The 18 Flights of Stairs

After almost getting stuck on the elevator again on Monday all week I’ve been taking the stairs. 18 floors up and down twice a day. I never knew it was an option, I always had this idea in my head that we weren’t allowed to use the stairs from the lobby though I’ve seen other people use them but never from my floor except going between the 17th and 18th floors.

Probably because 18 floors is a long ways up. That said, being of good physical fitness it really isn’t bad, especially after doing it a few times – twice a day since Monday for a total of ten times in both directions. The stairs take about four minutes to climb compared to probably a minute or so on the elevator depending on the delay. I do admit the stairs make you hit sweaty and I might start to keep deodorant in my office and probably won’t do the up on session days when I’m in my suit and tie.

Who knows what will stop me from doing the stairs but I’m not convinced I’m breaking any rules but what is a in my head, as my ID card works. I would think they would actually want people to choose the healthy option. Maybe my ankle will give out or it’s extremely hot out or I’m running very late but for now I’m going to try to make as many days long run as possible doing the stairs. And if I have to temporarily break the run, go back to the stairs as soon as possible.

Places Named After States in New York State

Don’t believe me, check it on Google Maps. The drive from Alabama to Wyoming is only 32 miles, going through Batavia, NY in Western NY.

Now on to the state name game. Be aware, I have only driven through only 9 of the 14 census designated places in New York named after other states (driven through Delaware (County), Florida, Maine, Maryland, (New) Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Vermont(ville), and Texas) or with a similiar name or origin to other state names.

Alabama, NY.

Delaware (County), NY.

Florida, NY.

Maine, NY.

Maryland, NY.

(New) Mexico, NY.

New York, NY.

Ohio, NY.

Oregon, NY.

Rhode Island, NY.

Texas, NY.

Vermont(ville), NY.

Washington, NY.

Wyoming, NY.