Mass media and murder

I think President Trump is right in viewing the media as partially if not largely responsible for the recent mass shootings.

The truth is the media has a double standard and very different approach to suicide and murder. Suicide is viewed as a tragedy, something that is sad and should be prevented while murder is a crime and evil.

Generally the media views suicide to be a private event, a family matter, and that coverage of it can actually lead to more suicides. When suicide is sometimes discussed in the media, usually it’s in passing and it always includes at least one reference to the suicide hotline. No such occurrence occurs after stories about murder or mass shootings.

People want to believe that murders are evil and possess quantities and beliefs different then our own. In contrast, people who kill themselves are sad, living with despair, suffering from mental illness. But all the evidence points to murder being murder – whether directed towards oneself or others.

Before calling for more gun control or bringing the parents of dead children on the television, I think the media needs to look carefully in the mirror to see who really is to blame for these shootings and murder. Glorification of murder by bringing on sad loved ones isn’t good for our country, even if it’s good for corporate profits due to the high amount of viewers and advertising revenue.

Recommendations for Covering Suicide in the Media:

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