Blue Mountain Fire Tower

There is a fire tower on the mountain overlooking Blue Mountain Lake. It has some interesting views, and can be checked out by driving just north of Blue Mountain Lake on NY 30. It is one of the most popular hikes in the Adirondacks, and many people also visit Moose River Plains or the Adirondack Museum after hiking the tower.

Here is Blue Mountain heading North on NY 28.

Blue Mountain

The registration box at the bottom of the mountain.

Registration Box

The trail is well maintained, despite it’s extensive use, with board walks across muddy locations.

Board Walk Across Marshy Area

The first part of the trail is relatively flat for a while, then gets steep for a bit.


A lot of the lower part of the mountain was rocky with lots little rocks to step over.

Rocky Ascent Up the Mountain

About halfway up the mountain you get partial views down the mountain.

Mountains Thru The Trees

Eventually the mountain opens up a little, and your walking on exposed granite, steep, but not too steep.

Granite Rock Face

Once your almost to the top, you can look back and see Blue Mountain Lake through the trees.

Blue Monutain Lake Through the Trees

You reach the top of the mountain, and there is a gradual ascent, as you cross to the eastern side of the mountain, where the summit and the tower is located. Finally, you see the tower through the trees.

First View of Tower

The tower is a relatively short 50 or 60 foot, but it’s plenty high to get good views of the surrounding landscape.

Fire Tower

Looking out to the Tower windows.


Blue Mountain Lake from the fire tower.

Blue Mountain

Moose River Plains to the south-west of the tower.

Cedar River Flow

On the eastern side of the mountain, there is a radio tower and the old ranger’s cabin.

Tower from the Eastern Approach

From the eastern side, their is a ledge, where you can see and look down towards like Lake Durant and Moose River Plains.

Lake Durant and Moose River Plains

The radio tower up close, with the fence broken down around it. I didn’t hear radio signals in my ears, despite being so close to this big radio tower.

Radio Station

Flowers on the top of the mountain.


To the north-east there are views of the High Peaks Mountains. They probably woudln’t be as clear on a hazy day.

Mount Marcy in Distance

Tirnell Mountain is privately owned to the east, and you can see some active logging on it.

Tirnell Mountain

Seventh and Eight Lake as seen from Blue Mountain.

Fulton Chain of Lakes

Here is a map of the hike.


  • Suzanne Politano says:

    Hello, can you please tell me the coordinates for the Blue Mountain NY Fire Tower?
    Thank you very much, Suzanne

    • Andy says:


      Blue Mountain Trail (Hamilton County)
      Altitude: 3714 ft,-74.4009161


      43.872406Β° N -74.400916Β° W (WGS84)

      43Β°52.344’N 74Β°24.055’W (DDD MMM.MM)

      43Β°52’20.66β€³N 74Β°24’03.30β€³W (DDDΒ° MM,MMM’ SS,SS”)

      18T 548134 4857876 (UTM (WGS84))

      18TWP4813457876 (MGRS/USNG (WGS84))

      -74.4 43.87 (EPSG:4267 (NAD27))

      267730.06 411840.78 (NAD83/US(m) NYLI (NAD83))

      1616013.81 605286.7 (North America LCC (NAD83))

      gallery.confronts.imply (what3words)


      State Highway 30 (Hamilton County)
      Altitude: 2203 ft,-74.431031942


      43.874641Β° N -74.431032Β° W (WGS84)

      43Β°52.478’N 74Β°25.862’W (DDD MMM.MM)

      43Β°52’28.71β€³N 74Β°25’51.71β€³W (DDDΒ° MM,MMM’ SS,SS”)

      18T 545712 4858107 (UTM (WGS84))

      18TWP4571258107 (MGRS/USNG (WGS84))

      -74.43 43.87 (EPSG:4267 (NAD27))

      265307.27 412100.98 (NAD83/US(m) NYLI (NAD83))

      1613749.57 604955.43 (North America LCC (NAD83))

      nursery.temperature.distracts (what3words)

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