Washburn Mountain

It wasn't really raining by about 10 AM, but it still was foggy with heavy clouds, looking south of Washburn Mountain from Bash-Bish Mountain.

Taken on Sunday June 14, 2009 at Bash Bish Falls.

Shots – Health News : NPR

U.S clears sale of cultivated ‘no kill’ meat, grown from animal cells : Shots – Health News : NPR

For all of human history, eating meat has meant slaughtering animals. But scientists behind cultivated meat say that's no longer necessary. They produce meat by growing cells extracted from an animal's body. And, today, the U.S. Department of Agriculture gave its first clearances to sell meat produced this way.

GOOD Meat, a division of Eat Just, Inc., announced that it has received approval from the USDA for its first poultry product, cultivated chicken, grown directly from animal cells, to be sold in the U.S.