Monday, Monday, the Last Cluster of April

Good morning, Happy Monday. I hope your surviving it better then I am. Nothing bad has happened yet really, but everything like usual is a cluster. I still don’t have a working phone. I awoke and my portions of my face are sore and a bit swollen. I think it’s just ring worm aka athlete’s foot (don’t ask, I’ve had it before on my face). Rubbed some athlete’s foot cream on it, and I’m off to work – after spending to much deliberating whether or not I should call in sick and pay the doctor $25 to tell me to rub athlete’s foot cream on my face, and bitch about being stuck at home with no TV, no internet or phone. We will see how this plays out.

I knew I was going to miss the local bus, so I hopped in my truck and caught the bus at the Four Corners. It worked fine, although I had to kind of violate a traffic law or two to make it. The cops didn’t see me cut through the gas station parking lot or kind of roll out into traffic, so I guess I’m fine. I got a legal parking spot, and caught the bus downtown without having to drive into the city or go too far. Tomorrow, I will get an earlier start, and hopefully catch the express downtown. Hopefully my face won’t be all red and sore tomorrow. That said, I’m always a little hesitant to catch the express bus without the real-time bus time, as it’s a bit of a walk down to the bus stop, and if the bus is seriously delayed or doesn’t show up I’m a really kind of screwed.

A cloudy Monday but it’s expected to turn to rain showers later. I did some spring cleaning around the man-cave and found my umbrella yesterday, along with a bunch of other things I was missing and needed. My man-cave may not be super neat, but it’s getting closer to be clean. I think we can expect around 60 degrees later today, and supposed to warm up later this week and get sunnier. Next weekend doesn’t look like it will be real great, but we will see. Next weekend is the opening weekend for spring turkey.

Didn’t get as much as I planned get done last weekend, as I spent too much time trying to recover that stupid phone, that seems impossible now to fix. But we will see how things go with warranty. At least, I should have things back to normal by mid-week, which will be nice, as I get tired of hauling the laptop everywhere, and not having access to the Internet at home or wherever I was.

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