2021 Combined Municipal and County Taxes Per $1,000 Assessed Value

2021 Combined Municipal and County Taxes Per $1,000 Assessed Value

Allegany County is not a good value when it comes to county and local property taxes, with a county $13.17 per $1k assessment and many towns assessing an additional $10-12 per $1k. You might be able to score property cheaply there, but you'll pay some of the highest taxes in the state there on it.

You can get the data here: https://data.ny.gov/Government-Finance/Real-Property-Tax-Rates-Levy-Data-By-Municipality-/iq85-sdzs/data

You will need then to match it to SWIS code, which you can use this for: http://gis.ny.gov/gisdata/inventories/details.cfm?DSID=927

How to fix rselenium / wdman unable to start error

If you are getting an error starting geckodriver when using rselenium, you may want to try deleting the LICENSE.chromedriver file which accidentally attempts to be executed by wdman::geckodriver. You can do this simply in the Linux terminal by using this command. The xargs -r command only executes the rm command when there is a file matched to delete.

find ~/.local/share/ -name LICENSE.chromedriver -print | xargs -r rm

Conservative justices seem poised to weaken power of federal agencies – POLITICO

Conservative justices seem poised to weaken power of federal agencies – POLITICO

onservative justices on the Supreme Court on Wednesday pressed the Biden administration on whether ambiguous laws passed by Congress should be interpreted by judges, rather than by federal bureaucrats.

The high court’s eventual ruling could hand courts — including the Supreme Court itself — more power to strike down regulations on health care, the environment, immigration and virtually all other policy areas that are administered by federal agencies. That would strip power from the executive branch and make it harder for Joe Biden and future presidents to defend their regulatory agendas against legal challenges.