The Block Editor Is Getting Lots Of Hate – Renard’s World

The Block Editor Is Getting Lots Of Hate – Renard’s World

— one that she hoped to share with her readers in a timely manner. “What the hell is this?ȁ She said; her facial expression was filled with bewilderment.

WordPress had replaced her old Classic Editor with the new Block Editor.

In the past, Sophia tried out the Block Editor; she did not like it because she thought that it was unintuitive and that it took her way too long to create a simple blog post; what she was able to do via the Classic Editor in fifteen minutes’ time took her over an hour with the Block Editor.

Sophia remembered reverting back to the Classic Editor.

January 6, 2021 – Looking Ahead This Week

Weather Summary
Feels like …
March 15th.
Mostly Cloudy and 25 degrees , 7:25 sunrise.
Feels like …
February 18th.
Mostly Sunny and 35 degrees , 4:38 sunset.
Thursday Night.
Feels like …
February 28th.
Partly Cloudy and 20 degrees , 13 max wind chill, 7:24 sunrise.
Feels like …
February 14th.
Mostly Sunny and 34 degrees , 13 max wind chill, 4:39 sunset.
Friday Night.
Feels like …
February 16th.
Partly Cloudy and 17 degrees , 11 max wind chill, 7:24 sunrise.
Feels like …
January 30th.
Mostly Sunny and 31 degrees , 11 max wind chill, 4:40 sunset.
Saturday Night.
Feels like …
February 24th.
Partly Cloudy and 19 degrees , 12 max wind chill, 7:24 sunrise.
Feels like …
February 10th.
Mostly Sunny and 33 degrees , 12 max wind chill, 4:41 sunset.
Sunday Night.
Feels like …
February 24th.
Partly Cloudy and 19 degrees , 14 max wind chill, 7:24 sunrise.
Feels like …
February 18th.
Mostly Sunny and 35 degrees , 4:43 sunset.
Monday Night.
Feels like …
March 7th.
Partly Cloudy and 22 degrees , 7:23 sunrise.
Feels like …
February 22nd.
Partly Sunny and 36 degrees , 4:44 sunset.
Tuesday Night.
Feels like …
March 13th.
Mostly Cloudy and 24 degrees , 7:23 sunrise.

Setting Sun 2

May 68 – Wikipedia

May 68 – Wikipedia

Beginning in May 1968, a period of civil unrest occurred throughout France, lasting some seven weeks and punctuated by demonstrations, general strikes, as well as the occupation of universities and factories. At the height of events, which have since become known as May 68, the economy of France came to a halt. The protests reached such a point that political leaders feared civil war or revolution; the national government briefly ceased to function after President Charles de Gaulle secretly fled France to Germany at one point. The protests spurred movements worldwide, with songs, imaginative graffiti, posters, and slogans.

Protests Halt Congress’ Electoral Count: Live Updates : NPR

George W. Bush Says He Is ‘Appalled’ By Recklessness Of ‘Some Political Leaders’ : Protests Halt Congress’ Electoral Count: Live Updates : NPR

George W. Bush, the only living former Republican president, said he was "appalled" by the actions of some political leaders since the election, and called the "mayhem" at the U.S. Capitol "a sickening and heartbreaking sight."

"This is how election results are disputed in a banana republic – not our democratic republic," the former president wrote in a statement released Wednesday evening. "I am appalled by the reckless behavior of some political leaders since the election and by the lack of respect shown today for our institutions, our traditions, and our law enforcement."

Turning on the five o’clock news briefly

Turning on the five o’clock news briefly … πŸ“»

And then I turned it off. All I can think, is I am so glad that I stopped following all of those political Facebook pages and activists. I think politics has gone too far in our country, replacing basic humanity and respect for one and another. While politics may be somewhat important, for most of us, it really isn’t — and it’s not something to get angry about or have hatred directed to our fellow man and women. I think it’s the fault of a national media and social media, ginning up the body public for a buck. Plus that asinine incumbent of the White House, who will be replaced in two weeks.

There is really so much more to life then politics. Get outside, enjoy the wilds. Learn more about the scientific underpinnings of our world, how biology, ecology, and physics work. How much do you know about cattle or whitetail deer? We need more people who are thoughtful about their consumption and their impacts on their world around them. We need people who aren’t blind to their impacts, who are humble and try to understand how things really work in the systems that support us all. How can you be angry about something in politics, if you don’t understand the scientific underpinnings of the things that impact us directly?

Protests are important and the public’s voice should be heard. I don’t really care that much about broken windows, trashed or burned buildings. In the grand scheme of things compared to all the consumption going around us, a little damage to get out an important civic message isn’t a terrible thing. Sometimes trashed buildings awaken ears. And it’s important that oppressed voices are heard. Riots, going back to founding of our nation are deep in our blood, and they’re a feature of a messy democracy. But you have to wish calmer voices would prevail and more would be discussed in a calm and rational way, rather then violence that feeds the reactionaries on left and right.

The protests are idiotic — Donald Trump is a rather sore loser, and his loss shouldn’t be something people are belaboring. Winners cut their losses, and move on to the next chapter in their lives. I am sure there are other causes and concerns in the future. Government isn’t about one man or women, the president is supposed to be replaceable, a temporary occupant of the White House for 4-8 years. If you don’t like the outcome of the election, then there is another local primary election in all of 5 1/2 months from now. Change doesn’t occur in one direction, and who we elected now won’t necessarily be who is elected in five years. In these troubled times, with the pandemic ranging around us and climate change out control, I’m glad we elected Joe Biden, as I think he’s a much more mature, experienced and thoughtful leader. Sometimes, we need a technocrat and not a politician. Does he deserve re-election in 2024? We will cross that bridge then, and it will ultimately be the voters, not I who decides.

Honestly though, I don’t really care. What is happening hundreds of miles away has very little impact on my life in a day-to-day basis. I think there is too much of an emphasis on the federal government and not enough on what is happening in local communities. I also often think politics is a distraction from taking care of one’s own life and family, an excuse of personal failings. Not doing well in your own life? People want to blame the government and not their own choices.

And I think the protestors shouldn’t really care so much either. If you have failings in your own life, look inwards, don’t blame the government. Unhappy with your community? You could consider moving. Unhappy with your finances? Revise your budget, cut expenses, look for a better paying job. I do follow North Country Off-Grid from Northern Idaho and my III%-er homesteading friend who fled to North Carolina with his AR-15 fairly closely, but honestly I think they should stop dallying in politics, and instead more time invested in their families, crops and livestock, and less on politics. The government isn’t in your bedroom or on your land, or checking what guns you have in your home, and if you are unhappy with your local community’s polices, then shut up and move. There are thousands of other communities and 49 other states.

… You don’t have to be an agent of change to live a good life.