Role of Government


“This seems like a good morning to hold emergency in person public hearings on projects that have been in the planning stages for 7 years now.”

Read the letter the FBI sent MLK to try to convince him to kill himself – Vox

Read the letter the FBI sent MLK to try to convince him to kill himself – Vox

Do they teach children about Martin Luther King and the FBI in school these days?

"We must mark him now, if we have not done so before, as the most dangerous Negro of the future in this Nation from the standpoint of communism, the Negro and national security," FBI Domestic Intelligence Chief William Sullivan wrote in a memo two days later.

I was watching the crowd at the anti-vaccination protest at the Capitol today from my new office that overlooks the Capitol, and I have to say democracy is quite healthy, even if that means you don’t always get your way

I was watching the crowd at the anti-vaccination protest at the Capitol today from my new office that overlooks the Capitol, and I have to say democracy is quite healthy, even if that means you don’t always get your way.

People are out, speaking up, being seen and being heard. That’s key to DEMOCRACY. πŸ—