Expressway of Life
“Take your time, think a lot, for you may still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not.”
– Father and Son, Cat Stevens
At age 35 — going on 36 come January — suddenly I’m realizing that I’m getting old. Not that old — still another 30 years until I’m officially a senior, but as time passes more doors close on life, roads not taken are forever gone, just like a missed exit on an expressway. People warn me all the time. Things you can do at 35, will no longer be available in your 40s and 50s, or so I’m told. As life goes on, your list of “permanent disabilities” only grows.
But I’m not ready to give up on the expressway I am on carefully, for some far out dream that I don’t have the resources or the knowledge to fully implement. Usually when you exit the expressway in your life, there is no way to get back on it.