Why Early to Bed, Early to Rise πŸ› πŸ‘‰πŸ» πŸŒ„

Lately I’ve been getting up at around 5 AM each morning, and I don’t even use an alarm clock. ⏰ Actually that’s not totally true, I set my alarm clock for 5:50 AM but I rarely have it go off while I am still in bed. This time of year it’s dark at that hour, but it turns out waking that early becomes quite natural as I go to bed at or before 9 PM most nights, and by five o’clock I need to run downstairs to the bathroom, and it’s an opportunity to start getting meals cooked for day, and a nutritious and delicious breakfast prior to going out for the morning walk. I find the early bedtime improves my sleep, makes me feel much better and have a much better day.

Four in the morning
I woke up from out of my dreams
Nowhere to go but back to sleep
But I’m reconciled
Oh, oh, oh, I’m gonna be up for a while

More reasons for going to bed early and rising early

  1. Improved Sleep Quality: Going to bed early can help ensure you get enough hours of sleep, which is essential for physical and mental health. High-quality sleep is associated with better mood, cognitive function, and overall well-being.
  2. Circadian Rhythm Alignment: Our bodies have a natural circadian rhythm that aligns with the day-night cycle. Going to bed and waking up early helps align your internal clock with external cues, which can enhance your sleep quality and overall health.
  3. Increased Productivity: Many people find that they are most productive in the morning when their minds are fresh and free from distractions. By waking up early, you can make the most of these productive hours.
  4. Establishing a Routine: Consistency is key to a healthy lifestyle. Going to bed and waking up at the same times each day helps establish a routine, which can have positive effects on your overall health and well-being.
  5. More Daylight Exposure: Waking up early gives you more exposure to natural daylight, which has been linked to improved mood, increased vitamin D production, and better sleep.
  6. Quiet and Peaceful Mornings: Early mornings are often quieter and more peaceful, providing a great opportunity for introspection, meditation, or simply enjoying a moment of solitude before the day’s responsibilities begin.
  7. Time for Exercise: Early mornings are a great time for physical activity. Regular exercise has numerous health benefits, and getting it done early can boost your metabolism and energy levels throughout the day.
  8. Better Mental Health: Adequate sleep and a regular schedule can contribute to better mental health by reducing stress, anxiety, and the risk of mood disorders.
  9. Healthy Eating Habits: People who wake up early tend to have better eating habits. They are more likely to eat a nutritious breakfast, which can set a positive tone for the rest of the day.
  10. Improved Time Management: Starting your day early gives you a head start and more time to plan and manage your tasks and responsibilities, reducing the likelihood of feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

Almost bed time

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