Getting fat

Getting fat. 😮

When I went to the doctor the other day when I was weighted in I think the scale read something like 293 lbs. Honestly going to the doctors office during the pandemic was such a freaky activity I didn’t look too closely but I do think I’ve put on weight lately. I am sure I’m no longer the 265 lb I once was or the 245 lb I was during college for a while when I was walking ten miles nearly every day.

Now I don’t normally have snacks at home but I do sometimes snack on frozen fruit. In recent years I’ve been keeping the beer locked up when I’m home but I’ve been known to drink too much milk and apple juice. I should go back to water with lime or apple cider vinger. An even bigger problem is that I often make up too much pasta and despite adding lots of veggies I end up eating much too much mixed with unhealthy mayonnaise and cheese. I like dairy products much too much.

It’s been difficult lately to get enough steps in working from home. It used to be I would do a lot of walking, starting with the walk to the express bus, followed by a lunch time walk then a walk down to the library or park and then my evening walk. I still do my evening walk and many days I’ve been at Five Rivers Environmental Education Center waking but it’s not enough.

Truth be told, I need to get the battery replaced on my bathroom scale and start weighing in daily. I got to cut my calories and pasta mixes, drink more water and less apple juice and milk. Lay off the cheese, walk more. Both parents are heavy and I’ve always been a bit stout but I can do better.

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