Good Morning! Happy Icy Thursday.

Today is a cold and snowy morning. The wind was whipping around at the bus stop, and the best way to describe the roads is greasy this morning. Much better then last night, when the roads were icy from the freezing rain and sleet that fell around 6 PM last night. But even so this morning, the bus is doing some interesting side-by-side motion on the expressway. I believe they call that fish-tailing. The ramp onto I-787 was slowed to a crawl as everybody drove slow with the bad roads.

I think this was the worst storm all year for bad roads, even if the actual amount of accumulation of snow wasn’t that bad. It just was a lot of ice, sleet, and freezing rain combined with some pretty serious winds.

Otsego Lake

Winter, as they say. But if you don’t count today, we are down to 7 days until calender spring. A week from Friday starts calender spring, but knowing how this winter is going, it probably will snow on the first day of spring.

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