Omnicron is pretty much a scam 😷

Omnicron is pretty much a scam 😷

It’s winter, COVID-19 cases are back up again but mostly for those who choose to be unvaccinated. The news media and politicians are all over it with their scare tactics and mandates, but I don’t think it’s much to worry about.

People get sick this time of year from all kinds of things. The muzzles seem to help and I don’t mind wearing my reusable mask when I’m in an elevator or on a bus. I got vaccinated and boosted and I am avoiding any dangerous business that requires proof of vaccination.

I am not freaking out. I’m not buying a disposable N95 mask nor am I going to take up ramparts in the bunker. No need to stay home, but I won’t to any restaurants or vaccination-check card places soon. I despise both having to wear a muzzle for a quick run into the gas station and I don’t think the government should be coercing people to get vaccinated if they choose to live a life at constant risk of getting sick.

I sure hope that come next year that should Republicans take congress they hold accountable those who are celebrating mandates and power grabs, force them to turn over records and speak candidly under oath what they actually knew about the risks and benefits of the restrictions. Science not the political views of scientists should be deciding policy.

There is very little accountability right now when it comes to public health measures, with the scientists getting away with believe us and our choices, we are the experts.

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