Photo of Andy Arthur

Andy Arthur

It's the second half of November as the label job I ran today reminds me. 🏷️ The landscape is cold and barren, it's dark out for a good portion of day, and riding home in the dark isn't much fun. But you make the best of it, and I figure the extra sleep and time to learn isn't a bad thing. πŸ›Œ Next adventure after Thanksgiving! πŸ¦ƒ Hopefully the fire risk is down by then as I want to have a big bonfire in wilderness πŸ”₯ after a good day riding trail or hiking. 🚢

Cliff Along the Potomac

I was trying to figure out if the steep cliffs here were from GOB piles from coal mining but I think it's just where the Potomac River has worn against the steep cliffs over the years.

Taken on Sunday October 22, 2023 at C&O Canal Towpath.


Quiet morning in Towanda. Since fracking has died out in the area, the once hopping town is not so much these days, gone back to the sleepy somewhat industrial town in the Northern Tier of Pennsylvania. Nice autumn day for sure.

Taken on Sunday October 22, 2017 at Towanda, Pennsylvania.