
Ground Hog Day

Watching the live feed of Ground Hog Day, I am convinced that Punxsutawney Phil was actively encouraged to choose the Shadow scroll by the Ground Hog Club. Clearly it was cloudy and no shadow today.

As Americans, we should rise up against such a stolen prediction. I sure hope President Biden asks the US Supreme Court to review the actions of Punxsutawney Phil and overturn the results of his prediction for spring in six weeks. Americans deserve a fair prediction of how many weeks of winter remain.

#fakenews #stolenprediction #groundhogday #winter

So the Ground Hog Saw His Shadow

So the Ground Hog Saw His Shadow

Regardless, it means we are halfway through winter, and the coldest weather is beyond us. As long as the snow is relegated to the weekdays, when I am safely at work, I am fine with that. I just don’t want an ice storm and risk losing power.


I look forward to more road trips and camping, once it warms up a bit more and there are places I can go that are snow-free. I thought about taking my truck to the car wash, but that didn’t happen because I figured it would be cold and I have  to probably get dirty this weekend.

No shadow, and lots of snow on the way the next few days.


Winter is the shortest season of the year in the northern hemisphere.

On average:
  • Winter 89.0 days
  • Spring 92.8 days
  • Summer 93.6 days
  • Autumn 89.8 days

Three more months of winter ❄

Three more months of winter ❄

Walking out to Five Rivers today in the cold is a reminder of what is ahead – many weekends when the highlight of the week is the walk out to Five Rivers. As the wind whips around and it’s just cold.

April at this point is only three months ahead. It’s not that far away, especially as I try to keep myself busy with my focus on work which often is busy this time of year and I catch the evening or night time local home from work. 

While I might get out a few this winter, usually I stay closer to home and try to save money. I don’t like driving on snow covered roads and many of my favorite places are closed due to seasonal use only roads or parking is difficult due to high snow banks. 

There are a few holiday weekends in January and February, so maybe I’ll have a chance to get away. But often when it’s not snowing in the winter it is terribly cold with the wind.

April always comes. It can be cold too but rarely very snowy. Burn bans and closed roads can be a problem then too but often such things are a nuisance more then a problem.