Weighted Population of Albany County Towns

Weighted Population of Albany County Towns

This map shows the town center (red) versus the weighted-center of population (blue). For example, Albany's Center of Population is farther east then the center of the city, while Bethlehem's Center of Population is north of center of the town.
I was interested in figuring out how to calculate this out after reading about the Census Bureau's Center of Population (https://www.census.gov/geographies/reference-files/time-series/geo/centers-population.html)
It's not difficult -- literally it's just a population weighted average of x and y coordinates of all the the tabulation blocks in each town.

Why do Farmers Till Soil in the Fall?

Today I answer some questions you have about fall tillage practices. You also get a glimpse into the struggle of trying to get the chisel plowing done in 2019. Hop right in and let’s go for a ride!