Role of Government

The kind of infrastructure I support building πŸŒ‰

There is a lot of talk about infrastructure. Usually it involves building big highway bridges, wider roads, new electrical lines, or when they want to throw a bone to the greenies, maybe a stark-itect project like five miles of high speed rail or battery electric buses. Stuff that is great for ribbon cutting by the politicians but not really needed.

That’s all fine and dandy but I think the evidence is American infrastructure as it is pretty good today, we don’t need dramatic upgrades. Maybe some hardening to address climate change or integrate more renewable energy into the grid but there is already existing funding mechanisms to address that. Let individual agencies that have their own revenue sources and know best address these concerns – power companies, Department of Transportation and water authorities – not Washington politicians.

What I do think needs more investing in is the truly public infrastructure – things that can be utilized and enjoyed by all in a largely non consumptive fashion – for no charge or fee.

For example:

  • Supporting free, open source development projects. People should have access to quality, professional and free software that allows them to do advanced data processing and all other tasks to expand knowledge, grow their business and improve their quality of life.
  • Online learning – public colleges should put their lectures and teaching materials completely online. Video steaming, web storage are inexpensive these days and while there are costs associated with both generating and hosting such material – the public benefits of greater knowledge and credentialing exceed any taxpayer costs.
  • Public wilderness and forest areas that are largely primative except maybe for necessary roads, parking and primative campsites. Many of these improvements could be funded via timber and mineral extraction fees
  • Public libraries and free Wi-Fi so anybody can access the internet when they are in the public commons.
  • Public data repositories where government data collected in ordinary duties should be easy to obtain, download and process for all purposes public and private without copyright limitations or fees. If the government can help businesses grow by providing free data to them then they should be providing that data rather than collecting licensing fees.

I don’t believe government should be funding for profit or fee based institutions. Roads have the gas tax, power and water utilities have ratepayers fees. Many developed parks have user fees – if you pay to get in then the government shouldn’t be in the business of subsidizing them.

Let fee institutions decide what they should invest in not Washington Bureaucrats. Keep public funds for public purposes.

Congress and Population Density

Congress and Population Density

There are 106 Democrats with a population density greater then the median Democratic district, while only 12 Republicans with a population density greater then the median Democratic district.

There are 112 Republicans less dense then Median Republican district, but only 24 Democrats in a district less dense then median Republican district.

I am totally looking forward to the New IRC Redistricting Maps for Congress …

If only because it gives me a chance to do some analysis on the blog, crunch some numbers in R studio, make maps and other interesting content to fill space on the blog. People get all political about these kinds of things, but I enjoy just teasing out the data, without taking sides or even dulging into the politics behind all of it. Simple math and analysis.

Local government makes no sense today

Eliminating county and local government a lot of sense…

I am no fan of local government. While I get the desire of communities to have a degree of local control, in modern times where the automobile prevails and development choices impact whole regions, the time is now for more regional government and cutting out of often duplicative local governments. Both municipal and county governments serve no real purpose in the modern age.

It seems like local government agencies have a lot of free time on their hands and taxpayers dollars to waste. Too much taxes, too many elected officials. So much of what they do these days is pass resolutions and meaningless local laws that make political statements about national issues. The few useful things they do are mostly symbolic, allow them to pound their fists in pride, piss off constituents but have no real impact.

There are too many elections, it’s confusing for voters. Rather than electing sixty odd representatives over a period of each four years, if we had only a federal government and maybe a state government then elections could be reduced to ten or less races – and it would make choices much more straightforward and allow people to really understand who they are voting for as their leader.

Getting rid of municipal and county government is not a popular proposition but it’s something that should be considered to save taxpayers money and in the sense of justice and fairness. Each state should have one set of laws and regulations not millions of local laws. Courts and law enforcement should be consistent. Regional variation in justice should not exist.

I get why local government exists, mainly because it’s always existed. But it’s no longer 1800 and it’s really is time for a change.

Still An Evil

Some people I know think government is a force of good. But I’m not sure I agree. I think government may be necessary, and evil sometimes required, but still an evil. We should do everything in our power to shrink our government.

Found my Gadsden Flag in my truck