Stop a Criminal. Record Everything.

People often consider getting a concealed carry permit and carrying a firearm for personal protection. But there are many restrictions on that in many states. One thing people don’t often consider for personal protection is carrying a concealed or largely hidden audio and/or video recording device.

Now an audio or video recording device won’t defend yourself against an attacker but it can help keep you safe and get criminals and other lawbreakers off the street. It can however protect your own rights, help track down criminals, and keep people honest.Β While it’s great that police are wearing cameras to protect their rights, so should private citizens wear recording devices to ensure police and other individuals are treating them fairly.

Nowadays with cheap memory cards, and tiny electronics, it’sΒ more and more possible to record all of your everyday interactions.Β Most are pretty boring for sure. But sometimes, an audio and/or video recording can literally save your life or take a crook off the streets. Covertly recording a police officer at a traffic stop in your defense — or for purposes of you seeking justice through a trial jury — could very much protect your rights.

There really isn’t any reason in our modern era, why ordinary people shouldn’t be “wearing wires” in their day-to-day life. Granted, hooking up wiring and charging devices can be a pain —Β but the recording devices are so small and covert todayΒ — that recording more rather then less can be as life saving choice.

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