How to access WMS Servers in R Programming Language

How to access WMS Servers in R Programming Language

I couldn’t find a good package to read WMS data into a SpatialRaster or for downloading. However I discovered that you can use sf’s built-in version of gdal_util query the WMS server’s information then use the sf built in gdal_translate to download the WMS image into a temporary file then load it into memory.


# obtain layer info from WMS server using sf built-in version of gdal_info
wms_url <- ''
ginfo <- sf::gdal_utils('info', str_c('WMS:',wms_url), quiet=T)

# extract layers and layer urls from returned layer info, 
# create a data table from this data
ldesc <- ginfo %>% str_match_all('SUBDATASET_(\\d)_DESC=(.*?)\n')
ldsc <- ldesc[[1]][,3]
lurl <- ginfo %>% str_match_all('SUBDATASET_(\\d)_NAME=(.*?)\n')
lurl <- lurl[[1]][,3]
wms_layers <- cbind(ldesc, lurl)
rm(ldesc, lurl)

# obtain from census bureau a shapefile of the Town of Cazenovia,
# then find the bounding box around it
bbx<- tigris::county_subdivisions('ny') %>% 
  filter(NAME == 'Cazenovia') %>% 
  st_transform(3857) %>% 

# Revise the WMS URL based on the above bounding box
# Web Mercator (3857) is best to use with WMS Servers as
# that is the native projection. As I wanted multiple layers
# I also revised the URL string to include all layers desired
# Seperated by a comma (explore the wms_layer table for details)
url <- wms_layers[4,2] %>%
  str_replace('LAYERS=(.*?)&', 'LAYERS=3,2,1,0&') %>%
  str_replace('SRS=(.*?)&', 'SRS=EPSG:3857&') %>%
  str_replace('BBOX=(.*?)$', str_c('BBOX=',paste(bbx, collapse=',')) ) 

# Use sf built-in gdal_utils to download the image of Cazenovia based
# on the URL, with an output size listed below. You can also download
# based on resolution by using the tr option that is commented out below.
# then load the temporary file into rast as a Spatial Raster for further 
# processing. In addition, adding -co COMPRESS=JPEG greatly reduces the size
# of aerial photography with minimal impacts on quality or loading speed.

t <- tempfile()
reso <-  c('-outsize','1920','1080','-co','COMPRESS=JPEG')
#reso <- c('-tr', '1','1','-co','COMPRESS=JPEG') # "meters" in the 3857 projection
sf::gdal_utils('translate', url, t, reso) 
r <- rast(t)

# display the spatial raster or whatever you would like to do with it
# the tiff is stored in the temporary location in the t variable

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