My bags are packed, ready to go πŸ’Ό

Made a little bit more progress at getting things cleaned up and packed for camping. Despite checking the list twice, I’m sure there is things I missed but I can either get them up at Charlie John’s or do without them through Sunday. Going to be hot, so I’m not going to be super amtious or hungry, Hopefully I got the essentials or can live without.

I don’t know why this heat is particularly tough on me this year, 😩 but it really wears me out quickly after being exposed to it. By all standards with my low-fat, high-fiber diet that is more vegetarian that I may want to admit, and I’m in excellent shape from all that riding back and forth to work. I know, I was looking at myself in the mirror, πŸͺžI don’t look anything like the old photos. It’s the stress and figuring out what is the right option with my housing situtation, knowing every minute that ticks by might be that the place I’m looking at gets sold. Truth is I don’t have anything invested in it at this point, just time and imagination.

I am glad to be beating this heat. 😰 It will be warm up north, especially working and researching at the public library on Wednesday, but I don’t think I’ll be neccessarily stuck there all day. I do plan to kayak the Kunjamunk and cool off and swim in Lake Pleasant. Thursday, depending on what comes in work wise, I’ll head over to Piseco-Powley, and hopefully get the House Pond Campsite πŸ• through Thursday. Then I can ride to the Potholers 🚴 and float in the tube β­• on East Branch of Sacandaga River.

There are just so many things to think about if and should I buy the rundown homestead next to my parents. 🏚 Besides the obvious things only I can answer — do I want the commute, all te work of rebuilding a fixer-up and tending to animals on a homestead. πŸ” I would love though to have a healthy, relatively inexpensive source of meat for my diet — that outdoor sink and overhang is perfect for butchering rabbits and chickens. And those are probably the healthiest sources of meat. πŸ• But it would mean the end of adventures like this weekend. βŒ› Time is running out, somebody might close on it before I do, though I have my doubts many people — those interested in a tiny run-down house and homestead — would have $150k pus they could access with cash. I could, but it’s not that easy as I have to sell stocks to do it. But thae market’s good, but Capital Gains taxes suck.

I’ve been figuring out who to talk to in the neighborhood to learn more about the property. πŸ“ž I want to figure out if I would be accepted back in my old neighborhood, how people feel about me and my plans for the land. 🐐 Some I can call, and some people I’m facebook friends and can message about. Need to figure who to turn to as a home inspector and real estate lawyer and survey. πŸ—Ί A survey should be relatively inexpensive, as the property is relatively straightforward, but I did not like how evasive the of real estate agent was on which parcels are part of the property — pretty sure its both the pasture and hay field from the listed acerage, deeds and previous ownership — but I don’t want any surprises in case it was sudivided. I also need to talk to my insurance agent about the cost of insurance, and the possibility of replacing the oil burner with an air-source heat pump and small EPA and code-complient woodstove. Some times insurance companies really don’t want people to heat with wood, πŸͺ“ because you can do it wrong and easily burn down the building. Also should confirm with the town the permitted septic, in case that needs replacement — especially as it’s right next to feeding creek for Alcove Reservior. I have to insist either they turn on the power and water during the due diligence period in the in contract, so I know if the water and septic are good, or if I need to have either replaced. And then I can use that decision to walk or negogiate a fair price. πŸ’­ So much to think about. And so litte time, as my chances of losing this one increase every minute I research.

Camping will be great, and I think the cool breeze will allow me to preform neccessary research πŸ›« and work remotely as needed tomorrow. I’m not thinking it will be that much research, but without a camping permit, I can only stay at one campsite for three nights, and the ice ain’t going to hold more then three nights at any rate in the heat. πŸ›Ά Plan to canoe the Kunjamunk and swim tomorrow. 🏊 Hopefully the bugs won’t be too bad but I have the bug screen and lots of DEET packed. 🐜 Thursday through Sunday then I will be totally off the phone network πŸ“š which will be good for catching up on my reading and podcasts, at least those I download first. πŸ“»

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