Good Morning – September 10, 2021

Good morning! Today 6:30 is the Sunrise 🌇 .

The mornings are definitely darker lately but I’ve been getting up earlier lately.

Partly cloudy ⛅ and 59 degrees in Delmar, NY. There is a west-northwest breeze at 7 mph. 🍃. The dew point is 55 degrees.

Kind of a nice morning ☀ not too hot and very September like. 🍂 Can you believe it’s already the second week of September? Where did summer go so quickly.

I am starting to consider if I should change up when I do my morning walk 🚶 or take a different route due to the traffic 🚥 around the high school 🚸. It just seems hazardous with all those turning cars and tailpipes spewing emissions that cause cardiac arrest. But I like my morning walk and the thing is alternative routes have more street crossings.

I got my flu shot last night 💉not because the geriatric man in the White House told me so but because I don’t want to get the flu and a quick and free jab in the arm beats getting sick for two weeks 🤮. I just think geriatrics like Joe Biden and Donald Trump are bunch of bitter old men still debating the virtues of the Vietnam War in everything they do. 🇻🇳 But what do I know, I voted for the libertarian candidate for president whom I can’t actually remember their name.

I also finally got to grocery store 🛒and got some food and supplies. I needed groceries I was pretty low. So I figured get both things while I was out. I wasn’t totally sure what I would need as I’m not totally sure about weekend plans although I am leaning towards heading out to Schoharie this weekend ⛺ and doing some late summer swimming at the Mine Kill Pool.

I was playing with Jupyter and much prefer it to R Studio, which I think is too cluttered. It turns out it’s pretty easy to move PANDAS dataframes back and forth to R for better graphing all in the same Jupyter work book. 📝 This is really handy. R studio just is too busy for my tastes – I’ve never been a fan of integrated development environments. I think PANDAS is better for manipulating data, while R is better for graphing and some statistics.

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