Happy Tuesday.

Good morning, Happy Tuesday. One day closer to the weekend, as we continue into the last days of April. The grass continues to green up and the trees are starting to bloom. We are 2-3 weeks behind schedule with spring compared to recent years, but weather is all about averages of extremes. It’s supposed to warm up for the second half of the week and we might see temperatures in the low 70s.

25 years ago today, it was 92 degrees in Albany. Sometimes it can get really hot, really fast in Albany. But not this year. That said, winter is in terminal decline, and while we might have some cold days, they are not likely to last for much longer. ​It sometimes snows in the mountains in May, and yes, I remember that cold and rainy Memorial Day in 2013 at Moose River Plains. But that weather is the exception rather then the norm.

Feeling better this morning and my face is no longer super itchy or covered with puss from the ringworm or similar fungus. It sounds super-gross but it’s just really minor skin irritation, a bit a part of the body where you have a lot of nerves. I don’t know why I seem to get this every 4-5 years, but it’s not pleasant. Fortunately, athlete’s foot cream seems to attack is pretty good, and by today, my face is a bit dry and inflamed in a few places, but it’s not super noticable or annoying. I’m sure by tomorrow I will be feeling better.

Might head out of town for the weekend. I’m leaning towards the Adirondacks for the weekend, although no formal decision has made. A lot will depend on the weather but if it’s warm and sunny for the weekend, I don’t see any reason why I wouldn’t head north. I haven’t been up to the Adirondacks since the first week of December, as this year, I didn’t do any day trips up North. Gas prices are up a few cents, but in the grand scheme of things, that doesn’t matter that much.

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