Good morning, Happy Friday. ๐ŸŒ…

Still pretty dark out but the sun is rising. It should be interesting to see how large the hole is next to my apartment when the landlord decided to dig up where my kayak is normally stored to fix a broken waterline as part of the renovations. He did pressure wash some of the mold off the building and looks like he is fixing some of rot around my door which is good I guess.

I was actually surprised ๐Ÿคจ to see them working into late into the evening, especially now when I would think Mr. Preska would be bailing hay and chopping silage but maybe not yet. ๐Ÿฎ I just wonder when the project will ever be done and when I’ll get new neighbors or face the inevitable eviction notice.

Yesterday was surprisingly quiet, ๐Ÿ–ฅ though I keep volunteering for more work and making my data processing work more complicated then ever was done in the process. But I want to do it right, provide value added services to my employer so they can maximize the value of the data they have. ๐Ÿฌ I don’t normally eat candy or processed sugar, but those M&Ms, fudge bars and diet soda at campaign committee were pretty damn good. ๐Ÿ˜‹

The way I look at it is I’m becoming a damn good R Statistical Language programmer, ๐Ÿค“ good at manipulating and processing data for what it’s worth. I know that and a buck fifty will get you on bus, and that R Statistical Language isn’t a real programming language, especially if you aren’t using it for scientific purposes. But it’s damn good for processing and manipulating reasonable-sized data like the state voter file broken down by Assembly distirict. Or spatial data and GIS processing. I know Python and Pandas is more popular and probably somewhat faster but on the whole I think R is a better tool.

The left channel of my ear buds broke again ๐ŸŽง but I was looking online at what Walmart and saw that now they have low-cost ear buds that aren’t wired between the ears, that won’t have the issue of the broken cables, or any cable for that matter running between the ears. ๐Ÿ‘‚ Wasn’t all that long ago when headphones were simply just wired. I have to admit I’m not the most up on technology, but I like listening to music at work and when I’m home. ๐Ÿก

Tomorrow I might take the Nature Bus ๐Ÿš to Thacher Park for a while before the rain starts, especially if they are continuing to dig and work on the apartment on Saturday. Going to rain in the afternoon, โ˜” which will be a good opportunity to read and look at various properties on Zillow.

Off to work shortly, ๐Ÿข one more busy day in the office before the moratorium sets in and then I can focus on more long-time projects for next year. Plus maybe work remote sometimes on Fridays and even Mondays when it’s quiet so I can do so from camp or the library. ๐Ÿ–ฅ

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