Exeter State Forest 1,966 Leatherstocking Schuyler Lake
General Jacob Morris State Forest 1,191 Leatherstocking New Berlin South
Goodyear Lake Waterway Access 29 Leatherstocking Milford
Hartwick State Forest 1,241 Leatherstocking Hartwick
Honey Hill State Forest 2,029 Cherry Valley South Valley, Sprout Brook
Hooker Mountain State Forest 1,607 Cherry Valley Milford, Schenevus
Hooker Mountain WMA 83 Cherry Valley Schenevus
Maple Valley State Forest 1,612 Cherry Valley South Valley, Westford
Milford State Forest 512 Leatherstocking Mount Vision
Morris Reservoir Waterway Access 13 New Berlin South
Plainfield State Forest 1,862 Leatherstocking Unadilla Forks
R. Milton Hick Memorial State Forest 2,792 Cherry Valley South Valley, Westford
Roseboom State Forest 632 Cherry Valley Westford
Schenevus Creek Fishing Access 1 Charlotteville, Schenevus
Susquehanna River Fishing Access 0 West Davenport
Susquehanna State Forest 425 Leatherstocking Milford
Texas School House State Forest 2,503 Leatherstocking Edmeston, Hartwick
Wagner Farm State Forest 458 Leatherstocking New Berlin South
Big Buck Mountain Multiple Use Area 361 East Of Hudson Lake Carmel, Poughquag
Bog Brook Unique Area 132 East Of Hudson Brewster
California Hill State Forest 983 East Of Hudson Oscawana Lake
Cranberry Mountain WMA 1,829 Cranberry Mountain HMP Brewster, Pawling
Great Swamp WMA 972 Brewster, Pawling
Nimham Mountain Multiple Use Area 1,021 East Of Hudson Lake Carmel
White Pond Multiple Use Area 512 East Of Hudson Lake Carmel, Poughquag
Norton Basin Natural Resource Area 10 Gateway Far Rockaway
Udall’s Cove And Ravine Natural Resource Area 42 Gateway Sea Cliff
Berlin State Forest 1,949 Taconic Highlands Berlin
Capital District WMA 12,851 Capital District HMP Stephentown Center, Taborton
Cowee State Forest 320 Taborton
Hoosick River Waterway Access 1 Eagle Bridge
Kinderhook Creek Fishing Access 2 Nassau
Pittstown State Forest 4,685 Taconic Highlands Grafton, Tomhannock
Poesten Kill Fishing Access 0 Averill Park
Taconic Ridge State Forest 17,246 Taconic Highlands Berlin, Hancock MA-NY, North Pownal
Tibbitts State Forest 846 Taconic Highlands North Pownal
Arden Heights Woods 8 Southern Staten Island Arthur Kill
Bloesser’s Pond State Tidal Wetland 4 Southern Staten Island Arthur Kill
Butler Manor Woods 19 Southern Staten Island Arthur Kill
Goethals Pond Complex State Tidal Wetland 62 Elizabeth
Lemon Creek State Tidal Wetland 42 Southern Staten Island Arthur Kill
Mount Loretto Unique Area 193 Southern Staten Island Arthur Kill
North Mount Loretto 75 Southern Staten Island Arthur Kill
Oakwood Beach State Tidal Wetland 1 The Narrows
Old Place Creek State Tidal Wetland 90 Arthur Kill, Elizabeth
Sawmill Creek State Tidal Wetland 5 Arthur Kill
Sharrotts Shoreline 25 Gateway Arthur Kill
St. Francis Woodlands 25 Gateway The Narrows
Todt Hill Woods 56 Gateway The Narrows
Zuckermann Natural Resource Area 3 Arthur Kill
Minisceongo Creek Err 20 Haverstraw
Piermont Marsh State Tidal Wetland 70 Nyack
Daketown State Forest 506 Saratoga Warren Middle Grove
Daniels Road State Forest 1,048 Corinth, Saratoga Springs
Great Sacandaga Lake Boat Launch 3 Wilcox Lake Ohmer Mountain
Hudson River Boat Launch 6 Hudson Falls
Hudson River Special Management Area 193 Lake George Lake Luzerne
Kayaderosseras Creek Fishing Access 1 Middle Grove, Saratoga Springs
Lake Desolation State Forest 610 Saratoga Warren Porter Corners
Lincoln Mountain State Forest 1,219 Saratoga Warren Corinth
Middle Grove State Forest 792 Saratoga Warren Middle Grove
Parcel 48 WMA 0 Quaker Springs
Saratoga FP Detached Parcel 142 Burnt Hills, Corinth, Galway, Porter Corners
Saratoga Nursery 268 Saratoga Springs
Saratoga Sand Plains Archery Range 51 Quaker Springs
Saratoga Sand Plains State Forest 352 Gansevoort
Saratoga Sand Plains WMA 1,153 Gansevoort, Quaker Springs
Stewarts Bridge Reservoir Fishing Access 0 Wilcox Lake Conklingville
Ushers Road State Forest 121 Saratoga Warren Round Lake
Victory Mills 47 Schuylerville
Wilcox Lake Wild Forest 13,373 Wilcox Lake Conklingville, Edinburg, Lake Luzerne, Ohmer Mountain, Porter Corners
Featherstonhaugh State Forest 1,381 Charleston Duanesburg, Rotterdam Junction
Armlin Hill State Forest 511 Catskill Creek Middleburgh
Bates State Forest 1,137 Catskill Creek Livingstonville
Blenheim Hill State Forest 1,559 Eminence Gilboa, Stamford
Burnt-Rossman Hills State Forest 29,508 Eminence Breakabeen, Gilboa, Stamford, Summit
Clapper Hollow State Forest 818 Cherry Valley Charlotteville
Cotton Hill State Forest 995 Albany Middleburgh, Schoharie
Dutch Settlement State Forest 4,036 Gallupville, Middleburgh, Rensselaerville, Schoharie
Dutton Ridge State Forest 2,434 Catskill Creek Livingstonville, Middleburgh
Franklinton Vlaie WMA 226 Catskill Creek Middleburgh
Gates Hill State Forest 1,501 Catskill Creek Breakabeen, Middleburgh
High Knob State Forest 1,345 Catskill Creek Livingstonville
Keyserkill State Forest 4,680 Catskill Creek Breakabeen, Gilboa, Livingstonville, Middleburgh
Leonard Hill State Forest 1,636 Catskill Creek Livingstonville
Lutheranville State Forest 3,537 Cherry Valley Charlotteville, Summit
Mallet Pond State Forest 5,155 Eminence Breakabeen, Summit
Patria State Forest 2,181 Eminence Breakabeen
Petersburg State Forest 2,177 Eminence Breakabeen, Cobleskill
Schoharie Creek Parking Fishing Access 2 Schoharie
Scott Patent State Forest 2,829 Catskill Creek Durham, Livingstonville
South Mountain State Forest 2,998 Mt. Pisgah Ashland, Livingstonville
Stone Store State Forest 1,445 Catskill Creek Livingstonville, Middleburgh
Vroman’s Nose Unique Area 139 Middleburgh
Catharine Creek WMA 1,321 Great Divide Burdett, Montour Falls
Cayuta Lake Boat Launch 80 Mecklenburg
Cliffside State Forest 963 New Field Alpine
Coon Hollow State Forest 4,967 Six Nations Beaver Dams, Bradford
Goundry Hill State Forest 2,107 Six Nations Bradford
Sugar Hill State Forest 36,851 Six Nations Beaver Dams, Bradford, Reading Center, Wayne
Texas Hollow State Forest 985 Great Divide Burdett
Waneta Lamoka WMA 160 Wayne
Canoga Marsh WMA 104 Union Springs
Junius Pond Unique Area 201 Northern Finger Lakes Geneva North
Northern Montezuma WMA 175 Cayuga, Seneca Falls
Willard WMA 154 Ovid
St Lawrence
Unclassified 1,897 Brother Ponds, Cranberry Lake
St. Lawrence
Aldrich Pond Wild Forest 122,912 Aldrich Pond Fine, Harrisville, Oswegatchie SE, Oswegatchie SW, Oswegatchie
Alice Brook Primitive Area 25 Five Ponds Newton Falls, Oswegatchie
Beaver Creek State Forest 6,380 St. Lawrence Rock Ridge Heuvelton, Pope Mills, Richville
Black Lake Waterway Access 31 Hammond
Bonner Lake State Forest 98 St. Lawrence Rock Ridge South Edwards
Brasher State Forest 48,420 St. Lawrence Flatlands Brasher Falls, Hogansburg, North Lawrence, Raquette River
Buck Pond Primitive Area 94 Five Ponds Five Ponds, Oswegatchie SE, Oswegatchie
Buckton State Forest 1,936 St. Lawrence Flatlands Brasher Falls, Parishville
California Road State Forest 2,828 St. Lawrence Rock Ridge Harrisville, Lake Bonaparte
Catherineville State Forest 3,246 St. Lawrence Foothills Nicholville, Sylvan Falls
Cold Spring Brook State Forest 1,882 St. Lawrence Rock Ridge Fine, Harrisville
Cranberry Lake Boat Launch 5 Cranberry Lake Bl Cranberry Lake
Cranberry Lake Campground 264 Cranberry Lake Camp Cranberry Lake
Cranberry Lake Wild Forest 52,691 Cranberry Lake Complex Brother Ponds, Childwold, Cranberry Lake, Five Ponds, Long Tom Mountain, Newton Falls
Crary Mills State Forest 579 St. Lawrence Foothills Pierrepont
De Peyster FP Detached Parcel 81 St. Lawrence Rock Ridge Edwardsville
Dead Creek Primitive Area 2,271 Bog River Complex Long Tom Mountain, Piercefield
Degrasse State Forest 2,362 St. Lawrence Foothills Degrasse, West Pierrepont
Dekalb FP Detached Parcel 0 St. Lawrence Rock Ridge Rensselaer Falls
Downerville State Forest 1,443 St. Lawrence Foothills West Pierrepont
Eastern Five Ponds Access Primitive Area 3,798 Five Ponds Long Tom Mountain, Sabattis, Wolf Mountain
Fire-Fall State Forest 3,225 St. Lawrence Rock Ridge Bigelow, Edwards
Fish Creek WMA 13,667 Edwardsville, Heuvelton, Pope Mills
Five Ponds Wilderness 4,285 Five Ponds Long Tom Mountain, Oswegatchie SE, Oswegatchie, Sabattis
Fort Jackson State Forest 1,829 St. Lawrence Flatlands Nicholville, Parishville
Glenmeal State Forest 1,653 St. Lawrence Foothills Pierrepont, West Pierrepont
Gouverneur FP Detached Parcel 17 St. Lawrence Rock Ridge Gouverneur
Grantville State Forest 1,550 St. Lawrence Flatlands Massena, Norfolk
Grass Lake Fishing Access 7 Muskellunge Lake
Grass River Wild Forest 26,908 Grass River Complex Albert Marsh, Brother Ponds, Childwold, Cranberry Lake, Degrasse, Fine, Stark, Tooley Pond, West Pierrepont
Greenwood Creek State Forest 1,022 St. Lawrence Rock Ridge Fine
Hickory Lake State Forest 581 St. Lawrence Rock Ridge Pope Mills
High Flats State Forest 3,942 St. Lawrence Foothills Colton, Rainbow Falls
Horseshoe Lake Wild Forest 60,075 Bog River Complex Little Tupper Lake, Long Tom Mountain, Piercefield, Sabattis
Indian Meadows FP Detached Parcel 45 Raquette River
Knapp Station State Forest 1,803 St. Lawrence Flatlands Brasher Falls, Norfolk
Lake Ozonia Fishing Access Site 3 Raquette Boreal Complex Lake Ozonia, Sylvan Falls
Lisbon FP Detached Parcel 34 Lisbon, Morley
Lonesome Bay State Forest 1,122 St. Lawrence Rock Ridge Hammond
Lost Nation State Forest 3,836 St. Lawrence Flatlands Brasher Falls, Norfolk
Louisville FP Detached Parcel 664 Massena, Norfolk
Orebed Creek State Forest 791 St. Lawrence Foothills Degrasse
Pitcairn FP Detached Parcel 174 St. Lawrence Rock Ridge Harrisville
Pleasant Lake State Forest 1,926 St. Lawrence Rock Ridge Natural Dam, Pope Mills
Raquette River Wild Forest 5,216 Raquette Boreal Complex Carry Falls Reservoir, Childwold, Stark
Raquette-Jordan Boreal Primitive Area 44,297 Raquette Boreal Complex Augerhole Falls, Carry Falls Reservoir, Childwold, Mount Matumbla, Piercefield
Raymondville State Forest 644 St. Lawrence Flatlands Norfolk
Silver Hill State Forest 1,566 St. Lawrence Foothills Degrasse, South Edwards
Snow Bowl State Forest 797 St. Lawrence Foothills Stark
Sodom State Forest 1,424 St. Lawrence Flatlands Chase Mills
South Hammond State Forest 3,866 St. Lawrence Rock Ridge Hammond, Muskellunge Lake
Southville State Forest 1,103 St. Lawrence Flatlands Parishville, Potsdam
St. Lawrence FP Detached Parcel 289 St. Lawrence Rock Ridge Harrisville, Lake Bonaparte
Stammer Creek State Forest 460 St. Lawrence Rock Ridge South Edwards
Sucker Lake Water Access 187 Aldrich Pond Fine, Oswegatchie
Swallow Bluffs WMA 55 Sparrowhawk Point
Tamarack Creek Primitive Area 48 Aldrich Pond Oswegatchie
Taylor Creek State Forest 3,686 St. Lawrence Foothills Albert Marsh, West Pierrepont
Toothaker Creek State Forest 709 St. Lawrence Rock Ridge Harrisville
Trout Lake State Forest 2,173 St. Lawrence Rock Ridge Edwards, South Edwards
Upper And Lower Lakes WMA 35,212 Upper And Lower Lakes HMP Canton, Lisbon, Morley, Rensselaer Falls
Waddington FP Detached Parcel 10 Waddington
West Parishville State Forest 793 St. Lawrence Foothills Colton
Whippoorwill Corners State Forest 2,562 St. Lawrence Foothills Hermon, West Pierrepont
Whiskey Flats State Forest 4,231 St. Lawrence Foothills Nicholville, Parishville, Rainbow Falls
White Hill Wild Forest 19,132 Raquette Boreal Complex Carry Falls Reservoir, Rainbow Falls, Stark, Sylvan Falls
Wilson Hill WMA 4,036 Wilson Hill HMP Louisville
Wolf Lake State Forest 8,724 St. Lawrence Rock Ridge Bigelow, Edwards
Yellow Lake State Forest 760 St. Lawrence Rock Ridge Natural Dam
Yellow Lake Waterway Access 5 Natural Dam
Bath Fish Hatchery 23 Bath, Rheims
Beaver Dams State Forest 1,065 Six Nations Beaver Dams, Bradford
Birdseye Hollow State Forest 10,487 Keuka Lowlands Bradford, Hammondsport, Savona
Burt Hill Multiple Use Area 398 Canisteo River Basin Canisteo
Cameron Mills State Forest 1,089 Canisteo River Basin Cameron, Rathbone
Cameron State Forest 3,933 Canisteo River Basin Cameron, Towlesville
Canacadea State Forest 1,632 Canisteo River Basin Hornell
Cinnamon Lake State Forest 1,772 Six Nations Bradford
Cohocton River Fishing Access 0 Avoca
Cold Brook WMA 143 Hammondsport
Dry Run State Forest 2,662 Six Nations Bradford, Corning
Erwin Hollow State Forest 529 Great Divide Corning
Erwin Mountain State Forest 1,005 Great Divide Addison, Campbell
Erwin WMA 2,507 Great Divide Campbell
Greenwood State Forest 911 Canisteo River Basin Greenwood
Helmer Creek WMA 126 Canisteo River Basin Rathbone
Keuka Lake Inlet Parking Area 0 Rheims
Mccarthy Hill State Forest 792 Great Divide Addison
Meads Creek State Forest 5,671 Six Nations Bradford, Campbell, Corning, Savona
Mill Creek Fishing Access 0 Wayland
Moss Hill State Forest 2,727 Keuka Lowlands Bath, Savona
Mount Washington Multiple Use Area 1,325 Keuka Lowlands Bath, Hammondsport, Savona
Pigtail Hollow State Forest 995 Keuka Highlands Rheims
Rock Creek State Forest 704 Canisteo River Basin Greenwood
South Bradford State Forest 3,635 Six Nations Bradford, Savona
Tracy Creek State Forest 568 Canisteo River Basin Rathbone
Turkey Ridge State Forest 683 Canisteo River Basin South Canisteo
Urbana State Forest 5,412 Keuka Highlands Hammondsport, Rheims
West Cameron WMA 165 Canisteo River Basin Cameron
West Hill State Forest 895 Six Nations Corning
NA 20 Campbell, Corning
Accabonac Marsh State Tidal Wetland 6 Gardiners Island West
Babylon Marsh-Elder And Petteanger Isl Stw 136 Amityville, West Gilgo Beach
Baiting Hollow State Tidal Wetland 77 Wading River
Bellport Bay State Tidal Wetland 55 Bellport
Brookhaven Pine Barrens State Forest 35 North Atlantic Middle Island
Browns River State Tidal Wetland 9 Sayville
Calverton Pine Barrens State Forest 191 Peconic Headwaters Wading River
Carmans River Pine Barrens State Forest 25 North Atlantic Bellport
David A. Sarnoff Pine Barrens State Forest 5,634 North Atlantic Eastport, Mattituck, Quogue, Riverhead
East Bartlett Pine Barrens State Forest 210 North Atlantic Bellport, Middle Island
Eastport Pine Barrens State Forest 880 Peconic Headwaters Eastport, Moriches
Edgewood Oak Brush Plains State Forest 806 North Atlantic Greenlawn
Fireplace Neck State Tidal Wetland 182 Bellport
Flax Pond State Tidal Wetland 149 Saint James
Hashamomuck Pond Waterway Access 4 Southold
Havens Point State Tidal Wetland 72 Eastport
Henry’s Hollow Pine Barrens State Forest 545 North Atlantic Mattituck, Quogue
Isbrandtsen Marsh State Tidal Wetland 71 Bay Shore West
Johns Neck State Tidal Wetland 180 Moriches, Pattersquash Island
Kings Park 208 North Atlantic Central Islip, Northport, Saint James
Lake Ronkonkoma Boat Launch 2 Central Islip
Laurel Lake Waterway Access 14 Mattituck
Linda A. Gronlund Memorial Nature State Forest At Barcelona Neck 565 North Atlantic Greenport, Sag Harbor
Little Bay State Tidal Wetland 62 Port Jefferson
Little Northwest Creek State Tidal Wetland 376 Greenport, Sag Harbor
Long Beach Bay State Tidal Wetland 457 Orient, Plum Island
Longwood Pine Barrens State Forest 330 North Atlantic Bellport, Middle Island
Ludlow Creek State Tidal Wetland 267 Bay Shore East, Sayville
Lymans Marsh State Tidal Wetland 36 Howells Point
Mastic-Shirley Conservation Area 0 Moriches
Mattituck Creek Waterway Access Site 17 Mattituck Hills
Moneyboque Bay State Tidal Wetland 57 Eastport
Moriches Bay Marine Waterway Access 16 Eastport
Mount Sinai State Tidal Wetland 6 Port Jefferson
Namkee Creek State Tidal Wetland 21 Sayville
Napeague Harbor State Tidal Wetland 78 Gardiners Island East, Napeague Beach
North Haven State Tidal Wetland 7 Greenport
Northwest Harbor State Tidal Wetland 48 Gardiners Island West
Oregon Marsh State Tidal Wetland 31 Mattituck Hills
Otis Pike Pine Barrens State Forest – Canoe Lake 75 Peconic Headwaters Riverhead, Wading River
Otis Pike Pine Barrens State Forest – East 1,283 Peconic Headwaters Riverhead, Wading River
Otis Pike Pine Barrens State Forest – Fresh Pond 492 Peconic Headwaters Wading River
Otis Pike Pine Barrens State Forest – Nugent Drive 267 Peconic Headwaters Riverhead
Otis Pike Pine Barrens State Forest – South River Road 155 Peconic Headwaters Riverhead
Otis Pike Pine Barrens State Forest – Toppings Path 3,648 Peconic Headwaters Eastport, Riverhead, Wading River
Otis Pike Pine Barrens State Forest – West 893 Peconic Headwaters Moriches, Wading River
Oyster Ponds Waterway Access Site 2 Orient
Panamoka Pine Barrens State Forest 100 Peconic Headwaters Wading River
Patriots Hollow State Forest 42 North Atlantic Port Jefferson
Pepperidge Hall Marsh State Tidal Wetland 156 Bay Shore East, Sayville
Pickman-Rimmer State Tidal Wetland 132 Bay Shore East
Ridge Pine Barrens State Forest And Maintenance Center 190 North Atlantic Middle Island
Rocky Point Pine Barrens State Forest 5,795 North Atlantic Middle Island
Sag Harbor State Tidal Wetland 1 Sag Harbor
Shelter Island State Tidal Wetland 39 Greenport
Shinnecock Bay State Tidal Wetland 17 Shinnecock Inlet
Stillman Creek State Tidal Wetland 32 Sayville
Stony Brook Harbor State Tidal Wetland 11 Saint James
Timber Point State Tidal Wetland 186 Bay Shore East
Tuthill Cove State Tidal Wetland 7 Moriches
Westhampton Dwarf Pine Plains Pine Barrens State Forest 1,323 North Atlantic Eastport, Quogue
Wildwood Lake Waterway Access 2 Riverhead
Youngs Island State Tidal Wetland 21 Saint James
Bashakill WMA 8,110 Otisville, Wurtsboro, Yankee Lake
Beaverkill Campground 267 Beaverkill Camp Livingston Manor
Beaverkill Fishing Access 0 Roscoe
Callicoon Creek North Branch Fishing Access 1 Callicoon, Jeffersonville
Crystal Lake Wild Forest 1,003 Crystal Lake Callicoon, Horton
Delaware River Access 1 Long Eddy
Delaware River Waterway Access 1 Callicoon
Hickok Brook Multiple Use Area 4,145 Eldred, Highland Lake, Pond Eddy, Shohola
Lake Huntington Waterway Access 1 Lake Huntington
Little Beaverkill Fishing Access 1 Liberty West, Livingston Manor
Mongaup Pond Campground 682 Mongaup Pond Camp Willowemoc
Mongaup Valley WMA 19,247 Highland Lake, Pond Eddy, Port Jervis North
Neversink River Fishing Access 1 Grahamsville, Woodridge
Neversink River Unique Area 13,165 Neversink River Hartwood, Yankee Lake
Painter Hill Multiple Use Area 104 Ellenville
Roosa Gap State Forest 2,184 Shawangunk Ridge Ellenville, Wurtsboro
Sandburg Creek Fishing Access 0 Ellenville
Sullivan FP Detached Parcel 361 Eldred, Grahamsville, Highland Lake, Yankee Lake
Sundown Wild Forest 232 Sundown Claryville
Willowemoc Creek Fishing Access 2 Livingston Manor, Roscoe
Willowemoc Creek Waterway Access 10 Livingston Manor
Willowemoc Wild Forest 48,699 Willowemoc Arena, Claryville, Livingston Manor, Roscoe, Willowemoc
Wolf Brook Multiple Use Area 559 Neversink River Yankee Lake
Wurtsboro Ridge State Forest 1,137 Shawangunk Ridge Wurtsboro
Andersen Hill State Forest 550 Tri-County Richford
Beaver Dam State Forest 3,453 Rockefeller Harford, Marathon, Richford
East Branch Owego Creek Parking 0 Richford
Fairfield State Forest 810 Tioga Speedsville
Jenksville State Forest 1,345 Tioga Richford
Ketchumville State Forest 1,983 Tioga Lisle, Maine, Newark Valley, Richford
Michigan Hill State Forest 1,198 Rockefeller Harford
Oakley Corners State Forest 1,154 Tioga Newark Valley
Robinson Hollow State Forest 3,942 Tri-County Dryden, Harford
Shindagin Hollow State Forest 71 Rapid Waters Speedsville
Susquehanna River Waterway Access 1 Barton
Turkey Hill State Forest 2,268 Rockefeller Harford, Richford
Connecticut Hill WMA 22,361 Connecticut Hill HMP Alpine, Mecklenburg
Danby State Forest 14,947 Rapid Waters West Danby, Willseyville
Dryden Lake Multiple Use Area 198 Dryden
Hammond Hill State Forest 3,702 Twin Sheds Dryden
Myers Point Boat Launch 38 Ludlowville
Newfield State Forest 1,561 New Field Alpine
Potato Hill State Forest 1,716 Tri-County Richford, Speedsville
Reynolds Game Farm 166 Ithaca East
Shindagin Hollow State Forest 5,246 Rapid Waters Speedsville
West Branch Owego Creek 12 Dryden
Yellow Barn State Forest 1,386 Twin Sheds Dryden
Balsam Lake Mountain Wild Forest 27,218 Balsam Lake Mountain Arena, Seager
Belleayre Mountain Day Use Area 105 Belleayre Mountain Dua Shandaken, West Kill
Belleayre Mountain Ski Center 9,039 Belleayre Mountain Ski Center Fleischmanns, Seager, Shandaken, West Kill
Big Indian Wilderness 237,019 Big Indian Arena, Claryville, Fleischmanns, Peekamoose Mountain, Seager, Shandaken, Willowemoc
Black Creek State Forest 1,156 West Of Hudson Hyde Park, Rosendale
Black Creek Waterway Access 1 Hyde Park
Bluestone Wild Forest 5,359 Bluestone Ashokan, Kingston West, Woodstock
Chodikee Lake Wetlands 124 Hyde Park
Esopus Creek Fishing Access 16 Phoenicia – Mt. Tobias Phoenicia
Esopus Creek Waterway Access 2 Kingston West
Hemlock Ridge Multiple Use Area 83 West Of Hudson Clintondale
High Woods Multiple Use Area 43 West Of Hudson Woodstock
Kenneth L. Wilson Campground 594 Kenneth L. Wilson Camp Bearsville
New Paltz Office 11 Clintondale
Oak Ridge Multiple Use Area 96 Ellenville
Overlook Mountain Wild Forest 2,261 Overlook Mountain Bearsville, Woodstock
Phoenicia – Mt. Tobias Wild Forest 25,701 Phoenicia – Mt. Tobias Ashokan, Bearsville, Hunter, Lexington, Phoenicia, West Shokan
Rondout Creek Waterway Access 1 Kingston West
Sams Point Ellensville Radio Facility 1 Shawangunk Ridge Napanoch
Shandaken Wild Forest 5,881 Shandaken Phoenicia, Shandaken, West Kill
Shawangunk Ridge State Forest 1,452 Shawangunk Ridge Ellenville
Simpson Ski Slope 7 Phoenicia – Mt. Tobias Phoenicia
Slide Mountain Wilderness 253,529 Slide Mountain Claryville, Peekamoose Mountain, Phoenicia, Shandaken, West Shokan
Sundown Wild Forest 148,098 Sundown Claryville, Grahamsville, Kerhonkson, Peekamoose Mountain, Rondout Reservoir, West Shokan
Turkey Point State Forest 141 West Of Hudson Saugerties
Ulster FP Detached Parcel 471 Ashokan, Clintondale, Ellenville, Kerhonkson, Napanoch, Newburgh, Rosendale
Unclassified 961 Phoenicia, Shandaken
Vernooy Kill State Forest 7,441 Sundown Kerhonkson, Rondout Reservoir
West Branch Beerkill Fishing Access 0 Ellenville
Whiteport WMA 11 Kingston West
Willowemoc Wild Forest 1,287 Willowemoc Claryville
Witch’s Hole State Forest 592 Shawangunk Ridge Napanoch
Woodland Valley Campground 109 Woodland Valley Camp Phoenicia
Woodland Valley Stream Parking 0 Phoenicia
Chatiemac Lake Primitive Area 2 Siamese Ponds Gore Mountain
Eagle Point Campground 42 Eagle Point Camp Chestertown, Schroon Lake
First Brother Primitive Area 91 Pharaoh Lake Brant Lake
Gore Mountain Ski Center 7,522 Gore Mountain Ski Center Gore Mountain, North Creek
Hearthstone Point Campground 97 Hearthstone Point Camp Lake George
Horicon Boat Launch 19 Horicon Boat Launch Chestertown
Hudson River Special Management Area 10,580 Lake George Lake Luzerne, Stony Creek, Warrensburg
Hudson River Waterway Access 1 Corinth
Lake George Battlefield Campground 34 Lake George Battlefield Camp Lake George
Lake George Battlefield Day Use Area 23 Lake George Battlefield Dua Lake George
Lake George Beach Day Use Area 55 Lake George Beach Dua Lake George
Lake George Islands Campground 610 Lake George Islands Camp Bolton Landing, Lake George, Putnam, Shelving Rock, Silver Bay, Ticonderoga
Lake George Wild Forest 166,239 Lake George Bolton Landing, Brant Lake, Chestertown, Graphite, Johnsburg, Lake George, Lake Luzerne, North Creek, Pharaoh Mountain, Putnam Mountain, Shelving Rock, Silver Bay, Stony Creek, The Glen, Ticonderoga, Warrensburg
Luzerne Campground 854 Luzerne Camp Lake Luzerne
Mill Creek Fishing Access 0 Wilcox Lake North Creek
Mill Creek Parking Area 0 Wilcox Lake Johnsburg
North Creek Parking Fishing Access 0 Vanderwhacker Mtn. Gore Mountain, North Creek
Prospect Mountain Parkway 2,004 Prospect Mountain Dua Lake George, Warrensburg
Ralph Road State Forest 544 Saratoga Warren Lake Luzerne
Rogers Rock Campground 308 Rogers Rock Camp Ticonderoga
Scaroon Manor Campground 241 Scaroon Manor Camp Schroon Lake
Siamese Ponds Wilderness 1,256,668 Siamese Ponds Bad Luck Mountain, Bakers Mills, Bullhead Mountain, Dutton Mountain, Gore Mountain, Griffin, Indian Lake, Kunjamuk River, Page Mountain, South Pond Mountain, Wells
Unclassified 2,106 Johnsburg, Warrensburg
Upper Hudson River Boat Launch 24 Lake Luzerne
Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest 5,479 Vanderwhacker Mtn Chestertown, Gore Mountain, North Creek, Schroon Lake
Warren FP Detached Parcel 48 Corinth
Wilcox Lake Wild Forest 1,245,190 Wilcox Lake Bakers Mills, Cathead Mountain, Conklingville, Griffin, Harrisburg, Hope Falls, Johnsburg, North Creek, Ohmer Mountain, South Pond Mountain, Stony Creek, The Glen, Warrensburg, Wells
Batten Kill State Forest 535 Northern Piedmont Shushan
Battenkill River Fishing Access 5 Salem, Shushan
Carters Pond WMA 446 Northern Piedmont Cossayuna
Chestnut Woods State Forest 1,602 Northern Piedmont Hoosick Falls, Shushan
Cossayuna Lake Waterway Access 3 Cossayuna
Dolph Pond State Forest 1,454 Northern Piedmont Fort Ann, Whitehall
East Bay WMA 78 Thorn Hill, Whitehall
Eldridge Swamp State Forest 533 Northern Piedmont Shushan
Goose Egg State Forest 925 Northern Piedmont Shushan
Lake George Wild Forest 126,791 Lake George Bolton Landing, Lake George, Putnam Mountain, Putnam, Shelving Rock, Silver Bay, Ticonderoga, Whitehall
Maple Bend Island WMA 451 Lake George Putnam
Mettawee River Fishing Access 2 Granville
Mount Tom State Forest 3,449 Northern Piedmont Hoosick Falls, Shushan
South Bay State Boat Launch 8 Lake George Whitehall
The Saddles State Forest 2,472 Northern Piedmont Whitehall
Washington County Grasslands 646 Fort Miller, Hudson Falls
Washington FP Detached Parcel 37 Cambridge, Salem
Galen WMA 763 Lyons
Lake Shore Marshes WMA 9,408 Lake Shore Marshes HMP Fair Haven, North Wolcott, Rose, Sodus Point, Wolcott
Northern Montezuma WMA 2,330 Montezuma, Savannah, Wolcott
Croton Gorge Unique Area 19 East Of Hudson Ossining
Montrose Point State Forest 51 East Of Hudson Haverstraw
Salt Hill State Forest 538 East Of Hudson Mohegan Lake, Ossining
Titus Mill Pond State Tidal Wetland 7 Mount Vernon
Carlton Hill Mua 2,501 Dale
East Koy Creek Fishing Access 26 Portageville
Silver Lake Outlet WMA 10 Castile
Tonawanda Creek Fishing Access Parking 1 Johnsonburg
Wiscoy Creek Fishing Access 0 Pike, Portageville
Bare Hill Unique Area 359 Northern Finger Lakes Middlesex
High Tor WMA 22,307 Canandaiqua Highlands Bristol Springs, Middlesex, Naples, Prattsburg
High Tor WMA – Clark Gully 158 Canandaiqua Highlands Middlesex
High Tor WMA – Parrish Gully 560 Canandaiqua Highlands Middlesex, Prattsburg
Italy Hill State Forest 7,622 Canandaiqua Highlands Middlesex, Potter, Prattsburg, Pulteney
Seneca Lake Boat Launch 13 Dundee
Woodville Boat Launch 18 Canandaiqua Highlands Middlesex