Happy Thursday, April 23rd

Good morning, Happy Thursday. A bright and sunny day, but quite chilly with temperatures only expected to reach the mid-50s and a frost expected later tonight. Despite the cold weather, the recent weather has really started to green things up, and all evidence points to spring. While it will still be a number of weeks until spring happens up in the mountains, it will at least green up in the city in the meantime.

My phone is down once again, because I confirmed what was corrupting memory. Apparently, there is a bug in the software that allows you to adjust the speed of playback in the Android OS or at least on my phone. It’s not a real important feature – although sometimes it’s nice to speed up podcats when listening them. I got a new app and was playing with speed of playback. Bad idea.

The effect is that the phone memory gets corrupted like it was hit with some bird shot. Things stop working. Doing a factory reinstall a few times – cleaning the /data and /cache partions – and go through the full restore process should get it back working, but it’s a major annoyance to say the least. At least I can confirm the source of the problem and make sure never to touch that feature again.

Probably staying in town this weekend. The weekend looks dry but relatively cool. It’s a lot of work to get things ready and unpacked for the weekend, and weekend trips are fairly expensive. I figure there is a whole summer ahead, so no rush to head out for the weekend.

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