Ten deaths every nine minutes ☠

Ten deaths every nine minutes ☠

That’s the gory statistic that the politicians are trying to avoid when it comes to COVID-19 deaths. People are still dying – 1,500 Americans daily from the pandemic every day. While the vaccine is available it’s still being rolled out slowly and isn’t widely available at all retailers or drug stores.

But the politicians are desperately trying to avoid discussing the CONTINUING problem of COVID-19. Gun control is on their minds after two very minor incidents of gun violence which really are non remarkable when you compare to all the daily death from COVID-19. It’s easy to infringe on the rights of hard working Americans, but ignore what is killing them left and right – COVID-19.

While I fully understand that police departments want more patronage jobs so they can hire their Uncle Billy and get fun new toys, and television loves all the advertising revenue from dead children selling cars and laundry soap, the focus really needs to be on stopping COVID-19 by making vaccination convenient and widely accessible as soon as possible.

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