Next Time – Thursday July 11

Today’s sunrise was at 5:28 am. The next time the sun will rise earlier then today πŸŒ„ is in 313 days on Tuesday, May 19, 2020.

The average high for today is 82 degrees. 🌑 The next time it will be on average cooler then today is in 30 days on Saturday, August 10 when the average temperature will be 81 degrees.

Today’s sunset will be at 8:33 pm. The next time the sun will set later then today πŸŒ† is in 337 days on Friday, June 12, 2020.

The average low for today is 61 degrees. 🌑 The next night it will be on average cooler then tonight is in 34 days on Wednesday, August 14 when the average temperature will be 60 degrees.


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