I like the idea of allowing everybody to absentee vote. β˜‘

I like the idea of allowing everybody to absentee vote. β˜‘

It’s so much more convenient to have a ballot mailed to your home than have to get to your polling place. Voting at home means you can spend as much time as you want to fill out your ballot and even Google a candidates name when you vote.

Its also a lot more secure. All absentee ballots come in a double envelope with your name on the outside – and the folded ballot privately folded inside. If there is an allegation of fraud by a voter or his or her ballot, the ballot can be laid aside prior to counting and the voter brought in front of a judge to question and ensure that the voter did actually vote and the voter is qualified to vote in the district the voted in.

I do think even we go to voting by mail we should have secure physical locations to vote for those uncomfortable with voting at home or those without a stamp. But we could have far fewer polling locations if we went primarily to mail voting.

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