

People automatically assume that everybody who really likes playing with fire is a dangerous arsonist who destroys property without rhyme or reason. Yet, it turns out according to studies by a variety of psychiatrists that the lover of fire (the pyromaniac) is much different then the person who sets destructive fires (the arsonist) to buildings and other structures. Let’s investigate.


Arsonists are motivated by many different factors. The most common form of arson is not motivated by mental illness or even a desire to set fire, it’s simply done out of anger or jealousy to another person. Such a person knows the differences between right or wrong, they simply want to avenge some wrong against them.

Much rarer is the arsonist who sets fire simply because of his passion to watch things burn and is too concerned with suiting his own passions to reflect concern on what he is doing to others. That person is a pyromaniac but also a person whose passions overwhelm their commonsense and understanding of the meaning of life and property of others.


Indeed, there are plenty of other pyromaniacs that don’t go to around destroying other people’s properties. Many adult males love to play with fire—they just become firefighters or spend lots of time outdoors using fire in their recreation or camping. They sublime their beliefs into something productive.