June 28, 2021 Afternoon

A hot and humid afternoon. Partly sunny 🌞 around 93 degrees in Albany, NY. There is a south breeze at 7 mph. πŸƒ. The dew point is 70 degrees. The heat index is 99. The muggy weather ends Saturday around 3 am. πŸ˜“ Yes, it’s a hot day.

For the first time since I’ve been working downtown, I went for a couple laps around the Empire State Plaza Concourse. ❄️ Parts of concourse are frigid today, while other parts are quite warm. It was nice to get at least a mile in walking laps in the plaza, because it was too hot and I was too drowsy to go for my morning walk before work, after taking a sleeping pill last night πŸ’Š so I could sleep well. Kind of nice things are getting back to normal.

Tonight though with the heat, I am not sure what the plans are. πŸ“š It might be nice to go down to the library, or I could go to the park if the heat breaks a bit by seven o’clock, although I don’t really have any good books to read — maybe I should go to the library. No masks are required in the library, and the desks are back and things are mostly back to normal.

 Thru The Trees

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