Photo of Andy Arthur

Andy Arthur

Fifty years later I'm pondering the final words of the Zen of Motorcycle Maintenance. 🏍 In terms of this larger pattern the lines at the end of this book still stand. We have won it. Things are better now. You can sort of tell these things. πŸͺ· Maybe I'm just sunburnt and it was just a dream as I reached the end of the audiobook I was listening to watching the Red Winged Black birds teary eyed. 🐦 πŸ‘€

I’ve been bad at updating my blog lately πŸ“

I think a lot of it has to do with the fact I’m doing data work all day long and the last thing I want to do is get home and write more code. Plus my creativity has been on a down swing lately, more and more of my time going to towards reading and learning now with e-books. I’m spending more and more time looking at property and studying cabins and building construction.

Then there is also just the awful truth that I’ve covered nearly everything that I want on the blog – it gets harder and harder to branch out into new ideas and unique content. I’ve made many of the maps that I can think of making, it seems silly to repeat what’s out there. Plus lately my phone is not working well with the touch screen failing and I rarely have my laptop home much less on and running. And I’m still working on restoring things are the full reset of my laptop after clean installing Fedora Linux. I really am trying not to install a lot of junk that I never use from back ups. Plus I have a lot of outdated code to update – the blog included.

Maybe the upcoming rainy weekend will be a chance to bring my laptop home and work on updating things. It’s a good way to keep busy when it’s dreary out and I can’t spend my weekend in the wilderness.

Corning Preserve 1952

Before Interstate 787 and the filling in of the Albany Yacht Club, much of Corning Preserve was the former railyards along the river.

Lands of the Oneida Indian Nation

Lands of the Oneida Indian Nation

I was curious about the contemporary lands of the Oneida Indian Nation while I was out in Madison County during the Christmas holiday. I thought it would be an interesting map, querying it from the state tax maps.