Foggy, colorful start to Saturday 🌁

I’m heading up to Indian Lake today to check out the Moose Festival and then ride around the Essex Chain Lakes and do some work at the library. In some ways tomorrow’s programs seem more interesting and the weather better tomorrow but I still think today I want to head up there and tomorrow do Little Otter Lake.

Didn’t stay up that late last night as I was tired 😴 and I awake so early. ⏰ I was out of bed around six o’clock this morning and made coffee and eggs. β˜• Watched the beautiful sunrise πŸŒ… and are getting things tidied up before heading heading up to Indian Lake to ride 🚲 and explore the Great Moose Festival 🦌. Going to be a nice day though ultimately it depends on how clear it is later on in the morning. Yesterday was actually quite warm once the fog burnt off.

Probably walk around the Moose Festival First this morning, 🦌 then go down to the library to do work then ride for the balance of the day. I’ve never been back to Essex Chain Lakes, there is a lot to explore back there. 🐻 Probably will be crowded, but I figure on the bike, I can hopefully avoid the crowds. πŸ‘ͺ We will see how things go.

Not as quite as colorful up north as I hoped, and this morning is a bit cloudy, ☁ but i’m hoping it will improve as the day goes on. Still it’s nice to get away for a bit this weekend, even if it’s a bit of a working weekend as I election day creeps closer and there is always more data jobs to run. But it’s fine, I have my cell service, my laptop and solar power. So things are good.

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