January 3, 2016 night

Good evening. Now we are down to 35 degrees but no snow. Some good gusts of wind. Later on, temperatures will drop rapidly and by sunrise looking at 19 or 20 degrees. Sunny tomorrow constant temperature around 20. Sunrise at 7:26 AM with 9 hours and 8 minutes of sun. Gaining daylight slowly, mostly in the evening.

Pretty nice evening walk. Went earlier then usual, hoping to avoid the cold which hasn’t happened yet. Nice evening but cloudy.

Started to write code for a bulk American Community Survey mapper that will allow me to make many census maps easier, similar to the political mapping tool I wrote earlier in the week. One change I made in both tools is using CSV files as an alternative to dBase files. I think it’s better to use CSV as they are smaller and more future compatible. dBase format will remain around for a while, if only because ERSI Shapefiles use the format natively for storing data – which is why I was using it at first. Plan to code into both scripts and add to the blog a crunched number feature, that will not only show the map with ED or block group statistics but also detailed statistics broken down by town, ward, and/or tract. Cool stuff but it will require a fair amount of coding. But it’s winter and I have the free time.

Well, good night. Sleep well.

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