Temperatures drop increasingly quick as fall comes.
The typical average high temperature is 83 degrees in Albany from July 13th through July 26th. This 13 day period is the hottest of the year in Albany.
Starting on July 27th, the average high is only 82 degrees. This lasts for 14 days until August 9th (today), when the average high drops to 81 degrees. This sounds great but the average temperature starts to decline at an accelerating rate as autumn approaches.
- The next 8 days will have an average high of 81 degrees.
- After that, 6 days will have an average high of 80 degrees.
- Only 4 days of an average high of 79 degrees.
- 4 days with an average high of 78 degrees.
Then September comes …
- 4 days with an average high of 77.
And then on average we lose a degree in temperature every 2 1/2 days …
- 3 days with an average high of 76.
- 3 days with an average high of 75.
- 2 days with an average high of 74.
- 3 days with an average high of 73.
- 2 days with an average high of 72.
- 3 days with an average high of 71.
- 2 days with an average high of 70.
The rate of dropping 1 degree every 2-3 days is near constant, until it slows around January as the we get to coldest day of the year (second week of January).