Probably doesn’t hurt to wear a mask. 😷

Probably doesn’t hurt to wear a mask. 😷

The experts recommend and politicians mandate the wearing of masks during the pandemic when you are in public spaces. I don’t think it’s a bad thing, masks can help arrest the spread of the COVID-19 disease. I am currently just using a bandana tied around my face when I go out in public spaces, I guess if I return to my downtown office and have to wear a mask all day, I’ll look at a comfortable cloth one that I wear all day.

Honestly, I don’t see much of a benefit to wearing a paper one or a disposable one. Cloth works absolutely fine, and it can be used for years after washing when it gets smelly or dirty. Masks aren’t there to protect the wearer, or keep the virus out — they are there to protect people from spitting and mouth droplets when the speak and breathe. All the evidence points to sickness from touching something being quite rare, while shared mouth droplets seem to be bigger risk. It’s not a big step to make the community a bit more healthy, and it’s a reminder to avoid social situations as much as possible while we are all social distancing.

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