Role of Government

I am disappointed to hear that the president will propose weakening NEPA today

I am disappointed to hear that the president will propose weakening NEPA today. 🌎

The National Environmental Policy Act is an important environmental law that helps the government review new rules and regulations relating to the use of public land and public resources like the air we breathe and the water we drink. Especially with so many large scale renewable energy projects being proposed and other climate mitigations underway its essential that government policies be carefully reviewed before moving forward and environmental mitigations be implemented to minimize environmental impacts before moving forward.

While undoubtedly NEPA delays and adds costs to large scale projects, mitigating environmental impacts can avoid problems down the road and make our communities a better place to live and work in. Things are changing fast with the climate crisis already underway but caution is needed to avoid further harm and damage. 


Virginia Could Ratify The Equal Rights Amendment. What Comes Next Would Be Murky : NPR

Many advocates for women's rights are watching Virginia closely, as the state's legislature goes into session Wednesday. That's because the Equal Rights Amendment has a good chance of being ratified by Virginia lawmakers.

The ERA nearly passed there last year. The then-Republican-controlled Senate approved the amendment with solid Democratic support, and it was one vote shy of getting a floor vote in the Republican-led House after that. November's elections then swept Democrats into control of both the House and Senate.

If lawmakers pass the ERA this session, Virginia would become the 38th state to ratify it, and an amendment needs 38 states to be fully ratified and added to the U.S. Constitution.

However, it's not clear what would happen after that. Here's what the ERA would do and why its future is so murky.