January 20, 2019 9:18 pm Update

I can’t decide if I’m feeling more sick or frustrated.

1) I have a bad cold. Not a sinus infection or even much coughing but very achy, runny nose like Niagara Falls. I am cold and hungry, I should take a shower then put on more layers and cook dinner as it’s almost nine o’clock.

2) The new LED driver I built was going well until I decided the headaches of dealing with shorts on the board I didn’t realize was strip not perf board followed by a lot desoldering and resoldering onto proper perf board. I found breaking the tracks on the strip board more of a pain than worth it. Then I got almost entirely wired up on two pieces of perf board (a 12 volt and 3.3 volt board) as it wouldn’t fit on one perf board with the bigger microcontroller and buck converter, and discovered I swapped the source and the drain on all the MOSFET transistors, bridging the drains together intentionally with solder in an ever so brilliant move. More desoldering and cleaning up. Then I reassembled it and then I broke a leg on a transistor. And I don’t have any more.

Maybe it’s time for some dinner, cold medicine and sleep for the next 12 hours or so. No soothing reds or orange light in my bedroom for a while I guess until I get some more logic grade MOSFETs.

East Barrens 1

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