Since adding the step tracking app to my phone, I’ve boosted my monthly step counts by nearly 33% πŸ‘£

Since adding the step tracking app to my phone, I’ve boosted my monthly step counts by nearly 33% πŸ‘£

It turns out that having set goals, measuring them and watching them every day really does improve one’s effort towards a goal. Walking may not make me thin, but it does feel good and is important to maintaining good health. Not only does it get my legs moving, it also keeps my mind sharp and gets me out of the hose every morning and evening enjoying the seasons and nature.

The 10,000 step per day goal is not above and beyond what the internet doctors recommend, but it does feel like a reasonable compromise between all things. But surprisingly until I started counting them I didn’t really have a good idea of how many steps I was doing every day. And now with that step counter, counting every day, I feel all the more important to get in my 10,000 steps. Any day I can’t get the record of at least 10,000 steps I feel like I’ve failed, so it’s a powerful motivation to get out and walk more each day.

Amazing the power of just a silly number.

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