My winter sleeping problems return.
This winter I’ve developed a problem I often have by the second half of the winter – trouble sleeping. I can get to bed at a reasonable hour but I still have problems getting to sleep and and then waking up early in morning and then not being able to get back to sleep.
Spending time out in the wilderness is the best treatment I know of for sleeping troubles. I need to plan at least a night or two hot tenting before the month is done. March it might be mild enough to truck cap camp or maybe some time in a lean to. Real darkness, the light next to the fire helps enormously.
I’ve tried keeping the lights dimmed in my bedroom in the evening, using more red light to counteract the impact of blue and UV light from screwing with sleep. That helps as does having the lights dim automatically as the night progresses and it’s the time I should be getting to sleep. That feature is still being rebuilt on the new microcontroller.
But it’s still not as good as good natural air that you get with windows open or camping in the wilderness. I’m sure though it won’t be that long until those days return.