I am wondering how the landlord will swap out the fridge πŸšͺ

I noticed how narrow the kitchen door gap was and got the tape measure out and if my measurements are right he’s going to have to pull the door off the old fridge and probably the replacement one too if it’s the same size. Sucks to be him.

I continue to work on cleaning and organizing. πŸ“¦οΈπŸ§Ή It’s a lot of work and it actually feels like I’m not making that much progress. But it needed to be done. It won’t be perfect and nothing is perfect in that apartment. I discovered in cleaning that some of the walls are a lot more cracked then I had realized. I can see why they ripped out and installed big chunks of dry wall on the unit next door and extended the slab around there. The building is in bad shape. 

It was good though I discovered some things missing, and after seeing the portage cart, I’m more determined to use it this summer. πŸ›Ά It’s really a kayak and canoe portage cart, I could consider using it with a canoe but I’m not sure how to get a canoe on my big jacked up truck. I’m not sure how a canoe would ride on the kayak rack. Also loaded that old broken wooden chair and put in my pickup so I can burn it as firewood the next time I camp.

I’ve just not been super energetic this weekend after a long tough work week. 😩 I will be glad when I can have cold food and this is over again. I mean I probably could have put the request in last week but I wanted some time to clean out and around the refigerator, and it’s not a dire emergency as things stay good and cold in the truck in this weather. Warming up Sunday though, so I need to finish off the remaining frozen corn and brussel sprouts tonight before they go bad. And maybe move the food I have chilling in the freezer out to the truck.

It was a good week except for breaking the database and the refigerator problems. πŸ‘¨‍πŸ’Ό Worked like a dog most of the week, implementing so many new things I’ve been thinking about for some time and puzzling over a difficult North Country rural addresses, and despite the cold did a fair amount of walking in the Empire Plaza. But hopefully next week will be shorter and better — I have trainings and meetings on Thursday, and I might take off Friday to head out to Madison County weather depending. Or maybe just Rensselearville State Forset. Not sure!


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