Got absolutely soaked on the ride home last night β›ˆοΈ

Didn’t see that popup thunderstorm cell on the radar on the way home and somewhere past the Interstate 787 overpass the skies just opened up and I got absolutely soaked.

Everything I had on my bicycle and back got absolutely soaked through πŸš²πŸŽ’πŸ₯Ύ boots included. Ended up putting the boots in the oven then using my hair drier to dry them out which caused the glue on the soles to delaminate. I need to replace them soon – I’ve had them nearly a year and they are quite worn at this point. I was going to order them with the cell phone πŸ“± but I’m now putting that off.

Voted twice yesterday, πŸ—³οΈ first in the morning in the Democratic Primary using the Early Voting Ballot. Then in the evening in person using a paper ballot in person for the school board election. After getting home, I was tired and hot and after changing, retired to bed quite early — probably around 8 PM. Dinner wash fried zucchini.

Super excited about getting Part 3 of the Power Broker Audi Book from the library. πŸ“šοΈ I’ve been waiting over a month to get the final volume of the book, which the entire Upper Hudson library system only has one copy of on Libby.

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