Good Morning – March 1, 2022

Good morning! Happy March 🌨 !

If you can read these words then there is hope as it’s March and metrological spring. Soon you’ll be able to watch cows do their happy dance on the Tiktok at least down south where spring isn’t so retarded by the long cold winters.

Cloudy and 19 degrees in Delmar, NY. ☁ There is a south-southeast breeze at 7 mph. πŸƒ. There are 4 inches of snow on the ground. β˜ƒ ️Things will start to thaw out at around 11 am. 🌑️

Got out early enough for the morning walk 🚢 to avoid the school 🚸 crowds and traffic. That said with the clouds it’s still a pretty cold morning. But it is March 1st. Yesterday I managed to get in the 10k steps between morning and evening walk program. Not a bad way to end the month.

Decided to wait until after my walk to iron my shirt and pantsπŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’Ό , as yesterday I ended up with pancake batter on my pants ironing while cooking breakfast. I also need to shower 🚿 earlier and get to the bus stop earlier 🚏as yesterday the bus was really early and I missed it.

Last night I listened to Hugh Wood Johnsons lecture on Climate Change 🌎 to learn what new developments there are. Not too much new but the models keep getting more detailed and we see more and more damage each year. Kind of like smoking 🚬 cigarettes.

This week for my GIS class πŸ—Ί I have to georeference a map and do a buffer. I wanted to do something new that I hadn’t done before so I found an old Shell Road Map from 1956 and I think I will georeference it and use it to compare Old Karner Road and New Karner Road.

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