Sultry Afternoon Up in Speculator

Spent a few hours laying out in the beach and swimming a bit at Spectulator Beach, πŸ– and now I at the library for a bit looking at the internet stuff, and wrapping up any loose ends before heading down to Piseco-Powley when I’m off the cellphone network. πŸ”‡ I kind of want to get down to the Potholers as soon as possible — certainly early enough to set up camp, and swim before dark. πŸ“ But also there is a farmers market in town at 2 PM that I want to hit up first and also get some ice 🧊 and banana’s 🍌 at Charlie John’s before retreating to the wilderness for the balance of the weekend. Work stuff has quieted down, all the important things that needed to get done before the weekend seems to be done. πŸ“šDownloaded a bunch of books onto the Libby app, also should look to see if there is anything I want from Hoopla, along with any podcasts.

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