Photo of Andy Arthur

Andy Arthur

Summertime! πŸ–οΈ And the livin' is easy. Or so we will pretend, for a few minutes spent in the willderness in the swimming hole. And my mind drifts to afternoons at the Potholers in the heat which will certainly return once the black flies go into the hiding.

Well I won’t be riding in the next few days 🚳

Discovered a broken spoke on my bike, fortunately early enough to catch the bus downtown. Tonight I’ll pull the wheel and the tire, take to Steiner’s at lunch time tomorrow and hopefully they can replace the spoke right away. I’ll put the new rear tire I bought last month but didn’t install on. It was worn and needed to be done especially before the next time I was riding trail. Then hopefully be able to ride to Five Rivers Tuesday evening and Wednesday and Thursday to work and whatever I decide for the weekend.