Why I Like Governor Andrew Cuomo for President

Recently, I’ve come convinced that Governor Andrew Cuomo would be a very good president.

Why? He gets things done. He’s not afraid to cross party lines to get his agenda done, and to move the people of our state forward. He can ram things through the process. You might not agree with every policy proposal he’s gotten through the legislature – indeed we are a very liberal state – but he has a proven track record, and he’s more then just tough talk.

President Donald Trump ran on being a deal maker, one who could bring change to our country. Despite having a Republican-controlled House and Senate, it’s really hard to point to what he’s gotten done in his first six months of president. He talks tough, but has no shit to show for his tough talk. He’s all hat and no cattle. Healthcare Reform? Nope. Climate Change Action? Hah, Nope. He doesn’t even believe in the science. Heck, even a Republican priority like 50-state concealed carry of firearms, doesn’t seem to be able to be moved forward by his administration. Probably his only victory so far is getting Neil Gorsuch put on the Supreme Court.

In contrast, Governor Andrew Cuomo legalized gay marriage long before the US Supreme Court ruled it was a fundamental right of Americans. He implemented a property tax cap that forced schools and local governments to limit their spending and find efficiency in their operations. He cut middle class taxes to the lowest rate in 50 years. His Regional Economic Development Councils have turned boring government grants into the engines of economic growth of our state. Or at least made them fun and interesting. He got the long stalled Tappan Zee Bridge re-construction completed. He got the Sewage Right to Know Law, which after decades of long stalled sewage treatment efforts, has gotten them moving. He made state budget pass on time or within days of on time. And he passed the most comprehensive gun control law in the nation – the SAFE Act. The guy has been effective, rammed a lot of things through the process – both good and bad. Even if you don’t always agree with methods or policies, he’s moved a broken state government forward.

Nobody thinks the Governor is a particularly nice person to those who get in his way. But who cares – he gets stuff done. Sometimes you have crack a few eggs to make an omelet. Sometimes you have to take the make an elderly widow homeless to build an expressway. Governing at times can be incredibly cruel, but necessary. Public participation and respecting people’s rights is important – but special interests can’t block moving our society forward. Governor Cuomo knows how to make things happen, to play the game, even if he runs over a few elderly people in his way.

I will admit I have never voted for Governor Cuomo. But the more I’ve seen him in action, the more I’ve really warmed up on him becoming the Democratic nominee for President, for being the man who can take on and beat Donald Trump. We can’t have someone timid, afraid to take one of the wealthiest and most powerful men in America. We need somebody who can be more then bluster, somebody who can point to his successful record as New York Governor as our next president. We don’t need for the Democrats to nominate a weak, inexperienced candidate, who will lose, and we will be stuck with Trump. We need president that gets shit done.

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