Automobile Industry

Conserving oil no longer necessary for US, says Trump administration

Conserving oil no longer necessary for US, says Trump administration

"Conserving oil is no longer an economic imperative for the US, the Trump administration has declared in a major new policy statement that threatens to undermine decades of government campaigns for efficient cars and other conservation programs. One analyst critical of the move said it was β€œlike saying, β€˜I’m a big old fat guy, and food prices have dropped – it’s time to start eating again”. He added: β€œThere’s a downside to living large.” The position was outlined in a memo released last month, without fanfare and in support of the administration’s proposal to relax fuel mileage standards."

How the Car Keeps Americans Apart

How the Car Keeps Americans Apart

"Urbanists have long looked at cars as the scourge of great places. Jane Jacobs identified the automobile as the β€œchief destroyer of American communities.” Cars not only clog our roads and cost billions of dollars in time wasted commuting, they are a terrible killer. They caused more than 40,000 deaths in 2017, including of some 6,000 pedestrians and cyclists."

"But in the United States, the car plays a fundamental role in structuring the economy, our daily lives, and the political and social differences that separate us."