

There are 49 Wegmans in New York State, all located in the western half of the state.

Data Source: Retail Food Stores, NYS Ag & Markets,


Real Gross Domestic Product Q4 2012 to Q4 2022

Real Gross Domestic Product Q4 2012 to Q4 2022
Total change in state economic activity over the past decade, in 2012 chained (inflation-adjusted) dollars.
Rank State Change Q4 2012 Q4 2021
1 Utah 49.2% $130b $194b
2 Washington 47.6% $399b $589b
3 Idaho 46.1% $58b $85b
4 Colorado 39.5% $279b $389b
5 Florida 39.1% $779b $1,084b
6 Oregon 38.6% $172b $238b
7 California 35.9% $2,142b $2,911b
8 Georgia 33.4% $447b $597b
9 Texas 32.7% $1,448b $1,921b
10 Arizona 32.5% $272b $360b
11 Nevada 31.0% $128b $168b
12 Tennessee 29.8% $287b $373b
13 South Carolina 29.2% $176b $228b
14 North Carolina 27.5% $442b $564b
15 Maine 23.8% $53b $65b
16 Massachusetts 23.7% $443b $548b
17 New Hampshire 20.5% $69b $83b
18 Nebraska 19.7% $103b $123b
19 Kansas 19.5% $138b $165b
20 Indiana 18.8% $297b $353b
21 Arkansas 18.3% $108b $127b
22 Minnesota 18.0% $298b $352b
23 Montana 17.9% $42b $50b
24 Ohio 17.8% $543b $640b
25 Michigan 16.3% $422b $491b
26 New York 16.3% $1,349b $1,569b
27 Virginia 15.9% $445b $516b
28 District of Columbia 15.9% $112b $130b
29 Kentucky 14.5% $177b $202b
30 Alabama 14.4% $188b $215b
31 New Jersey 13.9% $514b $585b
32 Pennsylvania 13.7% $644b $733b
33 Wisconsin 13.5% $275b $312b
34 Iowa 13.1% $156b $177b
35 Maryland 12.0% $330b $370b
36 South Dakota 12.0% $44b $49b
37 Missouri 11.7% $270b $302b
38 Illinois 11.0% $720b $800b
39 New Mexico 10.8% $86b $96b
40 Oklahoma 10.6% $175b $194b
41 Vermont 10.0% $29b $32b
42 Delaware 9.4% $61b $66b
43 Rhode Island 8.5% $51b $56b
44 Mississippi 6.1% $99b $105b
45 Hawaii 5.5% $72b $76b
46 West Virginia 5.2% $69b $73b
47 Connecticut 5.0% $241b $253b
48 North Dakota 0.3% $53b $54b
49 Wyoming βˆ’3.4% $38b $37b
50 Louisiana βˆ’5.2% $230b $218b
51 Alaska βˆ’12.1% $57b $51b
Andy Arthur, 5/1/23.
Data Source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, Real Gross Domestic Product: All Industry Total in New York [NYRQGSP], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis;, May 1, 2023.