The Taking Down the Great Replacement
Back when I was in college, one of the reading assignments for a Political Philosophy class I took was to read Timothy McVeigh’s Essay on Hypocrisy. While many of his things were non-sensible or disagreeable, it’s interesting to learn about the ideas behind important people whose actions — rightly or wrongly have a significant consequence on our lives both for better or worse.
I was disappointed to find out that many websites have taken down Brenton Tarrant’s The Great Replacement manifesto, because some find it racist and offensive. It is, but it’s also important for people to understand the ideas behind people who have an impact on our community and lives, for good or for bad. Like it or not — terrorists are some of the most important people in our world today — they force governments and private entities to invest millions in security and deterrence and force private citizens to be inconvenienced by such security measures.
Information can help people make better ideas and choices. It’s worthwhile to consider even racist and arguably bad ideas, because they can help us make better ideas. Understanding where terrorists come from doesn’t recruit or validate their action, but it can make for a more thoughtful and inclusive society, that can work to bring people on the outside back in.