Good Evening – August 8, 2021

Good evening! Decided to do a Sunday evening hike to Bennett Hill after visiting the folks. 🚶🏻

Buggy up top of the hill, I’m a bit surprised as there was a better breeze down below. 🐜
Mostly clear and 75 degrees at the Bennett Hill Preserve. There is a south-southeast breeze at 6 mph. 🍃. The dew point is 65 degrees. The muggy weather ends Saturday around 2 pm. 😓

Popular place up here, and not just for the mosquitoes. 👪 I thought I’d have the whole place to my self but no such luck. Still not a half bad way to end the weekend.

I do wish I had gone out to Schoharie for the weekend 🏊🏻‍♂️ as summer is short and the weekend was fairly nice but I’m just still unpacking and unwinding from vacation and come Wednesday I’m going to the Adirondacks I think. Saved forty or so bucks between food 🍲 and gas ⛽ by staying close to home and just doing the bus 🚍 thing to Thacher Park.

I like the hike up Bennett Hill and looking at the heifers at Meadow Brook South Farm and it has cooled off a bit as the evening progressed. 🌃 I also like driving past my parents neighbors the homesteaders and looking at what they are doing with their 10 acres. 🐽 🐮 🐔 Might not be pretty but they’re helping to make a life off the land. Rural poverty, trailer trash? I guess you could say it but it’s also a life closer to the land than how so many live it in the suburbs.

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