What Damage Could Be Caused by a Massive Solar Storm? | Science | Smithsonian

What Damage Could Be Caused by a Massive Solar Storm? | Science | Smithsonian

It so happens that at least once during recorded history, a solar event of this magnitude did occur: the solar storm of 1859. On September 1 and 2 of that year, the largest geomagnetic storm in recorded history occurred, causing aurorae (the northern and southern lights) to be visible around the world. The Baltimore American and Commercial Advertiser wrote: "Those who happened to be out late on Thursday night had an opportunity of witnessing another magnificent display of the auroral lights…The light appeared to cover the whole firmament, apparently like a luminous cloud, through which the stars of the larger magnitude indistinctly shone. The light was greater than that of the moon at its full, but had an indescribable softness and delicacy that seemed to envelop everything upon which it rested."

Of course, the massive solar storm also caused damage, triggering telegraph malfunctions (even giving operators electrical shocks) and causing some telegraph pylons to suddenly spark and catch fire. A much smaller solar storm occurred in 1989, knocking out power throughout much of Quebec for over 9 hours, disrupting communications with several satellites in orbit and interfering with the broadcast of short-wave radio in Russia. Aurorae were reportedly visible as far south as Florida and Georgia; given the ongoing Cold War and the fact that many had never seen this phenomenon before, some feared that a nuclear strike was in progress.

I often think the risks of a geomagnetic storm are underplayed in the media. Severe geomagentic storms from solar eruptions are much more common then people realize -- there is a 1 in 100 chance of one happening any particular year.

While it's unlikely to damage consumer appliances, it could certainly would disrupt all forms of radio communication on earth, disable GPS, cellphones (which rely on GPS signals), and all others satellites, and if it's strong enough -- require utilities to shut-off the power grid to minimize damage from induced current on high-voltage transmission lines. NOAA carefully monitors solar storms, to notify utilities and government when a solar storm is likely to happen, so they can take emergency steps to overcome the impacts of magnetic radiation falling on the earth.

A severe geomagentic storm would be a truly odd, and magical to watch. All planes would be grounded, and at night the northern lights would be so bright to light the streets despite the lack of street lighting. Air pollution would greatly be reduced with power plants shut off, planes grounded, and industry stopped. But there would also be no radio communications or internet, so people would be taking it all in eerie silence.

Dying Spruce in Powley Place

It’s kind of sad how many of the Spruce Trees – many old growth – are dying in Powley Place. A lot have died and been chopped for firewood even in the past eight or so years I’ve been coming here regularly. Spruce Cranker aka Old Man’s Beard isn’t a new disease but its finally taken ahold here.

Grassy Brook

Old growth spruce


Solar storm of 1859 – Wikipedia

Solar storm of 1859 – Wikipedia

The solar storm of 1859 (also known as the Carrington Event) was a powerful geomagnetic storm during solar cycle 10 (1855–1867). A solar coronal mass ejection (CME) hit Earth's magnetosphere and induced one of the largest geomagnetic storms on record, September 1–2, 1859. The associated "white light flare" in the solar photosphere was observed and recorded by British astronomers Richard C. Carrington (1826–1875) and Richard Hodgson (1804–1872). The storm caused strong auroral displays and wrought havoc with telegraph systems. The now-standard unique IAU identifier for this flare is SOL1859-09-01.

A solar storm of this magnitude occurring today would cause widespread electrical disruptions, blackouts and damage due to extended outages of the electrical grid.[2][3] The solar storm of 2012 was of similar magnitude, but it passed Earth's orbit without striking the planet, missing by nine days.